what is wrong with my plant


i saw one of my branches wilting while all others were doing just fine, and it was kind of rotting? or something at the base of the branch. pulled it off very easily, and idk what it is and if it could spread or something, and if so what should i do


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Consider cleaning the wound and wrapping the exposed stalk up. Might not be a bad idea to put something on the wound to discourage fungus and other stuff that likes to get a foothold in a wound.
So the branch just died and was rotten inside? Did you inspect inside the stem to see if it was a stem borer?

So the branch just died and was rotten inside? Did you inspect inside the stem to see if it was a stem borer?

yeh it was dead and rotten-ish from the base, checked in the stem and didnt find anything, but it looked like a disease or something anyway
Consider cleaning the wound and wrapping the exposed stalk up. Might not be a bad idea to put something on the wound to discourage fungus and other stuff that likes to get a foothold in a wound.
wym clean cause idk how i could do that, just scrape the rest off with a knife¿ or something
i saw one of my branches wilting while all others were doing just fine, and it was kind of rotting? or something at the base of the branch. pulled it off very easily, and idk what it is and if it could spread or something, and if so what should i do
Add honey or aloe to wound, both if you got it. Some branches just die off, not sure why but happens pretty often. Mostly large plants. Should be fine after wound dries.
I use honey like neosporin for plants.. Antifungal, antibacterial..
so the problem came up again so i cleaned it up and put some honey on it, should i cover the 'wound' up with something or do you just leave em like that


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Yes, A bandage is needed.. A layer of beeswax would also help..
Treat plant wounds like human wounds..
This seems like a problem that shouldnt keep happening imo. Something is causing that , thats what you need to find and treat
Are the limbs on the ground when you discover this? Im thinking you might have an animal or rodent issue. That looks chewed.
Are the limbs on the ground when you discover this? Im thinking you might have an animal or rodent issue. That looks chewed.
sorry for the late reply i didnt get a notification for some reason. the branch had mold so i had to cut it off with a knife, thats why it looks so chewed. it didnt help anyway so ill just have to cut it off all together