different landrace species from different times


Well-Known Member
can someomne explain my why it s called columbian gold 70 s columbian 80 s, or oaxacan 70 s , panama 70s???? aren t they the same, or i may be a little bit confused, altough this may sound funny to some please understand i m a newbie:))), no harsh comm please:)
No, none of them are the same, but most strains that breeders today claim is Colombian / Gold, isn't. It's really just a Mexican strain that was introduced to the region by the Spaniards in the late 15th century, and the Spaniards got it from Indonesia in the early 14th century, so most landrace strains from South America, truly originate from the Aceh Region of Indonesia, which is the rarest of all landrace strains. But in order for any plant to be considered Colombian / Gold, it must originate from the Santa Marta mountains of Colombia, where it has always been known as Santa Marta!
No, none of them are the same, but most strains that breeders today claim is Colombian / Gold, isn't. It's really just a Mexican strain that was introduced to the region by the Spaniards in the late 15th century, and the Spaniards got it from Indonesia in the early 14th century, so most landrace strains from South America, truly originate from the Aceh Region of Indonesia, which is the rarest of all landrace strains. But in order for any plant to be considered Colombian / Gold, it must originate from the Santa Marta mountains of Colombia, where it has always been known as Santa Marta!
that s realy sad actually, so basically some of them are a mexican strain with trippy effects with the name "colombian gold", right?i found a site wich i ve heard is the most close to the original one https://www.landraceseeds.co.uk/product-page/colombian-gold-1970s anyway thaks for ur knowledge and response!
Even if they came from the same place originally I’m sure 700 years has evolved them into vastly different plants.

I didn’t know Spain was traveling with seeds that far back. Land races are awesome.
Er hmmm...

The North American colonies were THE largest producers of Hemp and marijuana, it was actually ILLEGAL NOT TO grow it as a farmer to supply the Crown, it was actually Crown Law. Specifically, the British Crown.

In 1619, America’s first hemp law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia, “ordering” all farmers to “make tryal of “(grow) Indian hempseed. More mandatory (must-grow) hemp cultivation laws were enacted in Massachusetts in 1631, in Connecticut in 1632 and in the Chesapeake Colonies into the mid-1700s.

But The Brits were not the only ones who used their American colonies and slaves to grow hemp, for without it, there would be no sails, rope or shipping by ANY country, PERIOD. Each ship took 10's of 1000's of feet of rope and cord.
Just trying to be real

Bah, if you want that old weed, just back breed it with some shitty hemp, and when you harvest it, just throw it in a pile on the ground and let the sun bake it for a week or two....

Man... Some of the shit I smoked... I just know it was done like this back then.
I've been growing Mexican sativas for about 20 years or so and I've found cultivars that were degenerated originals, now useless, a lot of mediocre cultivars, and a couple that I've adopted and also crossed. As an example of a degenerated original, I came across a strand that was very trippy and potent, but useless in practical terms. It was unisex. Every plant grew male and female flowers simultaneously. Produced huge seed loads and no bud to speak of. Notable for being an extremely foxtailed form with fluffy bud. The Oaxaca, I crossed with Black Domina from Nirvana Seeds and made a hybrid, I've been growing it ever since. It's F2 seed so amusingly, besides the hybrids, a few Black Dominas and Oaxacas also appear. The lime green plant next to the door at the back is Oaxaca. It's been vegging since March and just beginning to flower.


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I've been growing Mexican sativas for about 20 years or so and I've found cultivars that were degenerated originals, now useless, a lot of mediocre cultivars, and a couple that I've adopted and also crossed. As an example of a degenerated original, I came across a strand that was very trippy and potent, but useless in practical terms. It was unisex. Every plant grew male and female flowers simultaneously. Produced huge seed loads and no bud to speak of. Notable for being an extremely foxtailed form with fluffy bud. The Oaxaca, I crossed with Black Domina from Nirvana Seeds and made a hybrid, I've been growing it ever since. It's F2 seed so amusingly, besides the hybrids, a few Black Dominas and Oaxacas also appear. The lime green plant next to the door at the back is Oaxaca. It's been vegging since March and just beginning to flower.

I see 0 “sativa” traits in any of the plants you posted a picture of. Welcome to RIU by the way
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can someomne explain my why it s called columbian gold 70 s columbian 80 s, or oaxacan 70 s , panama 70s???? aren t they the same, or i may be a little bit confused, altough this may sound funny to some please understand i m a newbie:))), no harsh comm please:)
It is as simple as its name. Chem 91 refers to a specific cut which can sometimes be named by when it was found or the timeframe.

To have the original genetics means someone has grown it since that time or kept viable seeds from that era. They are truly special and Herb and Suds is correct imo.

Some new strains have made some of the beloved old strains obsolete. That is progress.

The rest are mostly mud, combinations of great strains that don't follow the math of a×b=ab. More like a×b=c, a lesser version of either or both strains.
Same thing has happened with Tomatoes over the 1000 years... The original strains can't be found and would probably be useless even if they could be found.
And like the dispensaries...the tomatoes from the grocery store look good and do what a tomato does, but the actual quality is so poor. You have to go to a home grower to get ones that are really high quality.

Heirloom tomatoes, which match up perfectly to cannabis, are long held strains of tomatoes not necessarily of known origins.
And like the dispensaries...the tomatoes from the grocery store look good and do what a tomato does, but the actual quality is so poor. You have to go to a home grower to get ones that are really high quality.

Heirloom tomatoes, which match up perfectly to cannabis, are long held strains of tomatoes not necessarily of known origins.

Have you ever read the story about how Corn was developed over the years?

It actually was NOT corn, it was grass. The story I was told was that the indians saw it as a sacred plant for 1000's of years and kept breeding it selectively. (I'm thinking it produced a grain or rice.) And kept breeding and breeding until we got ears of corn.

