You can even make your clones 100% organically with the Clackamas Coots method. The recipe per gallon of water is:
0.3 grams aloe vera flakes
30 ml fulvic acid such as Ful Power
5 ml silica

You're supposed to soak your root cubes and cuttings in this, and spray the cuttings with it. The only thing is, I don't really like spraying clones because there's more chance for mold and PM in your trays. Also the silica makes the pH high so you might want to pH it down. I'm just using Dip n' Grow and Radix right now, but I do like using the aloe/fulvic/silica formula for dipping clones in once they start showing roots, makes them really take off.

I don't know what to say about Strainly, seems like they would say something on the matter if you inquired. Lame. Maybe I'll buy a PCG Runtz cut from you soon.
I've got the PCG Runtz (pre-64) cut flowering at 6-weeks right now, and I'm very happy with it so far. Yield looks to be much better than I anticipated, and the smell is delicious.
My understanding of PM is the spores are everywhere. I see people say so n so sent me clones with PM and that just don’t make since from the research I’ve done. I’m no expert but from what little I’ve studied the subject the spores are already present it’s the environmental issues that cause those spores to grow. The mailers and clone shippers just like a humidity dome are the perfect environment for spores to grow but once you introduce the plant to your environment with fans, dehumidifiers and plenty of air movement that should eliminate the growth. I’m sure different regions are worse than others, I’m in the southeast US and I don’t see it much here. I have seen what I think was PM on outdoor plants(rarely) and I say “I think” because all that remains is a bird shit looking stain, if that makes sense, best way I can describe it. No velvety powdered donut look so I think the environment changed and it went away. So I think we ALL have it, I don’t think one vendor has it and others don’t. I think it’s like a seed, it’s dormant till you throw it in some wet or damp soil then it grows. But I’m all ears if someone has evidence otherwise.

Yes, PM spores are everywhere and environmental conditions like big swings in temperature or RH are what triggers the spore to bloom. Paying attention to VPD will help immensely. A lot of people think their environment isn't to blame but it almost always is... aka neptune claims they test for everything but a clone I received from them showed PM in quarantine.
TheCutsClub Gushers (and 2 others -waiting on tests results) were dudded, runted, and sickly. Seriously the poorest quality cuts I've ever received. When I initially contacted them about processing my payment to complete the transaction, they responded within an hour. When I contacted them about the poor quality of their cuts I was ghosted for days. They did finally respond and they did send me some replacements from their sister site HM Clones and those appear to the doing well.
Just thought I'd give y'all a heads up because while they do have some pricey hyped cuts, their cloning technique as well as sanitation protocols need some serious work.
My understanding of PM is the spores are everywhere. I see people say so n so sent me clones with PM and that just don’t make since from the research I’ve done. I’m no expert but from what little I’ve studied the subject the spores are already present it’s the environmental issues that cause those spores to grow. The mailers and clone shippers just like a humidity dome are the perfect environment for spores to grow but once you introduce the plant to your environment with fans, dehumidifiers and plenty of air movement that should eliminate the growth. I’m sure different regions are worse than others, I’m in the southeast US and I don’t see it much here. I have seen what I think was PM on outdoor plants(rarely) and I say “I think” because all that remains is a bird shit looking stain, if that makes sense, best way I can describe it. No velvety powdered donut look so I think the environment changed and it went away. So I think we ALL have it, I don’t think one vendor has it and others don’t. I think it’s like a seed, it’s dormant till you throw it in some wet or damp soil then it grows. But I’m all ears if someone has evidence otherwise.

I disagree. This is likely true for outdoor grows where spores are abundant and PM is common, but indoors you must introduce it into your room, usually via an infected clone or cutting. From there, environmental factors can only delay or accelerate the inevitable replication and spread to other plants. You're not going to cure your plant of PM through environmental controls. You must eradicate it or outgrow it.

High humidity in a clone shipper isn't going to cause PM. It must already be present in or on the clone for those conditions to cause replication and outbreak. If your theory was true, anyone who uses a dome to clone their plants would constantly be getting PM. I have a clone dome in constant use for many years now, and have yet to see any PM develop in there.
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TheCutsClub Gushers (and 2 others -waiting on tests results) were dudded, runted, and sickly. Seriously the poorest quality cuts I've ever received. When I initially contacted them about processing my payment to complete the transaction, they responded within an hour. When I contacted them about the poor quality of their cuts I was ghosted for days. They did finally respond and they did send me some replacements from their sister site HM Clones and those appear to the doing well.
Just thought I'd give y'all a heads up because while they do have some pricey hyped cuts, their cloning technique as well as sanitation protocols need some serious work.
dudded as in viroid? they're allegedly testing for viroids too, I have gotten them pretty small and beat up and nursed them back to life, like it looked like they took a tiny cutting from the bottom with the smallest leaves and as soon as it showed one root they boxed it up and sent it lol
dudded as in viroid? they're allegedly testing for viroids too, I have gotten them pretty small and beat up and nursed them back to life, like it looked like they took a tiny cutting from the bottom with the smallest leaves and as soon as it showed one root they boxed it up and sent it lol
Having dealt with this virus, I test everything now and while I'm still waiting on these results, I'm pretty sure they're positive for HpLVd
I followed my usual IPM and nursed them while in quarantine in a mineral rich amended soil with teas and as soon as they started to grow a bit, I recognized the symptoms right ways. The Gushers displayed green brittle stalks that snap with the slightest amount of pressure, lack of atypical dominance, odd branching, tiny pinwheel leaves, and poor root health. And I took about a dozen cuts and not a single one has rooted after a month in rockwool (another symptom of dudding).
The cuts I received from their sister nursery (HM Clones) arrived healthy and are doing fine (awaiting results on these too but no reason to believe they're infected unless asymptomatic) so I'd advise members looking at Neptune for quality cuts to skip the CutsClub and go with HM if its a cut you really want. No experience with their other "clonerys" (KingKong)

