Spider Mites!

lol i dont know how safe it was to the plants i fucked up 2 leafs on one plant out of 7 i used hot shot foggers i almost died doing this but i dont see life anywhere in my back yard i killed every bug set off 8 of those foggers and there wasnt anything live on my plants :hump:
lol i dont know how safe it was to the plants i fucked up 2 leafs on one plant out of 7 i used hot shot foggers i almost died doing this but i dont see life anywhere in my back yard i killed every bug set off 8 of those foggers and there wasnt anything live on my plants :hump:

LOL, you did that out side? Besides the enviromental impact, sounds like it may work.
But those foggers can't be cheap!

OK, this is a pretty old thread of mine and I have had further battles with mights since I first started up this thread, but all is under control in the garden these days. I found a product called "pure spray" very easy and non-toxic product that seems to do the job very well, and not cause very much leaf burn, stink up the room "organocide" "neem" and not still not be nasty toxic "avid". I just ordered a bottle of floramite, and will check it out if I get another out break. They say that if you use one product to long that the mites build up a resistance to what it is that you are using, so we will see if they ever get used to the pure spray, and if they do.....Floramite is next on the list for bug killin....GL to you all!
lol hot shot foggers are 11dollars for 4 foggers lol i killled everything in my backyard yes outside burned few leafs but hey those fuckers were taking over
i use a combination of lady bug poulations(mine even breed the young look like black aligators but also eat parasites) and praying mantises spider mites never have a chance i always have good bugs around regardless of problems therfore i dont get spider mite problems. i also use neem oil(einstein) and a pyrethrin/canola oil blend for adults and eggs i spray before i flower the vegetating plants whether they appear to have bugs or not. some lady bugs die by light but i dont loose too many this way maybe because my fans make it hard for them to fly to the bulb. i plan on testing predatory mites also they look promisising they and others can be found at orcon.com:joint:
there is a quick working solution, ive used it, killed the mites and the eggs so no reinfestation. product is called plant vitality+ i got it from ebay, was very cheap for a working product and the best ive ever used, infact id not use anything else now ! picked the plants up as well they seemed to grow more..the mites dropped off in seconds ! was amazed, the only thing ive ever seen that does was it meant to do. !!
Guys, I have read 6 pages of ways to get rid of Spider Mites and only one person had the easy way. NO PEST STRIPS!!!! It's as easy as that. I had a small outbreak after my No Pest Strip expired. As soon as I placed another one, they are gone. Granted, I did treat immediately with Pyretrins and will give the 2nd treatment this weekend but I am telling you, NO PEST STRIP is the way to go. If you are in flower, just remove it as soon as they are gone.
i sprayed my plants week ago with floromite and i seee mites but they dont move seeem dead is this normal????

LOL, yeah thats about what you want to see....

Guys, I have read 6 pages of ways to get rid of Spider Mites and only one person had the easy way. NO PEST STRIPS!!!! It's as easy as that. I had a small outbreak after my No Pest Strip expired. As soon as I placed another one, they are gone. Granted, I did treat immediately with Pyretrins and will give the 2nd treatment this weekend but I am telling you, NO PEST STRIP is the way to go. If you are in flower, just remove it as soon as they are gone.

Man, I wish the bugs in my area where as sensitive as the bugs you are dealing with...I can lay a NO PEST STRIP directly on a plant and If I use a scope, I believe I could watch mites breed on the damb thing! But hey, I hope it keeps working for ya!
what some people dont know is there are more than 1 type of spider mite some are worse than others and harder to kill. also sometimes people have thrips and think there mites but thrips are easier to kill also. neem oil/pyrethrum is best for any of the above then i add lady bugs no more mites.
hahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha to fucking funny lolololololol , FLORAMITE SC is working for you thats awesome :) and again about the no pest strips lolol :P
spider mites build an immunity to neem oil/pyrethrum and so on and then you have fucking super mites!!!!!!!,i tried every thing accept for avid and floramite sc which i keep reading works the first time and your done with them !! just very toxic