So I ended up having to meet another one of our drivers at a truckstop to switch trailers, I'm heading back to the yard and done for the day after this. I need to get my 34 hour reset because I'm doing a relay and heading out Sunday morning. I'll be going to North Platte, Nebraska from our yard in Grand Rapids, MI. I won't make it there in one driving shift, I know I can make it to Omaha though. I'll stay there overnight and roll out in the morning. Gravy run, I'm bringing back a load of apples from Yakima, Washington to Coloma, Michigan

Oh I hope it's a load of Pink Lady apples lol, if so, I'm going to grab a couple 2 or 3 out of the trailer before I get to the customer.

Here's some sweet cattle hauler trucks I'm parked by right now
Made it to Omaha, 9 hours 43 minutes. I got hung up in some construction on I-80. I still have 1 hour 17 minutes left of drive time and I know I could make it a little more west to Lincoln, but I have a real good parking spot where I'm at right now, so I'll just shut down here

There's a Wendy's inside the Love's here, I got classic 1/2 lb combo for supper

I stopped for my 30 minute break at Iowa 80 THE WORLDS LARGEST TRUCKSTOP, I took a couple pictures and I bought a new steering wheel cover. That truckstop is huge and has so much cool stuff for trucks

Here's a pic on the way here, headed west on I-280 crossing over the Mississippi River at Illinois/Iowa line

Iowa 80 truckstop

Here's some better pics of that yellow Peterbilt

My new steering wheel cover I customized my truck lol
yo blu,

how would you rate them pills against, lets say a monster or cup of coffee.......asking for a friend ;)

Cheaper than Monster or Red Bull. You don't want to take more than 1 every 2-3 hours or you get shitty side effects. I never even take more than 2 per day. I would say one capsule is equal to 1 Monster or 2 cups of coffee. Yeah and they don't make you need to piss all the time like liquids do.
Shut down for the night at Love's in Newton, IA. Had to stop, I was hungry, real talk

I have an installment today of "The Truckstop Gourmet"

Today we're making steak fajita quesadillas on the George Foreman grill, ok


Weapon of choice

Step by step pic tutorial
1. Layer cheese on tortilla shell

2. Add steak

3. Layer more cheese

4. Top with tortilla shell
5. Close grill and heat approximately 2 minutes. Serve with Chipotle sauce or taco sauce

The driver I relayed to scored two bags of Pink Lady apples from Yakima for me. The guys at the apple farm are real cool to us, we go there a couple times a week so they'll just give us apples if we ask.

Look at these beautiful apples!

I have a question

Sometimes when a rig is slow to pass (I generally do not drive fast and stay right) I’ll give a quick flick of the high beams to signal that the back of the trailer is safely past me.

Sometimes the trucker will, after lane change, give 2 to 3 flashes of the hazard lights.

What does this mean?
Much obliged, Thank You.

"Much Obliged" is an acknowledgement that the recipient of the kindness or courtesy is now obligated to return the favor, or pass it along to a 3rd person when they are in a position to do so. It's a kind of cowboy karma. It's a hokey version of the more informal (between good friends) "thanks, I owe you one!"

I have a question

Sometimes when a rig is slow to pass (I generally do not drive fast and stay right) I’ll give a quick flick of the high beams to signal that the back of the trailer is safely past me.

Sometimes the trucker will, after lane change, give 2 to 3 flashes of the hazard lights.

What does this mean?

It's a thank you for letting me pass or letting me know I'm clear to get over

I wish all drivers were polite as you, @cannabineer
Much obliged, Thank You.

"Much Obliged" is an acknowledgement that the recipient of the kindness or courtesy is now obligated to return the favor, or pass it along to a 3rd person when they are in a position to do so. It's a kind of cowboy karma. It's a hokey version of the more informal (between good friends) "thanks, I owe you one!"
Then I must've scored some major trucker karma when I flashed and held the Left lane for a trucker- in rush hour traffic. But really, I just figure I'm helping out a working stiff get to his next paycheck.