hemp depot? joey weed seeds?

I ordered some of the Joey Weed seeds C99 back about 10 years ago or better from hemp depot, and they never arrived. i was bummed, cause I really heard good things about his C99, but never tried ordering again.
That could have been when Canada shut them all down. He was reputable
Joey weed got his start with heaven stairway seeds. Selling on cbay auction that was hosted by heaven stairway. After emery got busted about 2 months later the rcmp took heaven stairway down and seized all. All private breeders on cbay were not effected.
Joey seeds were then available from hemp depot and no where else that I know of.
Joey is a quiet guy who never got into drama. Has sold the same lineup since cbay auction days. Just a little history that I remember.
I’ve been ordering from hemp depot for almost 20 years, never had an issue with them.

Joey used to sell some other Brothers Grimm stuff, like Sugar Blossoms, but I haven’t seen them posted in years.
Joey weed got his start with heaven stairway seeds. Selling on cbay auction that was hosted by heaven stairway. After emery got busted about 2 months later the rcmp took heaven stairway down and seized all. All private breeders on cbay were not effected.
Joey seeds were then available from hemp depot and no where else that I know of.
Joey is a quiet guy who never got into drama. Has sold the same lineup since cbay auction days. Just a little history that I remember.
Ya I couldn’t remember the name Heavens Stairway. That’s where I bought from. They were great
Ya I couldn’t remember the name Heavens Stairway. That’s where I bought from. They were great
We drove 4 hours to get there from Detroit back in 97 . Actually met Joey Weed there. I have like 6 of his c99 seeds left from that day . Probably would not grow now but the ones that I did grow were roughly 40 days till done and had only 1 pineapple pheno out of the bunch . I always thought the place was called" Stairway to Heaven " We looked it up in the back of High Times magazine and decided to go there and try our luck at getting seeds across the Canadian border which ended up being No big deal . Those were the days . I always tell people that what is coming out of the brothers grimm seeds as c99 that is going 9 and 10 weeks is definitely not C99 ? I know they supposedly made it but I tried to Dm them to ask questions and they blocked me straight away ? Joey Weed definitely had the real deal C99 back in the day . She had an overwhelming sativa buzz that was just short of annoying but the fruut flavor made you want more. Super unique plan in my opinion . Sorry just wanted to add my experience lol