My girlfriend hates Metallica.

My wife doesn't like Jazz. So what you do when you really want to be by yourself for a while, spin up about a mile of Miles. She will stay in the other room so you can get your shit done.

how long you been together? sometimes you just have to live with shit. my parnest religious, shes npot super religious, but im willing to put up with it. i believe in a higher power, call it what you will god, buddah ect but i love her so you just learn to live together if you love her. love will find a way
Yeah, i invested in noise cancellation ear buds. We've been together since before the lockdown. She's religious, I'm not, but I suck it up on Sunday. She walks in on me banging my head and is confused lol. She's like, "you're 55, wtf?"
Yeah, i invested in noise cancellation ear buds. We've been together since before the lockdown. She's religious, I'm not, but I suck it up on Sunday. She walks in on me banging my head and is confused lol. She's like, "you're 55, wtf?"
in 53 and the same lol, love us for who we are
I used to like some of their stuff but I'm a hater these days. Last time they came to Portland I paid over $200 a piece for tickets. Then the assholes made everyone sit through a couple hours of some crappy comedian nonsense before they finally started playing. When they came out they sucked. They played like crap and sounded like garbage. Missing chords and the singer was pretty bad as well. I left halfway through as I wasn't going to waste anymore of my time listening to those arrogant jerks. One of the worst concerts I've seen from a big name band. Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, KISS, all put 100% into their shows. Metallica just showed up to take peoples money. I wouldn't go see them again even if I was given free front row tickets and backstage passes.
That's because Metallica blows. Not really into metal but you should try Ozric Tentacles. They have some kind of psych/prog/metal thing but they rip. They have been making music since the 80s, have like 20-30 albums and still tour today in the UK. They are legends basically.