Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

I can't help but notice the medical field and number of states legalizing weed grew much faster the last four years with Chester cheeto vs the 8 years before. It's kinda weird Republicans voted in their party, and that same visit to the booths that year more states legalized weed than any other year before. It's pretty obvious Republicans where the majority voters in booths for 2016... numbers don't lie

Libertarians for 2024. Fuck the two party system

Vermont legislature didn't pass the legalization bill until Oct 2020.

In big national election years neither Republicans nor Democrats are the majority of voters, presidential elections swing based on getting out the faithful party voters AND swaying enough independent voters.
I can't help but notice the medical field and number of states legalizing weed grew much faster the last four years with Chester cheeto vs the 8 years before. It's kinda weird Republicans voted in their party, and that same visit to the booths that year more states legalized weed than any other year before. It's pretty obvious Republicans where the majority voters in booths for 2016... numbers don't lie

Libertarians for 2024. Fuck the two party system
I agree that we need another party. NOT Libertarian.
"Biden wants to see research on marijuana"

The only research Biden wants to do on marijuana is to determine how many voters he can sway his way and what his party needs to do it. Marijuana States are not green to a politician (of any party) they are Red and Blue. And there are alot of Red states that have legal marijuana laws that Biden would like to flip to Blue.
Hold up: "You still will be growing illegally". Forgive my ignorance but if it "gets done", why would it be illegal to then grow? If I can make it to retirement I am very seriously considering moving to a legal state so that i may grow, and explicitly do so for medical purposes, Is personally legally growing for medical purposes poisoned or under threat somewhere by federal law?

Not if we stand together.
I'm in Michigan so federally legal is not a huge issue for me generally.
Massachusetts here. The idea of legal vs. illegal is how you handle it. You grow a lot and end up on federal radar.....far fetched I know.
I can grow 12 plants. 6 for me 6 for my wife. I could get a medical card easily I think for my wife. That boosts it up to 18.
So now enters twilight zone. I start selling and I cross state and already federal laws.
I was in a post with YardG trying to do a work around via bartering. Mass seems to have sewn it up pretty tightly.
We've been legal, what, 2+ years and already pot shops have been shut down for selling out the back door.
You can end up on the radar for ANY reason. Ex girl friend, "neighbor", you can think of a dozen reasons, except the one that goes down.
Let's keep our powder dry!
I agree that we need another party. NOT Libertarian.
I've always thought we should create another party. Bring a-lot of joints, whiskey and wild wild women.
Actually I was thinking the "Rhino party". No, seriously. There have been many left leaning Reps and right leaning Dems who could fill the bill.
Our Gov. Baker, Rep, Ma. (who has been a name tossed about for Pres ticket--I would vote for him), fits that suit.
They'll bring back the swamp cause the sewer water that's there now, is rotting D.C. like never before.
Massachusetts here. The idea of legal vs. illegal is how you handle it. You grow a lot and end up on federal radar.....far fetched I know.
I can grow 12 plants. 6 for me 6 for my wife. I could get a medical card easily I think for my wife. That boosts it up to 18.
So now enters twilight zone. I start selling and I cross state and already federal laws.
I was in a post with YardG trying to do a work around via bartering. Mass seems to have sewn it up pretty tightly.
We've been legal, what, 2+ years and already pot shops have been shut down for selling out the back door.
You can end up on the radar for ANY reason. Ex girl friend, "neighbor", you can think of a dozen reasons, except the one that goes down.
Let's keep our powder dry!
Mulch the excess or give it away. It's what I do.
Mulch the excess or give it away. It's what I do.
Also, talk like that is what is going to fuck it up for us. Reach out to cancer patients. Keep big pharma out of our lives as much as possible. Legalization should drive prices down anyway.
That's rather smug. I believe we are talking about a little more freedom than that.
I guess. But you're talking about a freedom we're not likely to ever have. We can't distill our own liquor and sell it either.
Also, talk like that is what is going to fuck it up for us. Reach out to cancer patients. Keep big pharma out of our lives as much as possible. Legalization should drive prices down anyway.

I guess. But you're talking about a freedom we're not likely to ever have. We can't distill our own liquor and sell it either.
I didn't mean to post that just yet. Also, I didn't know the conversation was that serious. After all, not everyone Is going to be drawn to a political party with a platform of joints, whiskey and wild women, myself included, even though I might enjoy all three minus the whiskey. The healing gift of pot is from mother nature. Maybe it's one thing we could grow and not necessarily profit from monetarily. Maybe that's smug too but it's still my opinion. We're lucky to be able to grow without risking prison, though I agree we shouldn't necessarily stop there.
Also, talk like that is what is going to fuck it up for us. Reach out to cancer patients. Keep big pharma out of our lives as much as possible. Legalization should drive prices down anyway.

