Happy thread :)

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Don't Bogart

Well-Known Member
An alarming rise in covid-19 infections led Los Angeles to reinstate indoor mask mandates, prompting people nationwide to wonder if their state or city could be next.
Nah! That's just a Democratic thing. I STRONGLY BELIEVE Republicans are totally immune and highly advise they romp around freely, mask-less. I me hug and kiss! Shoot guns in close quarters. Gather in tight numbers a your local watering hole. Drink and whoop it up. Square dance, round dance, triangle dance. I'd tell them to hexagon dance but, shh...(they can't count that high).


Well-Known Member
Will The Delta Variant Send Americans Back Into Lockdown?

An alarming rise in covid-19 infections led Los Angeles to reinstate indoor mask mandates, prompting people nationwide to wonder if their state or city could be next.
I started paying attention at 11:48 (Schumer and Mary)


Well-Known Member
I love corned beef dinners. I've recently learned that it's an Irish American thing. Something not really found in Ireland.
I could eat it till it comes out my ears.
Corned Beef & cabbage has been unfairly castgated, simply because it's not cooked properly.
Mostly people just toss the meat into a pot of water & walk away.
Guaranteed fuck up that will destroy the meat
You can PM me also @Don't Bogart & I'll hook you up with a good recipe that does justice to the meat :)


Well-Known Member
This made me happy/smile :)

At the height of the controversy surrounding Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and the revelations that he’s under investigation for sex trafficking, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) bet big on a nationwide joint fundraising tour with her embattled colleague. But new campaign filings show that not only did the gamble not pay off, but that the much-maligned Republicans actually spent four times as much as they raised.

Ha Ha Ha :)


Well-Known Member
This is just the tip of the iceberg, 5 cabinet secretaries had AG s give criminal referrals to the DOJ and there were many other crimes committed by many others.
Every Trump campaign and administration official who has been indicted on federal criminal charges (yahoo.com)

Every Trump campaign and administration official who has been indicted on federal criminal charges

  • Tom Barrack is the latest former top Trump campaign official to be hit with federal charges.
  • The former inauguration chair is charged with lobbying violations, obstruction, and false statements.
  • Barrack, the 8th former Trump official to face federal charges, will plead not guilty.
Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn charged Barrack on seven counts of unlawful lobbying, obstruction of justice, and making false statements to investigators.

Barrack is accused of violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, in connection with his work lobbying on behalf of the United Arab Emirates. Barrack's spokesman told Insider that he will plead not guilty to all charges.

Other Trump officials were charged as part of former special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign's role in it, and were subsequently granted full presidential pardons in the final months of the Trump administration.

Here's the full list:
  • Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was convicted in 2018 on federal bank and tax fraud charges, pleaded guilty to more federal conspiracy charges, and was sentenced to seven and a half years in federal prison. Trump granted Manafort a full pardon in December 2020.
  • Former campaign chief Steve Bannon was charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering in connection with a scheme to defraud donors to fund a wall at the US southern border. Trump pardoned Bannon in January 2021 before he could face trial.
  • Informal Trump adviser and "fixer" Roger Stone was convicted on seven counts on obstruction, making false statements, and witness tampering in connection to the Mueller probe and was sentenced to three years in prison. Trump commuted Stone's sentence in July 2020 and fully pardoned him in December 2020.
  • Deputy Trump campaign manager Rick Gates, a key aide to Manafort, pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy and false statements and received only a 45-day sentence thanks to his extensive cooperation with investigators in the Mueller probe. He did not get a presidential pardon.
  • Trump's short-lived National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI in connection. Flynn, who went on to push conspiracy theories about non-existent fraud in the 2020 election, received a full pardon from Trump in November 2020.
  • Longtime Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to tax fraud, bank fraud, campaign finance violations, and lying to Congress in 2018, and was sentenced to three years in federal prison. Cohen, who turned on Trump after pleading guilty and cooperated with prosecutors, did not get a pardon.
  • Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in connection to the Mueller probe and served 14 days in federal prison.
  • Trump Inaugural Committee chairman Tom Barrack was charged with federal crimes including unlawful lobbying, obstruction of justice, and making false statements to investigators in July 2021.
Read the original article on Business Insider


Well-Known Member
So, let's take our polluting heavy industries into space. Another out of sight, out of mind solution.
That is a more doable idea and useful than sending people to colonize Mars. The moon has had plenty of asteroids crashing into it for billions of years and the lunar regolith is finely crushed and pulverized already. A linear accelerator on the moon could launch smelted metals into an earth orbit cheaply and massively, like a machine gun. I dunno about the O'Neil structures in Lagrange orbits, but that's how they would be built. It's a vision from the 70's by a physicist name Gerald K. O'Neal


Well-Known Member
That is a more doable idea and useful than sending people to colonize Mars. The moon has had plenty of asteroids crashing into it for billions of years and the lunar regolith is finely crushed and pulverized already. A linear accelerator on the moon could launch smelted metals into an earth orbit cheaply and massively, like a machine gun. I dunno about the O'Neil structures in Lagrange orbits, but that's how they would be built. It's a vision from the 70's by a physicist name Gerald K. O'Neal
You like the idea of polluting space, simply because it's doable? Useful? Sick. You're back on the list.


Well-Known Member
You like the idea of polluting space, simply because it's doable? Useful? Sick. You're back on the list.
Ya can't pollute space, the place is fucking lethal already, besides the solar wind will blow the smoke away!
Better the shit ends up there, than in our atmosphere, the moon is like one giant slag heap anyway.

I haven't seen Taco for awhile, looks like he's been put on ignore.


Well-Known Member
The nice thing about polluting space is that, the more you pollute, the greater the chance you have of killing anyone trying to leave the planet...and self-inflected wounds always make me happy. :)


Well-Known Member
You like the idea of polluting space, simply because it's doable? Useful? Sick. You're back on the list.
How ya make steel in space from magnetically separated lunar regolith, or how you can make it on earth without the carbon and coke process.

Fossil free steel. Another giant step towards net carbon zero?
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