What did you accomplish today?

Port Protection.

Most of the Alaskan reality shows are 95% BS - the Mountain men series of the dudes up there are about as close to real as they get.
I was taught how to trap in the interior by a guy much like "Marty" - that guy knows his shit!
Why you gotta ruin my dream bro! Lol. J/K of course them shows are BS but it sure is the way i’d love to live the rest of my life.
I always love dating nurses, they always had the best drugs and could patch you up after a bad night.
I dated a chick in monterey ca for 2 yrs. she was a Latina from North Carolina in town because she was a radiologist in demand there. Was getting paid fat. Had the most bitchen condo on the bay.
I love Latinas. A latina with a southern accent? OMG do i miss her. She was so bad ass.
I always love dating nurses, they always had the best drugs and could patch you up after a bad night.
I dated a few nursing students and nurses too.

I used to have a key to the nursing dormitory. Getting in was easy.
Sneaking out was always exhilarating.
Sexy Nurse waving animated emoticon

Sneaking Out GIFs | Tenor
Last week we converted a small bedroom to a laundry, tearing out the carpet and putting down vinyl plank.

Today I ran new plumbing, supply and drain, for the washer and rewired for the dryer and moved the exhaust vent..
And moved the machines upstairs from the garage as well.


Assistance was offered.

I worked an accelerated schedule to get it done.

HENRY CAVILL, The thing is - I work better alone. [x] | Henry cavill, The  man from uncle, Actors
I brought my green-cheeked conure home today

I'm pretty sure it's a hen, I hope so since I'm naming it Hazel

She's still getting accustomed to her new surroundings- the first thing she did when I put her in her new cage was to try to take a bath in the water bowl, so I gave her a bigger bowl of water on the bottom of the cage and she jumped right in it

My wife's parrot has been saying "hi" to her
I’ve had all i can take with fire dude.
The problem is there isn't anyplace you can move to that is immune from wildfires. Even Alaska has huge ones.

Been trying to tap out some holes on the radiator support for mounting bolts. I'm about ready to say f@k it and order some nutserts and be done with it. I gave up on trying to use the existing mount holes by positioning the support for clearance, I was running into more issues the more I tried.
Last week we converted a small bedroom to a laundry, tearing out the carpet and putting down vinyl plank.

Today I ran new plumbing, supply and drain, for the washer and rewired for the dryer and moved the exhaust vent..
And moved the machines upstairs from the garage as well.


Assistance was offered.

I worked an accelerated schedule to get it done.

HENRY CAVILL, The thing is - I work better alone. [x] | Henry cavill, The  man from uncle, Actors
Ahh that explains a lot :hug:
I'm sure some people wished I worked alone. I honestly would have preferred it. Unfortunately life is a team sport ;(
The problem is there isn't anyplace you can move to that is immune from wildfires. Even Alaska has huge ones.

Been trying to tap out some holes on the radiator support for mounting bolts. I'm about ready to say f@k it and order some nutserts and be done with it. I gave up on trying to use the existing mount holes by positioning the support for clearance, I was running into more issues the more I tried.
No wildfires here to speak of, but you might get flooded. And frozen. But if Aero likes the cold of Alaska, NY would work....and you could buy 100 acres of rural land here for 50-100k still....and labor is probably 1/2 the cost of CA labor.

And no problem selling all the pounds you can grow, for more than you are getting now most likely.

I did mention frozen though, right?? About half the year (it seems)!! August is here....that means the end of summer :-(
I picked up a bluegill, bass and a manatee that I've been working on. I dig and process all clay used for projects. I've always fired in the "pit", but heard of an old man, way out there on top of a hill that specializes in Raku.........paid him a visit and set up a session....I was pleased. However, I prefer keeping it real simple, primitive ( he use fuel burning kiln). Fun time. The man was a dude.20210801_112024.jpg20210801_122805.jpg20210801_122644.jpg20210801_122429.jpg