Examples of GOP Leadership


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Lin wood has a sanity hearing coming up and the Kraken lady needs one too.
Lawyers retreat from pro-Trump election suit - POLITICO

Lawyers retreat from pro-Trump election suit
At a hearing on possible sanctions over the Michigan case, some attorneys downplayed their roles.

The legal reckoning for attorneys who pushed former President Donald Trump’s spurious claims of election fraud advanced on Monday, with a federal court in Detroit holding a hearing on whether to impose sanctions over a suit filed last year seeking to decertify Joe Biden’s victory in Michigan and declare Trump the winner.

Two of the most prominent attorneys in the pro-Trump camp — Dallas-based Sidney Powell and Atlanta-based L. Lin Wood — are among the lawyers who brought the unsuccessful suit and whose conduct is under scrutiny by U.S. District Court Judge Linda Parker.

Another pair of attorneys facing possible sanctions in the case, Emily Newman and Julia Haller, served in a variety of Trump administration posts but appear to have left government late last year to aid Powell in the post-election litigation.

Parker’s tone during the hearing — which stretched to more than six hours — indicated that at least some of the lawyers involved in filing and pursuing the suit were likely to face sanctions from the court, although she did not say what kind of punishment she was mulling.

As the hearing opened Monday via videoconference, several lawyers sought to minimize their roles in the litigation. While Wood was listed as one of seven attorneys on the first iteration of the suit last November, he stressed to the judge that he wasn’t involved in preparing it.

“I played absolutely no role in the drafting of the complaint, just to be clear,” Wood told Parker. “I did not review any of the documents with respect to the complaint. My name was placed on there, but I had no involvement.”
Parker asked Wood directly whether he’d given permission for his name to be placed on the suit.

Under questioning from the judge, Powell said she believed she did get Wood’s consent to put his name on the suit. “I can’t imagine I would ever put his name on any pleading without understanding that he had given me permission to do that,” she said. “Might there have been a misunderstanding? It’s certainly possible.”

A lawyer for Newman, who worked in the Trump White House, the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Agency for Global Media, also distanced her from the Michigan litigation.

“My client was a contract lawyer working from home who spent maybe five hours on this matter,” said Thomas Buchanan. “She wasn’t really involved. … Her role is de minimis.”

While Powell and other lawyers were on the Zoom hearing, she dropped off the screen for a time, drawing a mild rebuke from the judge.

“Would you maintain the camera, Ms. Powell, please? I’d like to have everyone here,” Parker said.

Powell insisted the volume of the suit they filed last November was testament to the extent of research and investigation the attorneys did.

“We filed a massive and detailed complaint in federal court that doesn’t even require us to append affidavits to it,” Powell said. “The very fact we filed 960 pages of affidavits with the complaint shows due diligence on our part. … The only way to test that is in the crucible of a trial or an evidentiary hearing,” she added, noting that the judge had thus far denied such a hearing.

“Volume, certainly for this court, doesn’t equate with legitimacy or veracity,” Parker shot back.

The City of Detroit, which intervened as a defendant in the suit to defend the election results, triggered the sanctions process about six months ago by complaining that the case was frivolous and littered with untruths. The city’s motions asked Parker to impose monetary penalties on the lawyers in the case, to require them to pay the attorneys’ fees of the city and other defendants in the case, and to refer the lawyers for potential disbarment proceedings.

An attorney for the city, David Fink, said the initial filing in the case was garbled and unprofessional.

“What they filed in the first complaint in this case was an embarrassment to the legal profession,” Fink said. “It was sloppy. It was unreadable and it was mocked.”

In a motion last December urging punishment of Powell, Wood and others, the city’s legal team wrote: “If sanctions are not deserved in this case, it is hard to imagine a case where they would be.”


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Texas AG to stop blocking critics on Twitter, ending First Amendment suit
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) has unblocked critics on his Twitter account and agreed to not block anyone in the future, ending a First Amendment lawsuit against him.

The agreement was filed Friday in an Austin-based federal case brought against him by nine Twitter users who had been blocked from Paxton’s @KenPaxtonTX Twitter account after criticizing him or his policies.

The plaintiffs, represented by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, agreed to drop their suit as part of the deal.

“We’re pleased that Attorney General Paxton has agreed to stop blocking people from his Twitter account simply because he doesn’t like what they have to say,” said Katie Fallow, an attorney at the Knight Institute. “Multiple courts have recognized that government officials who use their social media accounts for official purposes violate the First Amendment if they block people from those accounts on the basis of viewpoint. What Paxton was doing was unconstitutional.”


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Abbott says Democratic lawmakers will be arrested when they return to Texas
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Monday said the Democratic lawmakers who left the state earlier that day to deny Republicans a quorum to convene a special legislative session and consider a sweeping elections reform bill will be arrested upon their return to the Lone Star State.

A majority of Texas House Democrats fled the state on a charter flight bound for Washington, D.C., on Monday in an effort to stop the passage of a measure that would overhaul the state’s election procedures, in addition to other controversial priorities backed by Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R), during a special legislative session.

