Vegetative to flowering??


Active Member
These plants are 26 days old. The problem started after forced into flowering stage. It was the very next day after 24 hrs of no light then 12/12. The top leaves are curling down on edges and look darker. Little back ground- for the germination I used 5-55-17 diluted down and then switched to 20-20-20 with trace elements and was also told to mix in 8 ounces of urine/ 1 gal H2O for more nitrogen. PH was always kept in 6.0-6.2 range. Have always used hydrogenperoxide based foods. And now for the flowering stage I am using higher levels of Phoshorus around the 10-20-10 range diluted no urine. I was going to use 5-55-17 again but I was going to bring it up slowly. Any ideas are appreciated. These were the best pics I could get to download onto this computer, sorry. If more info is needed let me know. The temp is always 77-80`F during light hrs and 70-75`F at dark hrs. I'm leaning toward a phosphorus deficiency and maybe they will come back after I bump up the fertilizer. I'm not sure.



Well-Known Member
Not sure what the problem is... but it doesn't look very severe. Anyway, never give plants urine. Maybe this is due to the urine... but it seems like it would've shown up sooner.

1. Urine contains WAY too much Nitrogen.
2. Urine contains Ammonia (very toxic for plants).


Well-Known Member
hey rambler is your cat stoned?
No, that is the "I just woke up" look. My cat hates pot smoke. He'll leave the room if I'm smoking.

He'll eat a pot plant in a heartbeat, though. I accidentally locked him in the room with a plant one night and that plant is now no more.

He looks harmless, but he's not. Oh, no, he's most definitely not. :)



Active Member
These plants are 27 days old total. I forced them into flowering 3 days ago. As far as the urine thanks for the info but like you said I would have seen this earlier I would think. Could it just be from the lack of light for 24 hrs? And my watering schedule is as needed. Generally I stick my finger in the soil and if it is damp 1.5 inches from top of soil I leave it alone until it seems to be dry farther down. I was warned about stem rot due over watering. The lights are as follows. I have two 400W metal halide bulbs and two high pressure sodium bulbs in a hps fixture (same wattage) and I used mh in veg stage and hps in flowering. So I did just change the bulb too. Could that be it? The lights are about 2.5 feet away and I did watch for stretching and it hasn't been an issue. As far as the PH it has been maintained at 6.0-6.2. I am a chemical operator and I have all the testing equipment. I adjust PH up with sodium hydroxide and down with phosphoric. And I did start with sterilized soil.


Active Member
One other detail, not sure if this matters but I use RO water (reverse osmosis). It goes thru carbon filter media, then sand and finally 1 micron filter. It is pure clean water. No iron, copper, chlorine, or sediments. It comes off a system at my work at 7.2 PH and I adjust down. Then I run 5 galllons thru a filter disk (0.5 micron)and then do an iron test and chlorine test just to be sure. Am I going too far. It might sound like a lot but I can have 55 gals in about 15 minutes. Its not that hard.


Active Member
whats crazy to me is that people are so hard up for smoke, that they veg for 2 weeks and then flower. patience is key with growing these plants. crack heads


Active Member
whats crazy to me is that people are so hard up for smoke, that they veg for 2 weeks and then flower. patience is key with growing these plants. crack heads
You must have something beyond patience, especially digging up 4 year old threads to troll in!