Getting the most of your autoflower seeds


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips about getting the most out of your autoflowers? This is my first time growing auto's but I am a seasoned indoor grower of hydroponics. Was wondering if anyone has any tips about getting the most out of them, by that I mean any tips on getting them to grow as large as possible (from sprouting to early growth etc. to finishing as big as possible)?

IMO based on everything I've seen and read, they really seem to do the best indoors. Thicker buds, quicker times, etc. Just from what I've seen and read.

In terms of outdoor, the only advice i could give would be to stay diligent on pest mgmt, and always water regularly. They're "day neutral" so the intensity of light should matter, but not the duration.
Alot has to do with genetics. And good genetics granted, maximum yield result is gonna still be dependent on timing your planting. If you put them outdoors before the solstice, but past 12/12, they're gonna get the ideal hormones to veg somewhat vs just being a one bud on a stick... At 40 parallel for me, this would mean popping seed in april. If they're good auto flowers and don't just flip off the bat anyways (many do and some out of a large crop always will lollipop like that), you'll get them transplanted out for a solid month of veg before the solstice. Later than that, and you're going to get less out of them.
Its the amount of rain and the fact they are in different pots, yeah.

Doesn't this slow them down and have them produce less, considering they have a typical seed to finish time? I always LST & top photo's indoors, but that is mostly due to my 30 plant limit.
No, it doesn’t. LST is just gently bend the plant over and pulling down branches. You’re not super cropping, topping…thats a no no for autos. LST exposes more growth sites to light, increasing the amount of budsites
You’re not super cropping, topping…thats a no no for autos.
That's incorrect.

If you want to get the most out of your autos, join the autoflower network and listen to those that grow autos. Mainlining (if done correctly) will give you symmetrical bud formation without having to deal with popcorn buds. A lot of people think that it can't be done with autos and a lot of people are wrong in that assumption. Here's part one of a great four part series on mainlining autos.