Members of the caucus carried out a similar effort in May, staging a walkout from the state House floor late one night to block the passage of the elections procedures bill, which would have restricted access to the ballot box.

The bill called for new limits on early voting and curbside voting, banned round-the-clock voting centers and voting facilities in outdoor structures like parking garages, eliminated straight-ticket voting and limited the use of drop boxes.

Abbott on Monday vowed to arrest the lawmakers who fled and hold them inside the state Capitol “until they get their job done.”


Well-Known Member
Abbott says Democratic lawmakers will be arrested when they return to Texas
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Monday said the Democratic lawmakers who left the state earlier that day to deny Republicans a quorum to convene a special legislative session and consider a sweeping elections reform bill will be arrested upon their return to the Lone Star State.

A majority of Texas House Democrats fled the state on a charter flight bound for Washington, D.C., on Monday in an effort to stop the passage of a measure that would overhaul the state’s election procedures, in addition to other controversial priorities backed by Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R), during a special legislative session.

Members of the caucus carried out a similar effort in May, staging a walkout from the state House floor late one night to block the passage of the elections procedures bill, which would have restricted access to the ballot box.

The bill called for new limits on early voting and curbside voting, banned round-the-clock voting centers and voting facilities in outdoor structures like parking garages, eliminated straight-ticket voting and limited the use of drop boxes.

Abbott on Monday vowed to arrest the lawmakers who fled and hold them inside the state Capitol “until they get their job done.”
and that's the second time they did this to this bill, supposed the bill is part of what people call the "big lie"


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
well i can see why they walked out and why they're doing it this way.......this voting bill is bogus....




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Pro-Trump Election Attorneys Face Sanctions For Bogus Lawsuit

A federal court in Detroit is considering whether to impose sanctions on attorneys including Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood over a suit seeking to decertify Joe Biden’s victory in Michigan and declare Trump the winner.


Well-Known Member
Not directly related to any repub but here we have a lunatic trailer dumpling going bezerko at victoria secret. Gets caught trying to smack a customer realizes she got caught on vid and pretty much loses her fucking mind.

WARNING : High screeching , screaming and fake fainting.



Well-Known Member
Not directly related to any repub but here we have a lunatic trailer dumpling going bezerko at victoria secret. Gets caught trying to smack a customer realizes she got caught on vid and pretty much loses her fucking mind.

WARNING : High screeching , screaming and fake fainting.

everyone knows you can't bring back online orders to the store at Victoria Secret.


Well-Known Member
How in the hell would i know that ? …. Lol.
I’m a dude.

well the point is nobody knows it. my friend from work and i had lunch together and she had a return that she got online. it turned into drama that pretty much rivaled that chick. ah the memories of shopping in-person.


Well-Known Member
Not directly related to any repub but here we have a lunatic trailer dumpling going bezerko at victoria secret. Gets caught trying to smack a customer realizes she got caught on vid and pretty much loses her fucking mind.

WARNING : High screeching , screaming and fake fainting.

That said, she may actually have mental issues. Should she get away with stuff because of it? No. But posted online? In one way it could bring up a discussion of mental illness, on the other hand I am not so sure it is a good thing for the crazy white lady. But it is a public place. Would have liked to see the time before the recording to see her state of mind then. The hospital I worked at had three floors of mental health patients, I do feel sorry for them. If she is just some pampered little girl, not so much.


Well-Known Member
Not directly related to any repub but here we have a lunatic trailer dumpling going bezerko at victoria secret. Gets caught trying to smack a customer realizes she got caught on vid and pretty much loses her fucking mind.

WARNING : High screeching , screaming and fake fainting.



Well-Known Member
Seems a bit sketch as soon as she realizes she is on video ( 4k no less ) that the over the top antics happen. Sure there are plenty of people running around with various issues but looks my kids saying they didn’t eat cupcakes and have fit with frosting on face.


Well-Known Member
Desperation, panic and stupidity are a bad combination, man these guys are dense!
Eric Trump 'Flipped Out' at Trump Campaign Staff in the White House on Election Night: Book (businessinsider.com)

Eric Trump 'flipped out' and yelled at campaign staff on election night after he'd predicted they'd win 322 electoral votes, book says

  • Eric Trump yelled at campaign data analysts as results came in on election night, a new book says.
  • He had predicted the night before that his father would win with 322 electoral votes, the book says.
  • "We pay you to do this," he reportedly yelled at staffers. "How can this be happening?"
Eric Trump, the former president's son, "flipped out" and yelled at his father's campaign data analysts at the White House as results came in on election night, an excerpt from a new book by the Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker said.

He had predicted to friends the night before that his father would win reelection with 322 electoral votes, and he was upset that campaign staffers were reporting otherwise, the excerpt from "I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year" said.

"We pay you to do this," he reportedly yelled at staffers in the White House's Map Room, which had been transformed into a Trump campaign war room. "How can this be happening?"

