Bear’s Kitchen: a T&T foodie thread

Many years ago I got grounded for weather for a year one weekend in Bakersfield, CA at Meadows Field. I now drive quickly and expeditiously through Bakersfield and don't slow down until after Fresno, just sayin'.
Not saying I'm innocent, after sitting in 2+hrs of mind numbing, frustrating LA traffic just to get to the Newhall pass, (55 mi) I happily add to the speed & mayhem once I clear Mojave.
Not saying I'm innocent, after sitting in 2+hrs of mind numbing, frustrating LA traffic just to get to the Newhall pass, (55 mi) I happily add to the speed & mayhem once I clear Mojave.
I still don't get the traffic thing - almost no hang-ups here other than the occasional accident.
Never had an issue up north but then our top speed was 55 for only about 2 miles.