I got 2 people where I work use for there ailments. One has Hodgkin's going through his 2nd bout. Won't take any from me. has other people bringing gummies and brownies. The other had lung cancer seems to be "cured" but he still smokes. I tell him please give up the cigs and eat the pot but....:(
The healing gift of pot is from mother nature
Well your definitely not a Libertarian. Sound more like a flower child. I agree with the big Pharma, (Farma), thing. Bet they're chomping at the bit. My take is they'll buy up the companies in place, corner the market, then synthesize it and you'll get it by script, pill form, maybe a reduced dosage, aisle 5, next to the aspercreme.
I got 2 people where I work use for there ailments. One has Hodgkin's going through his 2nd bout. Won't take any from me. has other people bringing gummies and brownies. The other had lung cancer seems to be "cured" but he still smokes. I tell him please give up the cigs and eat the pot but....:(

Well your definitely not a Libertarian. Sound more like a flower child. I agree with the big Pharma, (Farma), thing. Bet they're chomping at the bit. My take is they'll buy up the companies in place, corner the market, then synthesize it and you'll get it by script, pill form, maybe a reduced dosage, aisle 5, next to the aspercreme.
Since recreational was made legal in Michigan, the big money is behind it. That equals or is as bad as big pharma. I just want to grow my own for myself and it's cool to be able to share with friends or those in need. People who care grow the cleanest, if not the best. Keep the big money (oftentimes the big crooks, legal activity or not) away from my natural meds. Nope, not a Libertarian.
Since recreational was made legal in Michigan, the big money is behind it. That equals or is as bad as big pharma. I just want to grow my own for myself and it's cool to be able to share with friends or those in need. People who care grow the cleanest, if not the best. Keep the big money (oftentimes the big crooks, legal activity or not) away from my natural meds. Nope, not a Libertarian.
You could substitute in your statement Michigan for Massachusetts and that is also me. I try to grow organic. Aquaponics is my route. Just harvested. Have to stop for a while. I got to break it down and rebuild it.
Maybe we don't want it federally legalized. The bank money that would pour in...yeow.
You could substitute in your statement Michigan for Massachusetts and that is also me. I try to grow organic. Aquaponics is my route. Just harvested. Have to stop for a while. I got to break it down and rebuild it.
Maybe we don't want it federally legalized. The bank money that would pour in...yeow.

There needs to be something done at the fed level to stop/get people out of jail over a plant. Also something needs to be put in place to allow banking service. It's dangerous to have a business left to only deal in cash.
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There needs to be something done at the fed level to stop/get people out of jail over a plant. Also something needs to be put in place to allow banking service. It's dangerous to have a business left to only deal in cash.
To your first point I agree. But, correct me if I'm wrong, most incarcerations are state level. Federal legalization, the big stuff, may not help at that level. Those states legal stay legal, those not stay not.
The money is a double edge sword. When banks see green they see blood. Mega farmers turn giga farmers and you the grower are allowed only to grow for yourself. I will not be surprised if there is a squeeze at that level.
To your first point I agree. But, correct me if I'm wrong, most incarcerations are state level. Federal legalization, the big stuff, may not help at that level. Those states legal stay legal, those not stay not.
The money is a double edge sword. When banks see green they see blood. Mega farmers turn giga farmers and you the grower are allowed only to grow for yourself. I will not be surprised if there is a squeeze at that level.
But it leaves the door open for orange dotards who want to enforce it at the federal level, maybe only to toy with the stock market. Pros and cons to both sides and those who made a good living in the black market don't necessarily want federal legalization either. Greed motivates both sides or all sides. And then there are the Mexican cartels... Pot needs to be legal at the federal level.
And then there are the Mexican cartels... Pot needs to be legal at the federal level.
I agree, with some reluctance, with fed level acceptance. Just how it's done is the key. You can damn well know corps. are lobbying big time.
Maybe the cartels are greasing political hands. But I think the cartels are falling out of the picture with pot. They'll go somewhere else with their joints. Besides chemicals are the new rage.
well, if you address valid concerns in an ignorant style like this, you are not reall helpful, rather the opposite. these concerns are legit, as is, for example, the call of neurologists science etc which state that the human brain works best if not intoxicated at all.

let me just play Devil's Advocate here... what do you say about the severe THC-induced memory loss? is that totally okay with you that mostly neurons in the hippocampus face one hell of a excito-toxicity, and the boss gets enraged anew each day because his smoking hired hand needs to be told stuff 10 times until he finally gets it?
Hippocampus, I've never been to Africa. What do numerologys think of sugar? There is an epidemic of childhood obesity in USA. It's all relative. Cannabis is not all good. But garlic is being abused today. Drug abuse, garlic abuse. But if you want to put too much garlic in your recipe, we'll go for it.
Dang, this Sherbet is good.
The guy can barely answer a question without scripted answers and he can barely answer those in a capable manner. I didn't like Trump much either, but this guy has serious cognation issues if not early onset of dementia. To say the current president is low energy is an understatement, he can hardly make it through a news conference without be asked by very specific people on a cue card.

I doubt his mental health will allow for him to finish this term.

Like I said previously, this guy has been a career politician for 40 years prior to being vice back to the 1970's and see what his stance was for segregated busing for public schools. The guy is a flip flop joke, he's the poster boy for a scumbag politician that will say anything to get re-elected.

He's he was a vice president for 2 terms. What has he been waiting this whole time to "turn it all around?".

Why does everyone keep voting the same idiots over and over again? At the end of the day both sides play golf together, they use the same lawyers, they only hang/marry with other people on the hill. They play adversaries in public and fist bump each behind the scenes....most of these people are what I like to call "closet aristocrats", their motivations when they wake up in the morning are how can I get re-elected, not how can I best represent the people that put me in power.

...but go ahead, keep cheerleading this lemon if you want. You clearly haven't followed his past remarks...or even followed current decisions of his. He backed the Nord Pipeline deal, decided to not support Ukraine resistance to Russia tell me again who is the pro Russia stooge? Please, I would really like to hear the mental gymnastics on this one.....
stance was for segregated busing for public schools. The guy is a flip flop joke, he's the poster boy for a scumbag politician that will say anything to get re-elected."
You do know that Trump invited Hillary to his wedding, donated to many Democrats, and spoke in favor of pro choice.