If this was any other time of year I'd chuck em in the trash but since its summer, I'll throw these outside and let mother nature take over.

Side note: anyone thats familiar with my posting history knows it takes a LOT for me to leave a negative review for any company and while this isnt Strainly related I still couldnt in good conscience NOT say anything. Having this shit infect our rooms is no joke.
I'll try to follow this up with some pics
Having dealt with this virus, I test everything now and while I'm still waiting on these results, I'm pretty sure they're positive for HpLVd
I followed my usual IPM and nursed them while in quarantine in a mineral rich amended soil with teas and as soon as they started to grow a bit, I recognized the symptoms right ways. The Gushers displayed green brittle stalks that snap with the slightest amount of pressure, lack of atypical dominance, odd branching, tiny pinwheel leaves, and poor root health. And I took about a dozen cuts and not a single one has rooted after a month in rockwool (another symptom of dudding).
The cuts I received from their sister nursery (HM Clones) arrived healthy and are doing fine (awaiting results on these too but no reason to believe they're infected unless asymptomatic) so I'd advise members looking at Neptune for quality cuts to skip the CutsClub and go with HM if its a cut you really want. No experience with their other "clonerys" (KingKong)

If this was any other time of year I'd chuck em in the trash but since its summer, I'll throw these outside and let mother nature take over.

Side note: anyone thats familiar with my posting history knows it takes a LOT for me to leave a negative review for any company and while this isnt Strainly related I still couldnt in good conscience NOT say anything. Having this shit infect our rooms is no joke.
I'll try to follow this up with some pics

HPLvD testing - $25 a piece
TMV test strips - $6 a piece
4lb bag of Wettable Sulfur $14
Making sure you are distributing pest/disease free cuts - priceless

Make it a Master Card commercial!!!

I disagree. This is likely true for outdoor grows where spores are abundant and PM is common, but indoors you must introduce it into your room, usually via an infected clone or cutting. From there, environmental factors can only delay or accelerate the inevitable replication and spread to other plants. You're not going to cure your plant of PM through environmental controls. You must eradicate it or outgrow it.

High humidity in a clone shipper isn't going to cause PM. It must already be present in or on the clone for those conditions to cause replication and outbreak. If your theory was true, anyone who uses a dome to clone their plants would constantly be getting PM. I have a clone dome in constant use for many years now, and have yet to see any PM develop in there.
Like I said I’m no expert and I have questioned why it doesn’t pop up in our cloners/humidity domes and I have no answer. I base everything on what I’ve read online with different articles and I’ve read a lot from Todd’s article to just a shit load of internet junk. I don’t think the cloner deal is because the spores aren’t present. From what I’ve read we breath 10 billion spores a day, spores can be 3 microns and even smaller and if you don’t have a MERV15 most hepa filters don’t filter them out. Spores can travel 55mph with no air current, 55mph that’s crazy, so when you open a door they just flood in. Most people don’t have contamination rooms set up with the right hepa filters and vacuum cleaners with the right filters to eliminate these spores from the air. I think they are present in everybody’s homes just like mold spores in our bags of loaf bread. This is all just my personal opinion and PM is still shrouded in mystery to me and I’ll still read and try to figure it out. Most of the stuff I read doesn’t have no definitive answers and most scientists haven’t either, everybody has differing opinions. I’ve only had two spots about the size of a dime inside in all my years and the air was stagnant at the time and I think I sprayed it with safers soap and cranked up my fans and never seen it again. That’s my whole reasoning or belief of environmental issues causing the growth, that and what I’ve read. But yeah I have no answer about the humidity domes, maybe it’s a lack of oxygen because all the other conditions are right.
In my thirty plus years of growing inside and outside I have never seen PM in the indoor set-up unless it's been brought in from an infected cut I failed to quarantine. Learned that the hard way twice and both times these cuts showed PM shortly after arrival regardless of the environment being ideal here inside. I learned afterwards that both of the sources had been dealing with a breakout on and off but thought it was gone before handing me a cut.

I don't think it's anyone's prerogative to tell others what they should and should not do to rid their own personal plants of this dreadful fungal infection. It's not my place to tell others not to use Eagle 20 let alone anything else carcinogenic. You and only you can make the choice and I have been there myself and it is irrelevant how I killed it both times I was passed it with infected cuts. To tell others what to and don't just shows how others need to mind their own damn business.

