Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

tackling someone from behind while they’re mowing the lawn is far from beating the shit out of someone. More akin to a sucker punch

Hopefully it was worth the prison time, and the 500k
My guess is that whoever is 'neighbors' to a family of wealthy cons like the Pauls, they could afford it.
The problem with the meme is too many people will believe and try it, "Look, the guberment got four of them trackers on my car and the spare tire has one too"! There will be many morons with flat tires, Jesus imagine if Trump was still on social media and posted that meme! :lol:
Sure would put a damper on the moron parades.

I’m pretty sure Paul is the only guy in the neighbourhood mowing his own lawn.

Good fences make good neighbours.
He should have paid cash to a big guy with a baseball bat for professional results, he might have gotten away with it. Some guy in a mask shows up at his house and hits a home run off Rand's head then disappears...
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He should have paid cash to a big guy with a baseball bat for professional results, he might have gotten away with it. Some guy in a mask shows up at his house and hits a home run off Rand's head then disappears...

agreed..but when you see red? and that fvcker Paul is just the one that would push you over the edge. so he can run like a coward squealing. did this guy have any priors? wonder what his actual sentence was?