Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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but when did he get it? i think pre March or thereabouts.
Dunno when he got it, old Murdoch was first in line, went to the UK to get in line early on. Tucker strikes me as someone who got his pink little ass vaxxed as early as he could, he just sells bullshit to suckers for ratings and vanity.
but when did he get it? i think pre March or thereabouts.
Your best guess would be, his age and his state. Roll out was tightly controlled by age in most places at the beginning of the roll out. I'm pretty sure Tucker would have went for one when his number came up, he won't even admit he's vaccinated, it would ruin his act.

So, Tuck is 52 and lives in DC.
This is being carried by local TV stations and newspapers nationwide, yet some here are stupid enough to think the news that is all around them is fake. Even as friends and family succumb and die of covid it makes little difference to some who are beyond reason and adaptation. That's what all this anti mask and vaccine bullshit is all about, ignorance and poor mental health, a failure to learn and adapt to a changing situation is a sure sign of poor mental health. Most of these reluctant unvaxxed stupid cunts have no idea what is about to hit them squarely between the eyes.
Demand for COVID vaccines increases in Nashville

While vaccine hesitancy has been high, many hold-outs are starting to change their minds.
Fauci: Amount of virus in breakthrough delta cases 'almost identical' to unvaccinated
Anthony Fauci, President Biden's chief medical adviser, on Sunday discussed new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data that showed the levels of coronavirus in breakthrough cases of the delta variant among those who are fully vaccinated are "almost identical" to the levels seen among unvaccinated individuals.
Appearing on CBS's "Face the Nation," Fauci stressed that the majority of breakthrough cases involving the delta variant saw "minimal symptoms or no symptoms at all."

"What we learned that's new, John, in answer to your question, is that when you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of people who are vaccinated who get breakthrough infections, it's really quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasopharynx of unvaccinated people who get infected," Fauci said.

The nasopharynx is part of the nasal cavity located above the back of the throat. Fauci stated that it was "troubling" to find that the level of virus from the delta variant in both vaccinated and unvaccinated people is "really quite similar, almost identical."
According to Fauci, these findings differ from what was observed in cases involving the previously dominant alpha variant.

"So we know now that vaccinated people who get breakthrough infections can spread the virus to other people," Fauci said. "The fundamental basis for the CDC modifying their guidelines and saying now, 'If you're an area of a high or substantial trend of level of virus, namely a red or an orange zone, when you're in an indoor public setting, you need to wear a mask.' That's the fundamental reason for that change."
I got the Pfizer jab back in April. I ventured out to a gathering of about 40 people unmasked for the first time since the pandemic started. Went to an outdoor 4th of July party in my neighborhood. No mask and 4 days later got my ass kicked by Covid 19. Still not fully recovered as of 8/1/2021. A bunch of vaccinated people at that gathering aslo got sick and tested positive.
I got the Pfizer jab back in April. I ventured out to a gathering of about 40 people unmasked for the first time since the pandemic started. Went to an outdoor 4th of July party in my neighborhood. No mask and 4 days later got my ass kicked by Covid 19. Still not fully recovered as of 8/1/2021. A bunch of vaccinated people at that gathering aslo got sick and tested positive.
I'm sick of lying internet trolls.
He might be but I took it as a cautionary tale. We know vaccinated people can spread the delta variant.

Even though I’m fully vaccinated I wear a mask and keep socially distant when I’m out. I’m still acting like it’s last year.
Me too, his story is in line with media reports, but his timeline is off, delta never really hit until later, but ya never know, they still don't do as much genetic testing for variants in the states as most other places. In any case the tale rings true as of late with the delta variant, many vaxxed are getting covid, but few are getting seriously ill or being hospitalized, they can spread it though.
Dunno when he got it, old Murdoch was first in line, went to the UK to get in line early on. Tucker strikes me as someone who got his pink little ass vaxxed as early as he could, he just sells bullshit to suckers for ratings and vanity.
Hey DIY ive got a question for you.. can you message me? Its led question.
I got the Pfizer jab back in April. I ventured out to a gathering of about 40 people unmasked for the first time since the pandemic started. Went to an outdoor 4th of July party in my neighborhood. No mask and 4 days later got my ass kicked by Covid 19. Still not fully recovered as of 8/1/2021. A bunch of vaccinated people at that gathering aslo got sick and tested positive.

can you imagine what you'd feel like if you didn't get the vaccine?

it is considered successful if you didn't have to be admitted to the hospital or are dead.
Maybe in red states with low vax rates they should mix in opioids and speed, their choice, with the vaccine to drive up rates in some rural counties!
'Mind boggling' data about the unvaccinated and Covid-19

CNN's Harry Enten looks at the data around the Covid-19 vaccine that shows that you have a 25 times greater chance of dying from Covid-19 if you are unvaccinated and that those who are vaccinated have more than a 99% chance of surviving a infection.
'Mind boggling' data about the unvaccinated and Covid-19

CNN's Harry Enten looks at the data around the Covid-19 vaccine that shows that you have a 25 times greater chance of dying from Covid-19 if you are unvaccinated and that those who are vaccinated have more than a 99% chance of surviving a infection.
The carrier has nonoparticulates and could be toxic, lll wait a while longer thanks, self isolation isnt all bad. Imo. Canadian news is closer to truth when health canada involved or making statements. Not sure ld trust 100% mind you.
The carrier has nonoparticulates and could be toxic, lll wait a while longer thanks, self isolation isnt all bad. Imo. Canadian news is closer to truth when health canada involved or making statements. Not sure ld trust 100% mind you.
Where are you getting your information?

The mRNA vaccines have liposomes, nano sized fat bubbles made from a variety of fat molecules. These encase the mRNA strands to stabilize and protect them, the fats are broken down and metabolized.

There is a ton of data and hundreds of millions have been vaccinated, the risk is minimal from the vaccine and much higher from covid. When covid reproduces it often fucks up and produces lot's of weird proteins and protein fragments, getting covid is a lottery, you have no idea how you will react. FFS at least take a couple of thousand IUs of vitamin D daily with a fatty meal, if you are young and strong your odds are good. One other thing, 1 in3 people who get covid have long term effects or maiming, also IQ scores are significantly reduced for many covid survivors.

Roll the dice? Maybe harmful Nano particles (from dubious sources) vs the shit storm of possibilities (most of them bad) getting covid presents? Then there's giving covid to others and burdening the healthcare system (and my taxes!) and the medical people who might care for you.