It's far from systemic and that's just nonsense. I have watched it roll in outside for over fourty consecutive years and the fungus doesn't know a calendar like the mushrooms that fruit everytime annually and it doesn't come back to the same trees and bushes and other perennials I've seen it infect...I've seen it set up in the gardens outside in early spring, late spring and onwards into the early fall with no easy way to have any predictability. It just needs a ideal environment & host, the rest is something that we may never fully understand in the future. I think mycology is beyond the human concept as fungus is a kingdom of it's own and one of the strangest of parasites when it is in this fungal bracket. Lobster mushrooms are parasitical as well, they're not technically even mushrooms, they're ascomycete fungi as well.

Oddly enough there's a regular here in this thread that sent me PM off Strainly not too long ago. No point in naming this person, but it's obvious that he's not letting others know that it's something that was definitely known about and it was not a shipping thing either. Having dealt with it inside and outside with dozens of different specimens I just scoffed over it and did what I needed to to ensure that the cuts were treated first and isolated again once I brought them inside the house. Milk from the local farm with a little UV light was all it took to clean the puny ass sick cuts sent. Couple weeks and I was not worried one bit and they're now growing strong and healthy finally and I have zero worries about it showing up again here after locking the door to Strainly and unknown people regardless of what cut they have.

I breed for Resistance and I don't want another cut that's weak. Those have to be fixed and reset with something that has a strong resistance to PM as well as Downy Mildew and other fungals like sooty mold.

For the record I don't think even a portion of the parroted things about PM are based off experience and application. It's just a lot of text book theory, bro science and parroting another when it comes to cannabis and PM
Anyone fuck with Wyatt terps gas the name. He has more so high end cross cuts, kinda like the stuff alot of us on here would run and phenohunt from seeds. He has some very fire strains I must say-
Having dealt with this virus, I test everything now and while I'm still waiting on these results, I'm pretty sure they're positive for HpLVd
I followed my usual IPM and nursed them while in quarantine in a mineral rich amended soil with teas and as soon as they started to grow a bit, I recognized the symptoms right ways. The Gushers displayed green brittle stalks that snap with the slightest amount of pressure, lack of atypical dominance, odd branching, tiny pinwheel leaves, and poor root health. And I took about a dozen cuts and not a single one has rooted after a month in rockwool (another symptom of dudding).
The cuts I received from their sister nursery (HM Clones) arrived healthy and are doing fine (awaiting results on these too but no reason to believe they're infected unless asymptomatic) so I'd advise members looking at Neptune for quality cuts to skip the CutsClub and go with HM if its a cut you really want. No experience with their other "clonerys" (KingKong)

If this was any other time of year I'd chuck em in the trash but since its summer, I'll throw these outside and let mother nature take over.

Side note: anyone thats familiar with my posting history knows it takes a LOT for me to leave a negative review for any company and while this isnt Strainly related I still couldnt in good conscience NOT say anything. Having this shit infect our rooms is no joke.
I'll try to follow this up with some pics
I was thinking all of these sister sites aka neptune have the same nurseries? All of my orders have been from the cuts club but they've been shipped from MI and MA. One time I got a duplicate order, Ice pie, came in the mail from MI then the next day I received another one from MA. I did say it from the start however, that their "testing" is just a sales pitch, they aren't testing for viroids, I mean they could be but I just assumed they're making it up and printing up the lab themselves but who knows.. That sucks that your clone was legit dudded, now I gotta question all my gear from them..
Good to hear a solid pro for Pink Box
The Tropicana cookies mtn cut I got was legit as far as i could tell.. I haven't heard anything bad about pink so far except a several pages back or so a guy ordered Tropicana cherry and it looks like got Tropicana cookies, both have initials T.C. so I am guessing thats why, but from what I understand pink sorta blew him off which isnt cool..
Im pretty sure the gelato 41 clone i got from pnw strain hunters is not gelato 41. Not one bit of purple a little past 7 weeks in flower it is lime green, the grape pie clones and ogkb bx1 seeds im running with it are starting to get nice coloring.
Some of PNW's Gelato's were listed as Seed Junky, so I think they were hunted from seed packs and aren't the Sherbinski cuts. When I bought my Gelato 41 from Ocean Grown Clones I asked if it was from a seed junky pack or the Sherbinski cut and he said it was "not from a Seed Junky pack", which is kinda vague. His ad now says "Sherbinski's Bacio Gelato 41." I'll know for sure in about 8 weeks.
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Some of PNW's Gelato's were listed as Seed Junky, so I think they were hunted from seed packs and aren't the Sherbinski cuts. When I bought my Gelato 41 from Ocean Grown Clones I asked if it was from a seed junky pack or the Sherbinski cut and he said it was "not from a Seed Junky pack", which is kinda vague. His ad now says "Sherbinski's Bacio Gelato 41." I'll know for sure in about 8 weeks.
It is a nice cut ,I just wish it wasn't labeled as gelato 41 I didn't realize seed junky released packs labeled as the different gelato's.if ocean grown's is legit post on this thread I will have to pick it up.