Would like to see the smoke report on this for sure!
While we wait for his smoke report, I've got this one I made several years ago. It is in a thread in ICMag
Hi, I'm translating a smoke test I made some years ago in a Spanish forum. I'll keep the original format.
Strain: Taskenti.
Seedbank/Breeder: Cannabiogen/Kaiki
Grower: carraxe
Test date: 20/04/2015 but the seeds come from a pack bought in 2008 (maybe one year up or down)
Buds: little and round
Pistils: brown, short and discreet.
Calyx/flower ratio and looks: compact clusters of flowers, but leaves around are packed with resin.
Trichomes: many, and very little ones.
Presence of seeds? No

Weight: about a gram
Hardness: Firm. Not specially hard.
Smell whole bud: very subtle weed smell. Near no smell, this is the opposite to these weeds that reek. Nice for indoor because of that.
Smell grinded bud: subtle smell to eucalyptus, mint, pine. Kind of a bit creamy, not aggressive at all. Some aromatic point (rosemary? thyme?)
Taste without combustion: menthol - eucalyptol. It leaves a spicy feeling in the tongue, similar to that of these old mint-flavoured cigarettes, but not that strong.
Means: Joint made with very well ground bud only. Cardboard filter.
Burning aroma: after smoking I went out of the smoking room for a while. After entering back, what I smell is a very natural odor to burnt weed. Nothing sweet, nothing citric, nothing. This is a very natural smell that I can't discompose to analyze.
Burning taste: it smells like burnt, with a fresh, minty bit. Some earthy hints, some hash smell. It's got some spicy background that stands out when the smoke is blown by the nose, because it stings there for a while.
Acrid [4] Agridulce [ ] Almizcle [ ] Amoniaco [ ] Anís [ ] Arándano [ ] Bayas [ ] Café [ ] Carne [ ] Catedral [ ] Cedro [ ] Cereza [ ] Chicle [ ] Chocolate [ ] Cítrico [ ] Coco [ ] Combustible [ ] Dulce [ ] Especias [ ] Eucalyptus [5] Floral [ ] Fresa [ ] Fruta [ ] Golosinas [ ] Hash [5] Hierbajo [ ] Hierro [ ] Incienso [ ] Jabón [ ] Limón [ ] Madera [ ] Mango [ ] Melocotón [ ] Melon [ ] Menta [ ] Menthol [5] Miel [ ] Musgo [ ] Naranja [ ] Nuez Moscada [ ] Petroleo [ ] Perfume [ ] Piel curada [ ] Pimienta [ ] Pine [5] Piña [ ] Podrido [ ] Pomelo [ ] Queso [ ] Químico [ ] Regaliz [ ] Skunk [ ] Earthy [6] Uva [ ] Vainilla [ ]
Beginning, effects, duration: It takes a while. You realize it hits after there is no turning back. The effect is one of the longest ones I know, and you keep touched several hours later.
Kind of effects: It starts hitting hard just to hit harder a bit later. It may have a energetic beginning, but it is short and in some minutes you are left anesthetized. Physical pain, like that of being tired, goes away. Cannabis opium, like somebody said before... quite a good definition. It takes your problems and the pains out of your body. The only disadvantage I've found is that it makes you cough a lot. It doesn't matter how you grow it, or how you smoke/vaporize it. You start coughing no matter what.
Recommended for: sex, lying, watch series, hear easy music, scratch your balls, go with the flow. To be under the sun, motionless, like a lizard or a cat. After smoking, I always get slept. There is no match for this weed that I know. It is what I consider an example of medical marijuana, the one with the most medical qualities related to physical issues that I've ever found.
Not recomended for: anything that requires your intelligence, your attention, physical activity or the use of memory.
Tolerance: I don't know. It kills me.
Effects Guide: [P] if you noted a positive reinforcement and [N] if the effect has been negative.
[ ] [N] Activity
[P] [ ] Anxiety relief
[P] [ ] Pain relief
[P] [ ] Appetite
[P] [ ] Ability to rest or to be still.
[P] [ ] Sleep
[ ] [N] Imagination/creativity
[P] [ ] Sex drive
[ ] [N] Talking process
[ ] [N] Thinking process
[ ] [N] Tachycardia
Light: Indoor 600W HP Na
Substrate: Coco
Fertilizer: Canna coco series
Watering: Manual
Flowering time: 70 days
Time of drying/curing: About three months
Is the mom kept?: Yes, of course, as much as I can
Comments: It was a strike of luck to find this cut. The strength it hides under that apparent nature of looks and smells, the balance it keeps between the good strong taste and the devastating effect make this one of my precious moms although it doesn't produce as much as some commercial strains. People with chronic illnesses or pains, or some kinds of insomnia, could have a very good help in this plant.