BK’s shit show

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u got an opinion on autos yet? with your setup and skills i cant see any reason to run autos...i never had much luck with them personally. also how many runs of the rozay did u do and why did u stop?
Wow those roots are something else in those flora flex pots! Will be fun to watch them full out in their new home.

Those orange diesel autos look like they have great structure and are chugging in those half gallon pots!
Wow those roots are something else in those flora flex pots! Will be fun to watch them full out in their new home.

Those orange diesel autos look like they have great structure and are chugging in those half gallon pots!

Thanks man. I still don’t know why I germinated them with no plan for them. Now they get their own light and veg nutes until harvest I guess.
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