Outdoor Flowering Help Needed


Hi, I bought my first clone (Bruce Banner #3) in March and planted it outside. I started researching after and realized my timing was screwed up for the photoperiod flowering. After I looked into it I decided to buy a tent with no bottom and just cover the plant for 12 hours a day to kick off flowering and it worked! I started on flowering May 5th (now May 29th) and I'm starting to see some pretty buds coming in.
My problem is I'm going on vacation June 25th which is just about 7 weeks of flowering. I have someone who can water and potentially harvest for me while I'm gone but they're not able to put on and off the tent every day. Will my girl be completely screwed if at 7.5 weeks of flowering I stop the tent? I was thinking maybe move it to a more shaded spot? It should be super close to being ready for harvest so I'm hoping a couple of days won't mess everything up completely.
I'm aware that my planning and timing sucked, but I know so much more now than I did when I started. I have a couple healthy clones I took from this plant, but I've put a ton of time in and I don't want it to go to waste.
Thanks for the help!
Hi, I bought my first clone (Bruce Banner #3) in March and planted it outside. I started researching after and realized my timing was screwed up for the photoperiod flowering. After I looked into it I decided to buy a tent with no bottom and just cover the plant for 12 hours a day to kick off flowering and it worked! I started on flowering May 5th (now May 29th) and I'm starting to see some pretty buds coming in.
My problem is I'm going on vacation June 25th which is just about 7 weeks of flowering. I have someone who can water and potentially harvest for me while I'm gone but they're not able to put on and off the tent every day. Will my girl be completely screwed if at 7.5 weeks of flowering I stop the tent? I was thinking maybe move it to a more shaded spot? It should be super close to being ready for harvest so I'm hoping a couple of days won't mess everything up completely.
I'm aware that my planning and timing sucked, but I know so much more now than I did when I started. I have a couple healthy clones I took from this plant, but I've put a ton of time in and I don't want it to go to waste.
Thanks for the help!
If your days are long it's gonna screw everything... yoir gonna see reveg and have Stretched buds
update! the light fuckage didn’t seem to hurt to badly? I pretty much wrote it off so the fact that I got anything makes me super happy. There’s plenty of more branches to go, giving them a little more time, I think I cut the first couple a little early.
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update! the light fuckage didn’t seem to hurt to badly? I pretty much wrote it off so the fact that I got anything makes me super happy. There’s plenty of more branches to go, giving them a little more time, I think I cut the first couple a little early.
If you zoom in on the circled bud what do you see??
Are my eyes just foolin me or is that a worm? :eyesmoke:
Dude there’s so many worms I’ve been picking off. Some of the buds got completely raped but most are clean. Thanks for pointing that out I’m going to go take care of it
Monterey BT. Early and often. Period. First summer grow in SoCal, lost about 10 oz. Next year, about 5. Last summer, only lost about 2 oz out of a total harvest of over 100 oz from 5 plants in 10-15g pots. The key has been super diligent killing the shit out of those white moths when you see them, and early and regular Monterey BT, applied with a good pump sprayer.
Ok cool, thank you. Should I use it only when I see them or just do it regardless? I was also think about just having small plants so they’re manageable and I can pick them off easier. I get lady bugs for the white flys on my way the plants and they seem to work really well.
You start using it as soon as you see flowers forming and those moths around. Here in SoCal I usually start at beginning of August. Do not wait to see the caterpillars. it is safe up until harvest, supposedly. Watch your buds closely daily and immediately pinch any brown spots you see and pull them off. Often you find the young caterpillars and can save the bud. Once that brown patch is dime or nickel sized, the whole bud is often fucked. Just keep learning as you go and you will get your processes dialed in. Best of luck
Good idea about the lady bugs. Looking at one of my plants the other day and happy to see a happy and healthy looking praying mantis. Love keeping bugs and spiders at bay without the nasty chemicals necessary if you get an infestation. Get rid of any and all spider webs you see. Keep PWM to a minimum as well to help prevent bud rot later on. Keep the bottoms of you plants defoliated too to help reduce bugs and improve air flow. Get rid of small, and/or crossing branches. And as someone once said, ”don’t grow small buds!” Meaning get rid of all lower, interior branching that will only produce small, airy buds. Keep the energy focused on the tops and grow donkey dicks!
Awesome, thank you. Last question I promise, is the second picture bud rotted? I’m assuming its no bueno but need confirmation. The first picture is what I’m guessing is the healthier bud next to it
If you catch the rot early in a bud and it is up near the top, you can just play surgeon and use sharp scissors to cut from just below the rotted part. Just make sure you cut a bit of the unaffected bud, too. It can still mature and be good to go. But never smoke rotted or moldy bud. When in doubt, throw it out.