Advice needed on compost tea


Well-Known Member
Good morning everybody I started a compost tea at 9 a.m. yesterday my plan was to let the tea Brew for 24 hours I know the tea brewed for at least 12 because the pump was still running at 9 p.m. but when I woke up this morning at 7 a.m. the pump had failed so the tea had set their without the aeration for about 10 hours I replace the pump and started Brewing again can anyone tell me if this will negatively affect the outcome of my tea. Thanks
Good morning everybody I started a compost tea at 9 a.m. yesterday my plan was to let the tea Brew for 24 hours I know the tea brewed for at least 12 because the pump was still running at 9 p.m. but when I woke up this morning at 7 a.m. the pump had failed so the tea had set their without the aeration for about 10 hours I replace the pump and started Brewing again can anyone tell me if this will negatively affect the outcome of my tea. Thanks
Not at all. I've not used any types of any pumps/24 hrs steep. Great idea ✔️ I've used hydrogen peroxide also.
H2O2 two molecules of Oxygen. 1-tsp./ Gallon of water, adds oxygen to the mix.
That is very interesting information can you tell me why some people say aerated is good and non aerated is bad but I see people using both types
You could add a little molasses to kick start the biology if your concerned about it may have degraded - but as above if it smells ok your good to go imo good luck op ☮
You could add a little molasses to kick start the biology if your concerned about it may have degraded - but as above if it smells ok your good to go imo good luck op ☮
Out of curiosity what does a foul smell mean and how does it negatively affect the plant I'm new to compost teas and I understand how they are beneficial but there are some nuances about them that I'm still confused on
As above anaerobic smell there’s a pod cast about aact will try and find it for you if interested? Shows bennies under a scope they peaked at 36hrs brew time then gradually decreased fascinating…
As above anaerobic smell there’s a pod cast about aact will try and find it for you if interested? Shows bennies under a scope they peaked at 36hrs brew time then gradually decreased fascinating…
Thank you very much right now I'm kind of confused because there's lots of conflicting information saying that aerobic is good and anaerobic is not necessarily bad and it's a little confusing to try to differentiate what the truth is and what the Bro Science is
Also when I pulled the tea today it had a yeasty smell that I wouldn't say was bad and it definitely smelled full of life so to speak it had foam on the top which I hear is a good indicator but I'm also thinking that this whole smell issue may be relative to someone's perception if that makes sense. And if you steep the tea which does not create aeration would it not get the negative smell that everyone is talking about even though I see people using aerated and non aerated teas just kind of hard to make sense of it all
I gave you a like, but I had to change it to love since you're loving everyone else's post, including a bunch of mine, lol.

JK man. I like it, but am just a shit talker. Feel free to PM me anytime if you have a question. If I don't know the answer, I might know who does. I love your personality!