Having dealt with this virus, I test everything now and while I'm still waiting on these results, I'm pretty sure they're positive for HpLVd
I followed my usual IPM and nursed them while in quarantine in a mineral rich amended soil with teas and as soon as they started to grow a bit, I recognized the symptoms right ways. The Gushers displayed green brittle stalks that snap with the slightest amount of pressure, lack of atypical dominance, odd branching, tiny pinwheel leaves, and poor root health. And I took about a dozen cuts and not a single one has rooted after a month in rockwool (another symptom of dudding).
The cuts I received from their sister nursery (HM Clones) arrived healthy and are doing fine (awaiting results on these too but no reason to believe they're infected unless asymptomatic) so I'd advise members looking at Neptune for quality cuts to skip the CutsClub and go with HM if its a cut you really want. No experience with their other "clonerys" (KingKong)
If this was any other time of year I'd chuck em in the trash but since its summer, I'll throw these outside and let mother nature take over.
Side note: anyone thats familiar with my posting history knows it takes a LOT for me to leave a negative review for any company and while this isnt Strainly related I still couldnt in good conscience NOT say anything. Having this shit infect our rooms is no joke.
I'll try to follow this up with some pics