who is the most talented?

Too many variables....Besides...seems like those who know how to grow spend all their time arguing amongst themselves for us (non master growers) to know how "good" they actually are.
Videoman is the most helpful here.
Mogie is the nicest.
Fdd2blk is in a tie with KindPricess as the most knowledgable.................
AL B knows a lot too, but he can have an attitude about it.
In my humble opinion.
and if you tried some of my fresh harvested bud, you'd agree
I am the most talented. LOL
Roseman, i shall volunteer myself to science and be the guinea pig. Please send some "freshly harvested bud" ASAP so we may test it and declare you the winner.
Define "best grower". Are we saying who can grow the most? Are we saying who can grow the best? Are we saying who's grown the most exotic, difficult strains? Are we saying who has the most encyclopedic knowledge of how to grow? Are we saying who's had the most different grows under their belt? Are we saying who has the post posts on this site (some think that's an indication of knowledge)?
Roseman, i shall volunteer myself to science and be the guinea pig. Please send some "freshly harvested bud" ASAP so we may test it and declare you the winner.

I second that! I'll take one for the team and judge who is the best, it may take a while to try them all but I think I can do it!:eyesmoke:
^^^ Thats the Ticket! We two brave souls will sacrifice ourselves to this scientific/research endeavor. after which my partner MR2 will test pharmaceutical grade Shampoos and beauty products while I take notes. JK
Lotta good growers here.Few right off tops maybe RobbyT he gets lbs of 3-4 plants inside.Fdd has some nice outdoor grows Ive looked at.Al B has some good indoor stuff going on.Video has some good things cooking over by him also.Sp those in the top areas Id say
Thank you all for declaring me the winner. really, i couldnt have done it with out your support. i want to thank my fans and my family. too kind, too kind!
JESUS himself, your good lords son, is the best. is dad made the weed, he farms it, we have no chance on that one guys and girls;)

besides that, fdd videoman and mogie are 3 pretty damn good souls on this forum, so for people without divine status they rule;)
you know, i had a reason for asking....


i forgot.


to the up above; my question actually pertains to who can grow with no problems start to finish.

hmmmm, i know there was a reason for me making this thread.... going to smoke a bowl; maybe i'll remember.
