
That dude(Tran)on the left holding up that sturgeon they rescued a few years ago,
I used to fish daily with him on the sac near Red Bluff. Me and him were the Salmon Slayers out there.
My in laws ran a mobile home park up by there for awhile. I caught a native rainbow that looked like a football by their boat ramp. Someone else had lost it because I found a hook in it.
My in laws ran a mobile home park up by there for awhile. I caught a native rainbow that looked like a football by their boat ramp. Someone else had lost it because I found a hook in it.
I get confused by the regs.
Basically if they are in a body of water that goes to the sea, they are considered Steelhead, which usually they are.
But up higher there will actually be regular ol’ rainbows.
We’ll catch an occasional one while bank fishing up at the gravel bar on the sac. We treat them
Like they are Steelhead no mater what. If we got a report card and their adipose fin is snipped. Home it goes with us.
A few stocked rainbow trout they're triploid so they can't breed, rainbow trout is pretty much all you'll find stocked now, apparently they're easier, quicker cheaper than raising brown trout.
Around here the new trend is Tiger Trout. They are a cross between Brookies and Browns. They are aggressive feeders, grow big in a hurry, and fight like hell. They are also sterile, which makes them a good choice for put-and-take lakes.

It's nice to see something new as here in Alberta, Canada, rainbows have been heavily stocked everywhere and personally, they bore me. Variety is the key. :)
Around here the new trend is Tiger Trout. They are a cross between Brookies and Browns. They are aggressive feeders, grow big in a hurry, and fight like hell. They are also sterile, which makes them a good choice for put-and-take lakes.

It's nice to see something new as here in Alberta, Canada, rainbows have been heavily stocked everywhere and personally, they bore me. Variety is the key. :)
Caught a few tiger trout in Colorado a while back when I was still welcome there lol. My favourite is native Brookies but it’s a 5 hour plane ride from here for the big ones lol.
I use to live a stone throw from the beach, I wasn't into fishing at the time, the place in question was hot spot for women/night clubs and I was in my 20s enough said lol.

I seen some of the most amazing sun rises, on occasions the living room would light up orange with them.

Where I'm at now I don't see the sun rise as such it just gets light (presumably geographical idk) but I'm perfectly placed for lovely sun sets.
It's forecast to be nice weather for the next couple of weeks I might see some.

I was out on the boat today conditions were testing it was a bit on the bright side.
But I persevered and got 4 to the boat, apparently I done well there was a number of boats got nothing.
It's not fair to play a fish overly long to get a decent photo so I've only taken one... aye right! I hear you say lol.

The rain forecast for last week didn't materialise :-( so no salmon as yet, watch this space :-)
Awesome. I have the South Platte River down the road. About 10 min to get to the river where you can use live bait too. But as you drive down Platte River Rd you get into fly, lure only territory, and the catch and release only Gold Medal Waters around Decker. Walleye taste way better than trout though if you ask me, but I grew up in Seattle and trout's almost all we caught unless we went to the Sound or Pacific Ocean for some white fish. I didn't even know about walleye than, but they weren't really in that area.

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Awesome. I have the South Platte River down the road. About 10 min to get to the river where you can use live bait too. But as you drive down Platte River Rd you get into fly, lure only territory, and the catch and release only Gold Medal Waters around Decker. Walleye taste way better than trout though if you ask me, but I grew up in Seattle and trout's almost all we caught unless we went to the Sound or Pacific Ocean for some white fish. I didn't even know about walleye than, but they weren't really in that area.

I really miss going to Colorado. Buddy has a cabin in Estes and years ago we fished the big Thompson out behind the bar in the town lol.

The ordeal and time to get it weighed, and that it was still released alive, is crazy! I really like that it was CnR'd.

Felt bad for the guy that set the previous record barely a year ago before being punted from the top. Still, a state record is more than most anglers will ever accomplish, so I don't feel that bad. ;)
Felt bad for the guy that set the previous record barely a year ago before being punted from the top. Still, a state record is more than most anglers will ever accomplish, so I don't feel that bad. ;)

Some years back I caught a fish that was a certified world record on Flyrod. Still have the cert around here somewhere & it's been eclipsed since then but posting details like that is not smart with some of the trolls around here.