The Sex Talk Thread

Become you, educate yourself, wise up, be confident in you, learn, stop looking for a quick fix, read, see what other men and women have done, as my father said to a nurse when she said it's not fair on his deathbed " who said life would ever be fair" you are already all you can be, think, change, only you can do that.
If you disrespect others how will you gain respect, it doesn't work the other way round.

Right I'm out of here, mate you need to stop and think ffs.
He's 5'7, I'm 5'7". But he is rich and famous. I'm nobody.

Girls actually like bullies and assholes, and they tend to peacock, so idk. Of course I feel inadequate, I haven't had sex in four years. At 27. That is to say I've had sex three times with the girl who took my virginity and nothing since, and they were pity fucks for sure.

I'm going to sell my soul to the devil and just be the biggest prick I can possibly be. Should work.

Don't turn the whole world into an enemy for some tail. It sounds like you've got a lot of energy being channeled as anger. I understand, I've been dealt some pretty shitty hands in life. I'd suggest some kind of physical activity, you good at any sports or anything? Something that will get your mind off things, get out some of that frustration, and even give you some confidence.
Don't forget sex isn't all fun and games. You don't wanna fuck around and catch something Ajax won't take off :lol: Focus on a healthy lifestyle. Physical and mental. Polish your social skills a little if you need, go out to events where you'll meet like minded people. Sex shouldn't be your motivation for doing things, it should be a byproduct of doing the right things in your life.
Forget it this thread is for Real Men™ who have sex, not "pussies" with small dicks who will never have sex according to one guy on the internet. Like me. Carry on, and happy fornicatin'
You could always hold your breath, life is for living though, that was a joke about having a drink, there is no drug your mind cannot copy or is it the other way round, being negative will not help you, I know been there done that, have the t shirt hell I have the store, bit I remember how it used to be being negative about myself it does fuck all, worry isike a ticking chair they both get you nowhere, if you can't do nothing else go for a walk.
I also enjoy when my wife does the "porno twist". Ha. But hell, she's never disappointed. Makes my toes curl. That woman knows what's up. Good titty fuck during the session never hurt no one neither.