Maximizing Terpenes??? How?


Well-Known Member
well there is a product design for resin production. Purpinator and terpinator. They worked well for me (when im not having my nightmare issues in my grow) i had to use alot of it tho. I had a mother purple punch i was doing test grows with, the first cuttings turned out like alright bud but when i went from that grow to a new one with terpinator it turned up the resin production from what i could tell. but as many have said thats more of a genetic thing. cant teach an apple to be an orange. but if there is a decent resin production already it can be improved through temp, humiditiy ( epically after harvest) nutrients, and sometimes plant size. but from what I've experienced smaller plants seem to have more resin, but that could totally be environmental or human error.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I am finding that my buds are lacking the amazing terpenes smell of others on the market. I understand about drying at 70 degrees/50 RH slowly.

And also curing for a month or two at least.

What else can I do to ensure my nugs have a great stench?
Been working on this for some years.
Your best bet is to increase S levels. This is best done with Sulfate compounds..

I have found that different Sulfates, effect different terps.
Like that the use of Mag Sulfate will effect the "Citrus" terps
Potassium Sulfates effect the grape terps.

Still playing around with other sulfates to see what they do...

Now for the above 2 I listed. I supplement them in early bloom. I use them both.

I have people who come to me simply because they can't find it so intensely tasting, anywhere else. Even in the dispensary's.
Strain makes no difference either. It works for everything I've run for decades.

I'm still right. It only comes down to genetics. BRB mom's making meatloaf.
You might as well stay in the basement with your auto's.....
Go to college and study Ag science's.


Well-Known Member
Been working on this for some years.
Your best bet is to increase S levels. This is best done with Sulfate compounds..

I have found that different Sulfates, effect different terps.
Like that the use of Mag Sulfate will effect the "Citrus" terps
Potassium Sulfates effect the grape terps.

Still playing around with other sulfates to see what they do...

Now for the above 2 I listed. I supplement them in early bloom. I use them both.

I have people who come to me simply because they can't find it so intensely tasting, anywhere else. Even in the dispensary's.
Strain makes no difference either. It works for everything I've run for decades.

You might as well stay in the basement with your auto's.....
Go to college and study Ag science's.
this is what I focus on this is how I shoot my terps to 4%and up. It’s why ppl can smell my bud while locked in a tote across the 18000sqft building. A piece of the puzzle is going to be genetics however like the doc said sulfur or different sulphates along with zeolite, azomite, and a few other minerals are need to to exchange the ions properly and breakdown to be used. Couple all this along with high carbon soil or if in coco some sort of high carbon containing compost tea coco guys plus water from the bottom and let it suck that shit up and leave a 1/4 inch of water in your tray or flood table and I guarantee terps will go up.
@Callz get away from that overpriced nonsense read the back and get the raw material and make your own for pennies on the dollar.


Well-Known Member
Been working on this for some years.
Your best bet is to increase S levels. This is best done with Sulfate compounds..

I have found that different Sulfates, effect different terps.
Like that the use of Mag Sulfate will effect the "Citrus" terps
Potassium Sulfates effect the grape terps.

Still playing around with other sulfates to see what they do...

Now for the above 2 I listed. I supplement them in early bloom. I use them both.

I have people who come to me simply because they can't find it so intensely tasting, anywhere else. Even in the dispensary's.
Strain makes no difference either. It works for everything I've run for decades.

You might as well stay in the basement with your auto's.....
Go to college and study Ag science's.
This is one of the reasons I sprinkle some Epsom salts once a week or every other (when I remember lol) during flower.

additional S helps with flavour plain and simple.

I haven’t tested to the extent that you have though. I just know that additional S helps flavour and aroma.

nice work Doc.


Well-Known Member
This information could be gold! Thanks everyone for your feedback. Wow sulfates! @Dr. Who @jondamon @Lordhooha
@Dr. Who Hey man what PPM do you feed them the sulfates ? And for how long ?
Great question!

Please enlighten us guys, about more of your Standard Operating Procedures on this?

I am using the following flowering nutrient.

evolution solution nutrient flower.jpg

Would any of you still recommend I add some epsom, mag sulfate or potassium sulfate or etc. (and if so, how much)?


Well-Known Member
This information could be gold! Thanks everyone for your feedback. Wow sulfates! @Dr. Who @jondamon @Lordhooha

Great question!

Please enlighten us guys, about more of your Standard Operating Procedures on this?

I am using the following flowering nutrient.

View attachment 4938624

Would any of you still recommend I add some epsom, mag sulfate or potassium sulfate or etc. (and if so, how much)?
Personally I sprinkle a pinch each week of Epsom salts.


Well-Known Member
I guess I can add a "pinch" of Potassium Sulfate and Magenesium sulfate into my rez. And I think I will try that.

Side note:
I am running Bruce Bugbee's formula of 50% Peat/Vermiculite (with a bit of gypsum and lime added).

But it would be great to know whether or not I am over/under doing it chemically (or whether I might then be greatly altering ph -- this is a ph perfect blend, so I dont even bother to test it and amend the ph of it).

After all, I am scared that a "pinch" is open to interpretation so I fear fucking something up a bit... also considering that my nutes have the generous amount of sulphur in it already as seen below. Albeit this may be quite different from being bonded with magnesium or potassium "as a sulPHATE"?


Well-Known Member
Been working on this for some years.
Your best bet is to increase S levels. This is best done with Sulfate compounds..

I have found that different Sulfates, effect different terps.
Like that the use of Mag Sulfate will effect the "Citrus" terps
Potassium Sulfates effect the grape terps.

Still playing around with other sulfates to see what they do...

Now for the above 2 I listed. I supplement them in early bloom. I use them both.

I have people who come to me simply because they can't find it so intensely tasting, anywhere else. Even in the dispensary's.
Strain makes no difference either. It works for everything I've run for decades.

You might as well stay in the basement with your auto's.....
Go to college and study Ag science's.
Learn something new every day. I always wondered why the majority of the stuff I grew was lemoney/citrusy. I feed Epsom (mag sulfate) fairly regular. I'm gonna try incorporating different sulfates from now on and see if I get any different results.
First thing I thought of was the old wives tale of molasses "sweetening" your buds. I googled sulfates in molasses and lo-and-behold they contain a bit of natural sulfates.

Neat. Now to experiment myself. What do you supplement for S if you don't mind me asking?