I once got a freebie of some chitosan and I don't know if I over used it or what but everything started throwing 3 finger leaves and I was like woahhhhh damn!!! Hahaha

I use megacrop as my base nute which already has chitosan in it so I am guessing I threw off the ratio. Sounds like some awesome stuff though. Especially if your base doesn't have it. This way you can control when to apply it.
Its hard to overdo it with Chitosan but it will drop the pH to the floor. Just something to be mindful of

What is their full company name or website? Never heard of them

At first my slow ass thought you were talking about the airlines or the virus :bigjoint: :bigjoint:
This cracked me up. And airlines have been in the news a lot lately. I wouldnt fly right now unless it was an absolute necessity. Too many miserable peeps out there letting off steam mid flight.

Delta Leaf: Plant DNA Testing and Genetic Analysis (
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Chitosan Oligosaccharide I was the first on the forums to use it and told everyone about it ICMAG.... be careful with with it though... it can force plants to hermie if you over do it..... The no color in the stems is another sign to look out for ... in all honesty ICC has become the new purple punch aka Blue dream out here in SoCal.... nobody wants it in packs anymore ... everyone and their Uncle has or is growing it atm... for personal smoke I guess it doesnt matter... its dank
Chitosan Oligosaccharide I was the first on the forums to use it and told everyone about it ICMAG.... be careful with with it though... it can force plants to hermie if you over do it..... The no color in the stems is another sign to look out for ... in all honesty ICC has become the new purple punch aka Blue dream out here in SoCal.... nobody wants it in packs anymore ... everyone and their Uncle has or is growing it atm... for personal smoke I guess it doesnt matter... its dank
Do you recall what the target PPM is for Chitosan Oligosaccharide? The last stock batch I tried to mix jelled. That was quite a while ago and I havent used it since. I amend with insect frass now but I'd like to use the CO I have left on the outdoor plants.
I used a teaspoon a gallon across the board… Foliar or mixed in nutes… I mix the chitosan separately in a protein shake mixer … shake it up and let it sit for a little bit and repeat until it’s all perfect liquid…
Do you recall what the target PPM is for Chitosan Oligosaccharide? The last stock batch I tried to mix jelled. That was quite a while ago and I havent used it since. I amend with insect frass now but I'd like to use the CO I have left on the outdoor plants.
Yeah, I remember it was very thick. Was like squeezing an almost empty ketchup bottle getting it out of the dripper. I don't know what happened. For some reason it shocked the hell out of my plants and they started throwing 3 finger leaves. All of them. I must have used it wrong or tried to see if they would adapt.
Looking for PPP Pure power plant and some of the old school planetary Martian Candy Pluto Saturn Neptune any help would be definitely appreciate if you could point me in the right direction needed for a project don’t need quantity.. just Quality ✅
It’s everywhere lol
The key is start of clean and then keep it clean. Both take effort. Testing everything in the area. Tossing anything that is contaminated. Testing again in 2 week intervals if anything in your garden is contaminated. Washing hands thoroughly before going in the garden. Washing tools thoroughly although once your garden is clean this wont be as much of an issue. I believe somewhere I read there is an aphid that can possibly transmit the disease but not sure on that one but regardless maintaining good ipm helps there.
And if you do bring in genetics, make sure you quarantine and test. This should take at least 2 weeks if not more. Testing strains multiple times at intervals.
If all the clone distributors did this on strainly we would see a huge reduction in the HPLvD being passed around. It is a hard pill for some to swallow because of the genetics they may have to give up but screw that. Why keep around something that duds for the possibility that it doesn't and the probability that it screws everything else?
This virus can be weeded out in the clone industry. The scary side is the seed industry has not developed any testing for it in seed stock so there is the 10% chance that seeds popped are contaminated. That should be where they look to next. Preserve the breeding stock. That is the livelihood of all the strains to come.