Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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In California, 12-year olds can get the HPV vax without parent's consent. Yes, the parents are often asked to sign consent forms, but it is not required. At a certain age of your child (12 or 13, I forget), you are actually restricted from viewing portions of your child's medical records without your child's consent, believe it or not.
Ya that’s crazy re no permission required. We waited till our daughter was 14 and still had to authorize it. Not sure if that’s still the case.
'I've had enough': Readers are furious at vaccine refusers - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

Letters to the Editor: ‘I’ve had enough’: Readers are furious at vaccine refusers
An example:

To the editor: I am not going to waste a single breath trying to convince people to get vaccinated. If you have weighed all the facts and arrived at the conclusion that vaccination is not right for you, so be it.

But Los Angeles County’s indoor mask mandate is back because COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are growing. Funny thing about that: Virtually all of the people in the hospital are unvaccinated.

So, to the people choosing not to be vaccinated, I ask you to live up to the conclusion you arrived at regarding this virus and stop going to the hospital.

Our problem isn’t that you’re unvaccinated (it’s actually the problem, but evidently there’s nothing we can do about it); rather, our problem is you keep going to the hospital when you become sick. The hospital then has to test you, and that sets off a chain of reporting and public health policies and then, just like that, we all have to wear masks again.

All I ask is that if you believe COVID-19 isn’t deadly enough to endure a needle prick to the arm, then slug it out at home if you get a little fever or some tightness in the chest. Stick to your guns here. If you don’t believe the pandemic is serious, then quit filling the hospital with a disease you don’t even believe in. You’ll be fine (according to you).

Jeffrey Foley, Santa Monica
This is basically where we’ve come too. Free choice but with choice comes consequences. Freedom used to mean much more than having the inconvenience of wearing a mask to save others.
This is basically where we’ve come too. Free choice but with choice comes consequences. Freedom used to mean much more than having the inconvenience of wearing a mask to save others.
If someone is in a car accident or has a heart attack and these assholes are taking up an ICU bed, they are helping to kill them, just like having the highly contagious delta covid means you spread it to others. If you are vaccinated you can wear a cloth surgical mask to protect yourself a bit, but mainly to protect others, only an N-95 will do for personal protection with the delta variant. The fact that many of those who are vaccinated might get mild or asymptomatic cases is very bad news for the unvaxxed, even though they will shed less virus for a shorter period of time. Some models are predicting a dire October in low vax areas, but with the speed that delta spreads I think that's gonna happen sooner.

This is largely a pandemic of the ignorant and stupid now (in North America), or soon it will be when everyone who wants one is vaxxed up, many immunocompromised vulnerable might be protected with effective antibody therapies that offer 3 months protection. There's nothing that can be done to protect young children yet though and we should mask up for their sake alone.

Symptomatic breakthrough COVID-19 infections rare, CDC data estimates
Breakthroughs are expected and represent about 0.098% of those fully vaccinated.

Although reports of breakthrough COVID-19 cases occurring among fully vaccinated Americans are garnering much attention, as the country experiences a viral resurgence, new data illustrates just how rare these breakthrough infections are likely to be, and further shows that the vast majority of those becoming severely ill are the unvaccinated.

“While anecdotal cases and clusters can conjure concern around the vaccine, when put in the larger context of how many people have been vaccinated and the sheer volume of cases in the unvaccinated population, we recognize that the vaccines are working and how rare breakthroughs actually are,” said Dr. John Brownstein, the chief innovation officer at Boston Children's Hospital and an ABC News contributor.

With more than 156 million Americans fully vaccinated, nationwide, approximately 153,000 symptomatic breakthrough cases are estimated to have occurred as of last week, representing approximately 0.098% of those fully vaccinated, according to an unpublished internal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention document obtained by ABC News. These estimates reflect only the adult population and do not include asymptomatic breakthrough infections.

