I can rant . You can rant. Cali is trying to do something. You won't. I won't.
Except my rants have a basis in logic. I haven't been exposed to enough of yours to determine the basis, but I am forming a suspicion your rants might not, since you alleged "Cali" is doing something, which I took as an allusion that it was positive. In other words, NO. Cali is fucking up, badly and you would be too if you support rights violations that involve forcible redistribution.
Logic insists, if you don't have a right to do something and force that something on other people, you are doing the wrong thing.
Also, I AM trying to do something. I am trying to end slavery and it's variants, rather than embracing force as a means to an end, I am exposing it.
Cali is doing the wrong thing. Doing the wrong thing, doesn't solve problems, it creates unintended consequences and fools idiots into thinking forcible redistribution is the same thing as actual charity. They are as distinctly separate as consensual sex and rape are.
"Cali" as a collective has no more right than any of the individual people within it. None of them have the right to bogart your shit, therefore they can't delegate that right to somebody else. it's impossible. If it isn't please explain how a nonexistent right can be delegated.