Is this a spider mite?


Well-Known Member
Hey y’all, I recently posted about a suspected spider mites issue. I invested in a cheap electronic usb microscope to see if I could get solid pictures of the eggs and an adult mite. I suspected spider mites because I have found numerous cloudy white dots on the under sides of my leaves. Up until today I could not find a single ADULT mite on any of the leaves. But i came across this little fuck doing parkour in my coco. Please feel free to put in your 2 cents.


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It's not spider mites. Spider mites are red or brown or black in colour., and their damage leave many white dots on the leaves besides webbing.
It's not spider mites. Spider mites are red or brown or black in colour., and their damage leave many white dots on the leaves besides webbing.
Aphids than? I have little black flies that are housing at the top soil level. They have pointy abdomen when viewed under a microscope
Aphids than? I have little black flies that are housing at the top soil level. They have pointy abdomen when viewed under a microscope

Its hard to tell what type of insect it is.

Aphids usually leave a sticky substance on the leaves which is sweet liquid that attracts other insects such as ants.

The little black flies are called fungus gnats


This web site has some useful info on how to get rid of fungus gnats :eek:
I just had to harvest my first grow a bit early :-( from a case of root rot that I just couldn't shake, and when I brought the flower into my drying tent, I made a pit stop at my computer with the microscope and saw what appear to be the exact same bugs! I was checking the trichome colors, and I was like 'wtf is that shit moving and dancing all over!'...I have no idea what it is, they're not much larger than a few tric's. I'll have to check the buds that were towards the top of the plant as this one was a popcorn at the bottom, but I'm sure they're everywhere....unless it's some sort of poisonous .2mm bug, I'll be smoking this up as I'm sure I've had plenty of other goodies in other bud before, I just never actually checked anything with a scope LOL. Any ideas? I'm trying to post a video of it moving, but can't figure that out (first day, first know). Here's a pic in the meantime.bud_bug.JPG
I just had to harvest my first grow a bit early :-( from a case of root rot that I just couldn't shake, and when I brought the flower into my drying tent, I made a pit stop at my computer with the microscope and saw what appear to be the exact same bugs! I was checking the trichome colors, and I was like 'wtf is that shit moving and dancing all over!'...I have no idea what it is, they're not much larger than a few tric's. I'll have to check the buds that were towards the top of the plant as this one was a popcorn at the bottom, but I'm sure they're everywhere....unless it's some sort of poisonous .2mm bug, I'll be smoking this up as I'm sure I've had plenty of other goodies in other bud before, I just never actually checked anything with a scope LOL. Any ideas? I'm trying to post a video of it moving, but can't figure that out (first day, first know). Here's a pic in the meantime.View attachment 4943883
That's the borg! Two spotted spider mites. Time to kill, kill, KILL!!!.
CLEAN EVERYTHING!!! Use bleach and alcohol separately in the tent and surrounding areas.
Then use some bug bombs that kill fleas, lice and bedbugs. And then clean with alcohol again.
Good luck friend!
I just had to harvest my first grow a bit early :-( from a case of root rot that I just couldn't shake, and when I brought the flower into my drying tent, I made a pit stop at my computer with the microscope and saw what appear to be the exact same bugs! I was checking the trichome colors, and I was like 'wtf is that shit moving and dancing all over!'...I have no idea what it is, they're not much larger than a few tric's. I'll have to check the buds that were towards the top of the plant as this one was a popcorn at the bottom, but I'm sure they're everywhere....unless it's some sort of poisonous .2mm bug, I'll be smoking this up as I'm sure I've had plenty of other goodies in other bud before, I just never actually checked anything with a scope LOL. Any ideas? I'm trying to post a video of it moving, but can't figure that out (first day, first know). Here's a pic in the meantime.View attachment 4943883
One of your pictures of the underside of a leaf looks like it has a spider mite egg. My condolences.
That's the borg! Two spotted spider mites. Time to kill, kill, KILL!!!.
CLEAN EVERYTHING!!! Use bleach and alcohol separately in the tent and surrounding areas.
Then use some bug bombs that kill fleas, lice and bedbugs. And then clean with alcohol again.
Good luck friend!