MORE: Statistics show the stark risks of not getting vaccinated against COVID-19

Substantial vaccination coverage amid increasing COVID-19 case rates are driving an increase in "expected" symptomatic breakthrough infections in recent weeks, the CDC wrote in the document.

Experts stress that no vaccine can provide 100% protection, but they are still very effective at preventing severe illness and death.

“The risk to fully vaccinated people is dramatically less than that to unvaccinated individuals. The occurrence of breakthrough cases is expected and, at this point, is not at a level that should raise any concerns about the performance of the currently available vaccines,” Matthew Ferrari, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Pennsylvania State University, told ABC News.

“Some vaccinated folks may still get infected, some may still transmit. And the more vaccinated people there are, the more breakthrough cases we’ll see,” he added.

MORE: Why breakthrough COVID-19 infections don't mean the vaccine isn't working
Coronavirus cases are now at their highest point since early May, according to CDC data, with the U.S. average nearly quadrupling since June to 47,000 new cases a day, largely driven by the highly infectious delta variant, which now accounts for more than 83% of new cases nationwide.

Virus-related hospitalizations have also increased, with more than 27,000 patients hospitalized around the country, though that number is still significantly lower than in January, when over 125,000 patients were receiving care at one time.

Delta has a hundred million unvaccinated Americans to burn through. If you've been vaccinated and have a case of the sniffles, you probably won't bother to line up for covid testing.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb says U.S. delta-driven Covid spike could peak in 3 weeks, following U.K. pattern
  • Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Monday he believes Covid cases in the U.K. have “peaked” after a delta variant-related rise.
  • That has implications for the U.S. as America battles its own surge in coronavirus infections, the former FDA chief said.
  • “If the U.K. is turning the corner, it’s a pretty good indication that maybe we’re further into this than we think,” he said.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Monday he expects rising U.S. coronavirus cases, linked to the highly transmissible delta variant, to start declining in the next two to three weeks, pointing to the U.K.’s fall in infections as evidence for what may play out in America.

England’s experience during the pandemic has been viewed a harbinger for the U.S. and other countries, offering insight into how new strains of the virus may spread later on.

“I think the more observable trend is what’s going on in the United Kingdom, where cases are clearly coming down at this point. There’s a very clear trend down. It seems like they’ve peaked,” Gottlieb said in an interview on “Squawk Box.”

The U.K.’s seven-day average of new infections reached roughly 47,700 on July 18, after a steady increase beginning in late May, according to government data. Cases have started to fall in recent days, with 29,173 being reported Sunday.

“If the U.K. is turning the corner, it’s a pretty good indication that maybe we’re further into this than we think and maybe we’re two or three weeks away from starting to see our own plateau here in the United States,” said Gottlieb, who led the Food and Drug Administration commissioner from 2017 to 2019 in the Trump administration.

One reason for Gottlieb’s view is the coronavirus testing landscape in the U.S. is different than it was at earlier stages in the pandemic. For example, he said the results of at-home testing that’s now available may not be reported to health authorities, so “we’re not capturing all of our positive tests.”

“A lot of the people who are becoming symptomatic are becoming more mildly symptomatic because they’re younger people or they’re people who have been vaccinated and just become asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. So those people aren’t presenting for testing,” added Gottlieb, who serves on the board of Covid vaccine maker Pfizer.

According to a CNBC analysis of Johns Hopkins University data, the weekly average of new daily Covid infections in the U.S. is nearly 52,000. That’s up 61% from a one week ago. As recently as July 5, the nation’s seven-day average of new daily infections was just below 12,000.
Ya that’s crazy re no permission required. We waited till our daughter was 14 and still had to authorize it. Not sure if that’s still the case.
My daughter is 13 and I can't even view her medical records now, because I haven't yet asked her to give her consent to our medical provider. My wife had to go through a process to view them herself, and I believe that she's still restricted on some aspects. I guess it's so teens can get birth control and stuff without getting trouble by their parents or something.
My daughter is 13 and I can't even view her medical records now, because I haven't yet asked her to give her consent to our medical provider. My wife had to go through a process to view them herself, and I believe that she's still restricted on some aspects. I guess it's so teens can get birth control and stuff without getting trouble by their parents or something.

