The appliance box thing might be your best option.
I always try to keep my drying herb as close to 50% relative humidity as I can get.
I've experimented with a lot of different methods.
If you allow the humidity to drop too far, you will lose terps and trichomes as it gets all crumbly on the outside.
It will also turn powdery when it is cured and taken from it's storage.
However you manage it, keep the herb at as close to 50% RH as you can, until it is dried enough to store, then put it away long term with 58% humidity packs.
The key is in keeping the herb as close to a uniform humidity as you can, and make it take as long as possible to dry without going below 50% RH.
Don't let it go above 70% RH while drying, or it will slump and completely ruin your bag appeal as well as affecting taste.
If you manage to keep your herb around 50% RH until it is ready to cure (still moist in the very center, but dried 1/2 way through), you can generally go directly to the cure without too much burping. You must still be aware spikes could happen, and burp as necessary until fluctuations stop happening.
This will give you buds that hold their RH level for a couple days outside a storage container, so you can open the storage container less frequently.
Buds dried too fast give you crumbly buds after a few hours from the storage container. Even after rehydrating with humidity packs.
Buds dried too slowly can mold.
No one can see the density levels of your buds, so it all falls on you to make educated guesses, because no on likes a second rate product after all the work you've done to grow it.
Dense buds are best dried much slower with a keen eye towards burping jars.
Fluffy buds will dry faster and go to the cure much quicker with less burping.
Plan, and allow your buds to cure for AT LEAST a month, for best results.
There is a chemical reaction taking place during the cure that is not visible, where THCA is being chemically broken down into THC.
Fresher herb is more medicinal, whereas cured herb is stronger.
Let your buds cure for your pride's sake.