Small amount of mold during dry


Active Member
Ran into some hard temps and humidity to control in the middle of the dry on a harvest.
Was trimming today and it seems like 5-6 of my tops were too dense and caught some mold during the dry.
My question is, is the entire harvest trash? Just throw away these tops and be done with it. I only noticed cause I saw the giveaway of smoke puff when handling a larger nug and broke a few down. Only one nug had a bit of webbing out of the ones I could find with issues.
But if I saw spores come out when I snapped the nug I put it to the side.
Even with all that said you can’t even see anything with the naked eye except that one bud.

is the rest of the harvest trash or what u think


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Yeah y’all tripping, I went on a paranoid scavenger hunt thru the interwebs. There’s no reason to think removing the few buds with a bit of mold on them is going to affect the rest when all aspect are being controlled. Air flow and humidity.
I visually inspected at least 90% of the remainer of a lb and half and cracked damn near 50% of the buds. No spores when cracked, no ammonia smell.
I’m going to equate this situation as having an entire load of bread brand new, you open it find the heel has a bit of mold. Do you throw out the entire loaf of bread.

soo many ppl here with straight scorched earth approaches.
If you can see the mold then the spores are all over. Just because you can't see anything with a naked eye doesn't mean the spores are not all over everything which more than likely they are. The weed can continue spreading during the drying and curing process if you cure. So buds that you think are mold free now can be full of mold inside when you break them open later.

It's your weed.

And yes if I spot one speck of mold on a loaf of bread I toss the entire loaf.
Yeah y’all tripping, I went on a paranoid scavenger hunt thru the interwebs. There’s no reason to think removing the few buds with a bit of mold on them is going to affect the rest when all aspect are being controlled. Air flow and humidity.
I visually inspected at least 90% of the remainer of a lb and half and cracked damn near 50% of the buds. No spores when cracked, no ammonia smell.
I’m going to equate this situation as having an entire load of bread brand new, you open it find the heel has a bit of mold. Do you throw out the entire loaf of bread.

soo many ppl here with straight scorched earth approaches.
We're not trippin, We're smart!! Its your lungs!!
If you can see the mold then the spores are all over. Just because you can't see anything with a naked eye doesn't mean the spores are not all over everything which more than likely they are. The weed can continue spreading during the drying and curing process if you cure. So buds that you think are mold free now can be full of mold inside when you break them open later.

It's your weed.

And yes if I spot one speck of mold on a loaf of bread I toss the entire loaf.
Agreed...a few spores seen = a million more not seen. As stated.... it's your bud. Do what you want with it. I wouldn't sell it though. You might get someone else sick.
But nobody wants to discuss how there is always mold spores in the air practically everywhere. Or the fact bud rot/botrytis is recommended to be cut out rather than burning down the whole crop.
scorched earth
But nobody wants to discuss how there is always mold spores in the air practically everywhere. Or the fact bud rot/botrytis is recommended to be cut out rather than burning down the whole crop.
scorched earth
Correct.... there is always mold spores in the air, and where there's spores, moisture, and warm temps, it'll multiply and grow. Put some spores in a petrie dish, add a lil water and warm temps and watch for yourself. The point is, it may or may not multiply and spread, but why risk smoking it? It's y'alls weed though. Knock your socks off smoking it.
So then to my point. Let’s say your harvest has no visible mold. Your temps are correct and humidity in check. But your logic states because there’s mold spores in the air and now all over your product bc mold spores just exist everywhere all the time. Then in turn that means your “ good nugs” even though you can’t see the mold it’s there so technically speaking we can’t smoke anything
My loaf of bread show no indication of mold whatsoever. But there’s mold in the air and it’s been in contact with the air soo therefore it’s contaminated.
My loaf of bread show no indication of mold whatsoever. But there’s mold in the air and it’s been in contact with the air soo therefore it’s contaminated.
Where do you think the mold on the bread came from in the first place? It wasn't just magically there.