It's' a pretty cool story. I read about it on the internet years and years ago or I watched a some documentary on it, so I don't remember all the details.

Oh and as far as "home grown tomatoes", couldn't agree more. Home growers have different priorities than mass producers.

(IN fact, this conversation is timely, before I harvested I had someone on here telling me that my plant had another 5 weeks to go.. He claimed that he has had them scientifically tested for when peak harvest time was, etc etc etc etc.... I realized that as a dispensary owner and grower, he has total different priorities than I have with my one little plant.

People should realize on here that there are some folks who are promoting the idea that we can't grow as well as these big guys, that everything we do is subpar... because that is THEIR priority, they WANT your money. They don't want you spending money on lights and grow equipment when that money could be in THEIR pockets instead. So there will be people on here who's sole interest is to discourage home grows.

These same ASSHOLES, tried to buy off our governor from preventing homegrows but we the "voters" said NO FUCKING WAY will Cuomo pass a law that won't allow us to grow.

THAT is the real reason it took 4 years in NY, because Cuomo didn't want homegrows.

Then I read months later that these big dispensary grows out in Nevada, California, etc etc,, all have moldy buds and they're SELLING THAT SHIT!!!!

I get mold in my bud, the dispensary owner is getting his ass kicked, just like ANY dealer would.
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I've been growing Mexican sativas for about 20 years or so and I've found cultivars that were degenerated originals, now useless, a lot of mediocre cultivars, and a couple that I've adopted and also crossed. As an example of a degenerated original, I came across a strand that was very trippy and potent, but useless in practical terms. It was unisex. Every plant grew male and female flowers simultaneously. Produced huge seed loads and no bud to speak of. Notable for being an extremely foxtailed form with fluffy bud. The Oaxaca, I crossed with Black Domina from Nirvana Seeds and made a hybrid, I've been growing it ever since. It's F2 seed so amusingly, besides the hybrids, a few Black Dominas and Oaxacas also appear. The lime green plant next to the door at the back is Oaxaca. It's been vegging since March and just beginning to flower.
That's impressive. I hybridized some mexican sativas in the mid 90's with good results. I wish I had saved more seeds and spread the genetics around. Never really had any problem with herms though. Once I'm able to have room for multiple mother plants I really want to put some more effort into growing and hybridizing some of those nice old landrace strains.
Have you ever read the story about how Corn was developed over the years?

It actually was NOT corn, it was grass. The story I was told was that the indians saw it as a sacred plant for 1000's of years and kept breeding it selectively. (I'm thinking it produced a grain or rice.) And kept breeding and breeding until we got ears of corn.

It's' a pretty cool story. I read about it on the internet years and years ago or I watched a some documentary on it, so I don't remember all the details.

Oh and as far as "home grown tomatoes", couldn't agree more. Home growers have different priorities than mass producers.

(IN fact, this conversation is timely, before I harvested I had someone on here telling me that my plant had another 5 weeks to go.. He claimed that he has had them scientifically tested for when peak harvest time was, etc etc etc etc.... I realized that as a dispensary owner and grower, he has total different priorities than I have with my one little plant.

People should realize on here that there are some folks who are promoting the idea that we can't grow as well as these big guys, that everything we do is subpar... because that is THEIR priority, they WANT your money. They don't want you spending money on lights and grow equipment when that money could be in THEIR pockets instead. So there will be people on here who's sole interest is to discourage home grows.

These same ASSHOLES, tried to buy off our governor from preventing homegrows but we the "voters" said NO FUCKING WAY will Cuomo pass a law that won't allow us to grow.

THAT is the real reason it took 4 years in NY, because Cuomo didn't want homegrows.

Then I read months later that these big dispensary grows out in Nevada, California, etc etc,, all have moldy buds and they're SELLING THAT SHIT!!!!

I get mold in my bud, the dispensary owner is getting his ass kicked, just like ANY dealer would.
The slow rollout of legalization in most states is hilarious to watch. Especially those laws where the cultivators beg, plead and bribe the Reps to NOT let there be home grows.

I agree totally the stores try to create a superiority complex vs home grows. And let's be honest, a lot of home grows do suck compared to stores. And the best home grows crush anything I've seen at stores across the country.

I had no idea how corn came about and a good stoned story is the best imo.

Stores in Vegas and throughout Cali have breathtaking quality available. Make no mistake. They also are full of decent bud that isnt special. But they dont sell moldy garbage at least not anymore, competition is big.

There is a very addictive quality to store bud, where tolerance rises really fast as you smoke it. I'm not sure what that is exactly, but it's real. I have never gotten a jaw dropper from a store, but I have decades under my belt from the pre-store days to compare to. Many epic home grows.
The problem with Vegas is the bud is basically powder dry most of the time.

it was amazing having a bong hit of nice fresh weed for the first time in years when I finally harvested my first plant.
The problem with Vegas is the bud is basically powder dry most of the time.

it was amazing having a bong hit of nice fresh weed for the first time in years when I finally harvested my first plant.


Its dry everywhere, only a few times has something with a little moisture been passed across the counter. I personally believe THAT is the game.

Dry = lower weight, higher thc test #s, guarantee no mold. Add a plant harvested early, and you have their recipe for store success. Oh and sell tiny little pieces mostly too lol, ones most would set aside for processing (again, because they harvest early). They get a very pretty result harvesting early with a fast and thorough dry to the bone...they can package it indefinitely and it stays mediocre.
Even if they came from the same place originally I’m sure 700 years has evolved them into vastly different plants.

I didn’t know Spain was traveling with seeds that far back. Land races are awesome.
That’s how they made rope eh? Hemp.