This just seems so backwards. So are children the responsibility of their parent or guardian up until 18? I understand the reality some parents are stricter than others on the bc subject, but I can’t wrap my head around you somehow being kept in the dark about her medical records/procedures if she’s a minor
This just seems so backwards. So are children the responsibility of their parent or guardian up until 18? I understand the reality some parents are stricter than others on the bc subject, but I can’t wrap my head around you somehow being kept in the dark about her medical records/procedures if she’s a minor
Really you don't see something like say child abuse being a very good reason for doctor patient confidentiality applying to a kids best interest too?
Really you don't see something like say child abuse being a very good reason for doctor patient confidentiality applying to a kids best interest too?

Would it require doctor patient confidentiality for a child to report abuse? That sounds like a specific channel of the subject to address. @PJ Diaz did say “portions of your child’s records” so I wonder what you can and can’t see. My response was on the HPV vaccine subject.

Generally speaking though I’m of the mind children should not make medical decisions for themselves
Would it require doctor patient confidentiality for a child to report abuse? That sounds like a specific channel of the subject to address. @PJ Diaz did say “portions of your child’s records” so I wonder what you can and can’t see. My response was on the HPV vaccine subject.

Generally speaking though I’m of the mind children should not make medical decisions for themselves
No but a kid talking to their doctor about it might appreciate not catching a beating when they get home for 'embarrassing' them when the doctor asked about the bruises.

As for vaccines. It is a safe extremely effective way to stop a disease from ruining their health for life.

Parents keeping their kids unsafe because they got radicalized online, if that is something that doctors can indeed do and not just more trolling nonsense, I could see the benefit of them having agency over their bodies.
No but a kid talking to their doctor about it might appreciate not catching a beating when they get home for 'embarrassing' them when the doctor asked about the bruises.

As for vaccines. It is a safe extremely effective way to stop a disease from ruining their health for life.

Parents keeping their kids unsafe because they got radicalized online, if that is something that doctors can indeed do and not just more trolling nonsense, I could see the benefit of them having agency over their bodies.

Huh? I’m all for vaccines I just mean a parent should be able to request medical records to see what vaccines they’ve received. Also a child shouldn’t be able to opt out of a vaccine their parent is trying to have administered
Huh? I’m all for vaccines I just mean a parent should be able to request medical records to see what vaccines they’ve received. Also a child shouldn’t be able to opt out of a vaccine their parent is trying to have administered
Are you sure you can't?
I am not. I don’t know what specific limitations parents have in California (I think that’s where PJ is) to view their children’s records. If it’s all blocked or only certain things. I wonder who decides
Im guessing the people who wrote the laws/ones who hold them to them.
No but a kid talking to their doctor about it might appreciate not catching a beating when they get home for 'embarrassing' them when the doctor asked about the bruises.

As for vaccines. It is a safe extremely effective way to stop a disease from ruining their health for life.
I didn’t give it a thought because we were very open and left it to them to choose while accepting their choice.

Parents keeping their kids unsafe because they got radicalized online, if that is something that doctors can indeed do and not just more trolling nonsense, I could see the benefit of them having agency over their bodies.
Actually I’m pretty sure by law doctors have to report any suspected abuse. Not sure how you took this from there to here. But yes the BC and other personal choice things are probably best kept confidential, now that I think about it.
Actually I’m pretty sure by law doctors have to report any suspected abuse. Not sure how you took this from there to here. But yes the BC and other personal choice things are probably best kept confidential, now that I think about it.

Good point about having to report abuse.

I was also thinking of kids of Jehovah Witnesses having the choice to do things like saving their lives by getting blood transfusions over their parents wishes and things like that too.