The excerpt suggested he was confused about how votes could continue to be counted through election night as states processed an unprecedented number of absentee ballots, work that some state legislatures had delayed until Election Day.

"The election is being stolen," Eric was quoted as saying. "Where are these votes coming from? How is this legit?"
Joe Biden ultimately won with 306 electoral votes to Trump's 232. He trounced Trump in the popular vote by more than 7 million votes.

The journalist Michael Wolff also reported in his new book, "Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency," out on Tuesday, that Eric "grilled" staffers after Fox News called Arizona for Biden before the other networks had. "Where are these votes in Arizona coming from? How is this happening?" he was quoted as saying. "You said we were good."

The ex-president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was just as confident that his dad would win reelection and assured others on election night that "there's no way we lose" to Biden, Leonnig and Rucker wrote.

The president similarly yelled at staffers as his leads in key states like Pennsylvania shrank throughout the night, Leonnig and Rucker reported.

"Why are they still counting votes?" Trump said to his deputy campaign manager, Justin Clark, according to the excerpt. "The election's closed. Are they counting ballots that came in afterward? What the hell is going on?"

Spokespeople for Trump and Eric denied yelling at staffers, Leonnig and Rucker wrote.

In a speech from the White House on election night, Trump falsely claimed that the election had been rigged and that he'd won states including Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania that were then too close to call.

"This is a fraud on the American public," Trump said, beginning months of lies about the election results. "This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election."


Well-Known Member
Slow news week, so a good time to release a book or two to make some news and drum up sales.
Drunken Giuliani urged Trump to ‘just say we won’ on election night, book says | Books | The Guardian

Drunken Giuliani urged Trump to ‘just say we won’ on election night, book says
As key states started to slip away from Trump, Rudy Giuliani repeatedly urged former president to lie, according to new book

A drunken Rudy Giuliani repeatedly urged Donald Trump to “just say we won” on election night last November, according to a new book, even as key states started to slip away from the president and defeat by Joe Biden drew near.

The former mayor of New York was then acting as Trump’s personal attorney, a role in which he had fueled Trump’s first impeachment and would later lead hapless attempts to prove Trump’s lie that his defeat was the result of electoral fraud.

According to Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker of the Washington Post, authors of the forthcoming I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year, Giuliani approached senior Trump aides early on election night at the White House.

“What’s happening in Michigan?” he asked.

The campaign manager, Bill Stepien, chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and senior adviser Jason Miller told him it was too early to know.

“Just say we won,” Giuliani said.

The aides said it was the same in Pennsylvania.

“Just say we won,” Giuliani said.

“Giuliani’s grand plan,” the authors report, “was to just say Trump won, state after state, based on nothing. Stepien, Miller and Meadows thought his argument was both incoherent and irresponsible.”

Meadows reportedly responded, angrily: “We can’t do that. We can’t.”

But Trump did.

Leonnig and Rucker, co-authors of another Trump bestseller, A Very Stable Genius, report that Giuliani refused to accept the early call of Arizona, another key state, by Fox News.

“Just go declare victory right now,” Giuliani reportedly told a furious Trump. “You’ve got to go declare victory now.”

At 2am, Trump walked into the East Room.

“This is a fraud on the American public,” he said. “This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election. We did win this election.”

Trump’s words gave a title to another author in the crowded field of Trump-based reportage and tell-all, Michael Bender of the Wall Street Journal. His book, Frankly, We Did Win This Election, and a third by Michael Wolff, Landslide, provide similar accounts of Giuliani’s behaviour and inebriation at key moments.

In his remarks in the East Room, Trump laid the ground for his “big lie” about electoral fraud, the failed legal efforts to prove it, and the deadly assault on the US Capitol on 6 January.


“This is a very big moment,” he said. “This is a major fraud in our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner … To me, this is a very sad moment, and we will win this. And as far as I’m concerned, we already have won it.”

Who wins the battle of the Trump bestsellers remains to be seen. Leonnig and Rucker, both Pulitzer prize winners, would seem well-placed. Their account is drier in style than those by Wolff and Bender but still contains entertaining nuggets from the bizarre last days of a bizarre presidency.

Of Giuliani, now barred from practising law in New York and Washington DC, an anonymous adviser is quoted as saying: “It’s hard to be the responsible parent when there’s a cool uncle around taking the kid to the movies and driving him around in a Corvette.

“When we say the president can’t say that, being responsible is not the easiest place to be when you’ve got people telling the president what he wants to hear. It’s hard to tell the president no. It’s not an enviable place to be.”
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Well-Known Member
Seems a bit sketch as soon as she realizes she is on video ( 4k no less ) that the over the top antics happen. Sure there are plenty of people running around with various issues but looks my kids saying they didn’t eat cupcakes and have fit with frosting on face.
lmao yeah, nothing like realizing your entire life is about to change because you are Karen'ing and are going to become a viral video.