Balls! Shit, I have a gorgeous lady still in the tent that is in week 2 or 3 of flower. I'll check the links that
Hollatchaboy posted. I've been digging around on the forum for posts about these beasts, what is best case and worst case with these Borg creatures? ;) I mean, I doubt I'm going to be able to rid them, but the buds on the remainig Fire OG are stupid and I don't want to lose them! Thanks for the identification either way buddy!
Balls! Shit, I have a gorgeous lady still in the tent that is in week 2 or 3 of flower. I'll check the links that
Hollatchaboy posted. I've been digging around on the forum for posts about these beasts, what is best case and worst case with these Borg creatures? ;) I mean, I doubt I'm going to be able to rid them, but the buds on the remainig Fire OG are stupid and I don't want to lose them! Thanks for the identification either way buddy!
In my experience with spider mites.... there was no best case scenario.
I have used ½gallon 70% isopropyl alcohol mixed with an equal volume of water. Add to that ¼-½ tsp castile soap and 1tsp of potassium bicarbonate spray everything with a fine mist. Leaves stems and flowers. Also spray the whole room too. Do it every other day for a week and then every third day for another week. If you don't get them all you can keep using it.
I have used this indoors and outdoors too. It can be sprayed in flower and will not harm the trichomes. It has always helped.
You may want to dust the soil with diatomaceous earth too.
If your in flower alcohol is a absolute no go! Otherwise I highly recommend it for killing fast and for spraying rooms down.
If your in flower alcohol is a absolute no go! Otherwise I highly recommend it for killing fast and for spraying rooms down.
I have to respectfully disagree. I have used it and at 35% or less it doesn't do any harm to the flowers or the trichomes either. Here's a bud that was sprayed with the same alcohol mixture I mentioned, several times. 20201201_133225~2.jpg
And another, 20201108_094804.jpg
And here's a couple post harvest.
Don't use it if you don't want too. But it doesn't hurt anything when it comes to quality or potency. All of the trichomes stayed intact.
Also after having spider mites during flowering (or any other bugs for that matter) you should wash all of the buds. I use potassium bicarbonate in the first tub, hydrogen peroxide in the second and then two tubs of clean water before hanging to drip dry.
Good luck friend!
I have to respectfully disagree. I have used it and at 35% or less it doesn't do any harm to the flowers or the trichomes either. Here's a bud that was sprayed with the same alcohol mixture I mentioned, several times.
And another,
And here's a couple post harvest.

Don't use it if you don't want too. But it doesn't hurt anything when it comes to quality or potency. All of the trichomes stayed intact.
Also after having spider mites during flowering (or any other bugs for that matter) you should wash all of the buds. I use potassium bicarbonate in the first tub, hydrogen peroxide in the second and then two tubs of clean water before hanging to drip dry.
Good luck friend!

Thanks for that info - I just took one of my small buds that I had to harvest where I spotted these beasts and hit it with about a 40/60 mix of 70% and H2O. It did kill them pretty quickly and the trich's did stay intact. I'll definitely be doing this for my plants in veg right now and with the remaining plant that is in flower. I'll check into washing the buds....I assume that's something I should probably do asap as they've been in the drying tent for about 24hrs?

And, thanks @Detroitwill - I'm checking into that product, as well!

Funny, I've learned so much about hydroponics since starting my first grow here that I've never considered, yet I have a decent sized greenhouse that I've been running dutch buckets in for years. My first battle on this grow was root rot when attempting DWC, so I went to what's been working for me over the years with the dutch bucket system. That's been squeaking me along, but this forum has helped a bunch with learning different processes and methods for handling certain issues, like brewing bennie tea, ect.

Thanks to all that chimed in with some advice on how to tackle this one and (hopefully) prevent it going forward. I'll take the various condolences if I lose the battle, but for now, the battle is on :D
Yeah there should still be time to wash them today. Use lukewarm water in the wash tubs. Cold water can make the trichomes brittle.
Hey y’all, I recently posted about a suspected spider mites issue. I invested in a cheap electronic usb microscope to see if I could get solid pictures of the eggs and an adult mite. I suspected spider mites because I have found numerous cloudy white dots on the under sides of my leaves. Up until today I could not find a single ADULT mite on any of the leaves. But i came across this little fuck doing parkour in my coco. Please feel free to put in your 2 cents.
While blurry the picture you posted looks like a springtail. Did it emerge from the coco after watering? Did it jump around?

Lostcoast plant therapy. It will work if you fallow the instructions and it’s safe to use three flower and tests clean as well.

Just got my small bottle in and gave the remaining lady a spray down this morning. I'm going to hit it daily for the next several days as I have found a few more of the Borg on her, but not at the numbers that the first plant had. I'll try to update this thread over the next couple of weeks with the results!