Should you cut off fan leaves during flower( a simple poll just yea or no please)

Any from a peer-reviewed journal? Referring to that article in particular as bullshit conclusively shows you haven't a clue or an understanding of basic scientific principles.

What's your opinion on gravity?

As someone who works in clinical research, I always enjoy these types of people. Nothing you tell them or show them is right its always: No no, dozens of peer reviewed journals are wrong. I read this on and they tell you the real truth. All those people with polio and so on were government plants to control our minds.
As someone who works in clinical research, I always enjoy these types of people. Nothing you tell them or show them is right its always: No no, dozens of peer reviewed journals are wrong. I read this on and they tell you the real truth. All those people with polio and so on were government plants to control our minds.
It always amazes me how someone with the bare minimum of required education knows more than those that hold a few graduate degrees in the field. I don't fall for an appeal to authority argument but I can't believe that the vast majority of educated professionals are having some sort of conspiracy perpetrated on or by them.
Your instincts are no match for medical science. I was fully vaccinated as a child and the last group to get the Small Pox vaccine. Mainly because the disease was put to rest due to vaccinations. None of those vaccines killed me nor the people around me however many non vaccinated folk have died because of following their instincts instead of science. I love how people say things like wake up, they say this not realizing they survived because most around them did the right thing. Herd immunity was developed in spite of those who only think of themselves and refused to do their part. It is sad that even with a world wide pandemic that has recorded 4.31 million deaths, and those are just the recorded ones, that people still carry on like the government is trying something nefarious. I would not blindly trust any government but in this case they are right, people should get their vaccines. Fingers crossed you continue to be lucky and neither you nor your children have to die for your anti medical science stance.
Medical science as you call it is a worldwide scam using people’s fears to make money . Big pharma and the government are the enemy. A few people on a weed board can’t change my beliefs I’m sorry it bothers you .
I had heart failure for 8 years, an lvad and then heart transplant in the last 10 so I'm definitely pro pharma. Amazing medical advances that they just give out to any joe schmo that believe in it or not. Great time to be alive
For those that would like to know what an IVAD is:

Congratulations! My old job was mostly north of the heart. I'm so glad you're still here. It is a pretty amazing time to be here.
Not to sound like even more of a sick head guys but I make almost 900 grand in a year..and have no educated past high school,built my house at age 22 and I have a beautiful wife and kids that are healthy and very very smart. And I still consider myself somewhat young..I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but if acts ok with all of you I’m going’s to keep doing it my way
It has really been a fun ride. It’s everyone against me just the way I like it
Against you? Oh no, mostly I'm saddened at the waste of quality of life and the tragedy that could befall your children. Ignorance is a sad and sometimes unavoidable thing but cultivating it as a virtue is tragic especially when innocents are in the mix.

I have zero ill will toward you I just hope you're not the origin of the next variant of high consequence for humanity's sake.
Medical science as you call it is a worldwide scam using people’s fears to make money . Big pharma and the government are the enemy. A few people on a weed board can’t change my beliefs I’m sorry it bothers you .
Oh I know, it's not till they hook guys like you up to ventilators that you change your tune. As I sit here in my office at one of the 3 hospitals I cover I have to wonder about the so called scam. All the sick folk here must be accomplices. I guess when they removed that tumor from my back a month ago that it was also a scam. You're right, it does bother me. It bothers me that people risk something as precious as life. It bothers me that those same people risk the lives of innocent children. Anyway best of luck to you. While I find your stance ignorant and selfish I still hope you or your children don't end up like this guy.
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For those that would like to know what an IVAD is:

Congratulations! My old job was mostly north of the heart. I'm so glad you're still here. It is a pretty amazing time to be here.
Here's what I had. Luckily it was only for 6 weeks before I got a heart. Was weird you had to plug yourself in or you would die. Even had a cigarette lighter adapter lol
Oh I know, it's not till they hook guys like you up to ventilators that you change your tune. As I sit here in my office at one of the 3 hospitals I cover I have to wonder about the so called scam. All the sick folk here must be accomplices. I guess when they removed that tumor from my back a month ago that it was also a scam. You're right, it does bother me. It bothers me that people risk something as precious as life. It bothers me that those same people risk the lives of innocent children. Anyway best of luck to you. While I find your stance ignorant and selfish I still hope you or your children don't end up like this guy.
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I know that somebody like me must bother somebody in your line of work. I just do things differently,that doesn’t always have to be an argument but it always is :( my kids are so so healthy man I’m telling you. And so am I and I’m very ok with that even it it bothers everyone. I know what has been working my whole life:)
Against you? Oh no, mostly I'm saddened at the waste of quality of life and the tragedy that could befall your children. Ignorance is a sad and sometimes unavoidable thing but cultivating it as a virtue is tragic especially when innocents are in the mix.

I have zero ill will toward you I just hope you're not the origin of the next variant of high consequence for humanity's sake.
Waste of quality of life???my kids don’t get sick and they live in the great outdoors…they have an amazing life their quality of life can’t get a lot better:) I am very proud of the life I created man . Can’t rain on my parade sorry ✌️
I know that somebody like me must bother somebody in your line of work. I just do things differently,that doesn’t always have to be an argument but it always is :( my kids are so so healthy man I’m telling you. And so am I and I’m very ok with that even it it bothers everyone. I know what has been working my whole life:)
Until you get a chronic illness out of nowhere. Everyone is invincible until they aren't