***DAT's Art Cave***

What blue smiley face picture, lol. Your trippin.

This blue Smiley Face Picture! Do you see it?

Thank you so much for the nice words about those shell collages. It’s too expensive to purchase the canvas frames to hang them on to just make them for no where to go. My wall are completely filled with shell art and it’s enough already. I don’t know what’s next. It might be one of those artist blocks and I am thinking about picking up a pencil but just not there yet.
I got a chuckle out of this explaination online .
I don’t have a business but I find the last bullet funny. I remember reading Freda Kalo felt that way about her work and Georgia okeefe. All I need is someone interested to take one off my hands for just a couple humdred bucks. Lol
It's okay to call it quits – to give up your art business – IF:
  • You find yourself making excuses around not making art or marketing it.
  • You keep breaking promises around your business.
  • You repeatedly get physically ill whenever someone criticizes your work.
  • You can't bear the thought of selling your “babies.”

Ah I understand. If you had a shop or something I would probably purchase a circle one.
I don't know if you posted all of the ones you made or not but I didn't see a purple one. Mail me an invoice!

Random question: do you do any painting/art commision projects? I think I saw one you did while clicking through the pages but not 100%.

Anyways you decide to go - it would be cool to see you do some pencil stuff to get some ideas out.

I don't agree with the quitting list much. If you don't feel those things I don't think you would be much of a real artist imo.
Out here selling babies..

Whatever happens, happens. I hope you find what's next best on your list :blsmoke:

Good luck on the Tatt Session! That will be a killer piece haha. It reminds me of the Swamp Thing.

Happy Thursdaze
This blue Smiley Face Picture! Do you see it?

Ah I understand. If you had a shop or something I would probably purchase a circle one.
I don't know if you posted all of the ones you made or not but I didn't see a purple one. Mail me an invoice!

Random question: do you do any painting/art commision projects? I think I saw one you did while clicking through the pages but not 100%.

Anyways you decide to go - it would be cool to see you do some pencil stuff to get some ideas out.

I don't agree with the quitting list much. If you don't feel those things I don't think you would be much of a real artist imo.
Out here selling babies..

Whatever happens, happens. I hope you find what's next best on your list :blsmoke:

Good luck on the Tatt Session! That will be a killer piece haha. It reminds me of the Swamp Thing.

Happy Thursdaze
I don’t have a purple circle. I did do a purple rectangle one and I do commissions.
i have a good feeling about this next tatt.
my shark needs a friend so he will go right next to the shark.
Happy Thurzdaze.
I just feel like crawling back into a shell lately.
Typical of me also......on a long, great roll, then, unpredictably.........nothing. Maybe switch it up......something new, " out of the comfort zone"............some new monsters......surfing......
...........painting.......take a f'ing kite and double to beach and put it way up there in that blue.....just don't start feeling sorry for yourself......,to many things to do. I wanna see your new venture, when it materializes as you think and. stare at your kite in the blue yonder.
Typical of me also......on a long, great roll, then, unpredictably.........nothing. Maybe switch it up......something new, " out of the comfort zone"............some new monsters......surfing......
...........painting.......take a f'ing kite and double to beach and put it way up there in that blue.....just don't start feeling sorry for yourself......,to many things to do. I wanna see your new venture, when it materializes as you think and. stare at your kite in the blue yonder.
The Gilman came out so awesome . It was crazy ! So she finished it snd I look down and the eyes and mouth are bright orange. I was like hell yeah, that looks sick. It was the blood mixed in with the yellow. Then the thunder and lightening came and the fucking sky opened up. We walked through the water in the streets and alleys and got soaked. It was like walking through the black lagoon. He came ALIVe!! It’s super bright green and yellow and looks so good with the blue and orange of the grim reaper.