Any pro tips for this beauty that just started preflowering this week?

Believe it or not this gal was conceived on accident. No clue where or how the seed found it's way into my buddy's backyard. This is the result of unmolested all natural growth. Meaning zero fertilizer, hell wasn't even watered other than from mother nature's natural rainfall. My question is....what could we do to maximize yield and bud quality this late in the game? Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated as neither one of us has successfully grown from seed to harvest, we're both noobs. Someone on social media suggested "low stress training" basically by tying everything as low to the ground as possible? Creating more light penetration? Thoughts and suggestions? Thank you in advance!



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Believe it or not this gal was conceived on accident. No clue where or how the seed found it's way into my buddy's backyard. This is the result of unmolested all natural growth. Meaning zero fertilizer, hell wasn't even watered other than from mother nature's natural rainfall. My question is....what could we do to maximize yield and bud quality this late in the game? Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated as neither one of us has successfully grown from seed to harvest, we're both noobs. Someone on social media suggested "low stress training" basically by tying everything as low to the ground as possible? Creating more light penetration? Thoughts and suggestions? Thank you in advance!
You're outside I'd just let it go. Look into mildew, budworms and budrot to be ready. Do you see any pistils on it?
Nice plant but where’d you get that garden gnome next to it poor lil guy is getting to much shade….jk nice job
Bahahaha garden gnome! That's a first! I'm usually called something like leprechaun or red on the head like a $#^# on a poddle, although not so much now that I've lost most hair up top......thank God! I always hated that one lol

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Always angle your selfie with an over the shoulder from below accents your rear or so I hear



Well-Known Member
For sure! Can't wait to see what she'll yield! I know it's impossible to tell with what little information there is about her but any educated guesses on the yield?
But in all seriousness keep her healthy n watch out for mold n it should be plenty for you n ur buddy to split