***DAT's Art Cave***

You seem to damn happy! That's a beautiful thing. Nature can be quite the turn on....so much out there...........it's my "religion" versus a cult........
I have been wanting to see some manatees for a while and got really lucky today seeing them swim underneath us while we stood on the wooden bridge. The scars are so sad. The big paddle tail is so amazing and all the algae growing in their backs is so wild . Gentle giants and so playful and affectionate. E471D5E0-3844-4FE2-9EF1-46692706DDD4.jpegF190D40D-BD8E-42AF-9FE3-FF314BD181BA.jpeg
Great touch...I think it gives more dimension, like the sun banging it's photons off particulate in the water
.....the beautiful "shimmer", the dancing of points of ligts....the glitter animates, to me. Your a busy tellurian.
Thanks! I was getting so discouraged with trying to wire wrap my shark teeth. The people on you tube make it look so easy and they go so fast . After watching like 10 videos and trying their methods I gave up and came up with my own approach . I know it’s not great but it is secure. I also made this pearl combo necklace but it looks too cheesy and cheap so took it apart and sending back the pearls. 96CF5D18-0FC7-437A-AD2D-90E88BCE196D.jpegB1F5B533-0686-47BA-975D-D5DA4983D799.jpegFB0303F5-FD0A-4C81-9B47-459C73C6FE4F.jpeg
Thanks! I was getting so discouraged with trying to wire wrap my shark teeth. The people on you tube make it look so easy and they go so fast . After watching like 10 videos and trying their methods I gave up and came up with my own approach . I know it’s not great but it is secure. I also made this pearl combo necklace but it looks too cheesy and cheap so took it apart and sending back the pearls. View attachment 4950831View attachment 4950832View attachment 4950833
They look great.....that "wire" is very tricky for me....I can't get that perfect wrap....guess I need more practice......then again, the non-perfect wrap gives a different, more primal look that I like....what type wire on Megalodon necklace?
They look great.....that "wire" is very tricky for me....I can't get that perfect wrap....guess I need more practice......then again, the non-perfect wrap gives a different, more primal look that I like....what type wire on Megalodon necklace?
It takes patience and practice . I was so close to giving up but then after success with the big tooth I got some much needed confidence and pushed on and wrapped a set of earrings and pendant small conchs . I need to get some like 24 gauge wire for my tiny shark teeth.
It takes patience and practice . I was so close to giving up but then after success with the big tooth I got some much needed confidence and pushed on and wrapped a set of earrings and pendant small conchs . I need to get some like 24 gauge wire for my tiny shark teeth.
View attachment 4950920View attachment 4950924
Nice job attaching shells to wire....nature has quite the inventory of beautiful objects to work with.....f Jared's, Zales and all those cookie cutter jewelry stores.....just my opinion, I think they are so f'ing ......ho-hum.........and no creativity on our part.
It takes patience and practice . I was so close to giving up but then after success with the big tooth I got some much needed confidence and pushed on and wrapped a set of earrings and pendant small conchs . I need to get some like 24 gauge wire for my tiny shark teeth.
View attachment 4950920View attachment 4950924
I make ironwood oriental type fences for my flower beds....been trying to attach the horizontal poles to post with copper wire....thought the resulting patina maybe a good contrast.....just can't get a nice,clean wrap....tried different gauges........so......I use twine....maybe next year I'll have more luck.....practice,right?
Yeah n
I make ironwood oriental type fences for my flower beds....been trying to attach the horizontal poles to post with copper wire....thought the resulting patina maybe a good contrast.....just can't get a nice,clean wrap....tried different gauges........so......I use twine....maybe next year I'll have more luck.....practice,right?
Yeah next year you will have more luck.
i have a sketch going with these shells and this painted background . I ordered some orange glitter to apply to the finish of the painting. I am pretty excited about this one . It has a wild tribal feel to it. 521C6E73-32C5-44AB-91CD-173A1CAAECE2.jpegC6D08932-4537-429A-A548-02F66B4562AA.jpeg
Amazing - the first pic suggest colours of the sun ( close up)in my minds eye … second pic shape and form of cave paintings of the sun loving the glow in the dark scrog frame ….☮
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