Examples of GOP Leadership


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Ron Johnson calls for Republicans to run for local office and 'take back our culture'
Johnson made the remarks in a speech to Wisconsin's state GOP convention, where his presence was met with applause and chants of "six more years," The Capital Times reports. The senator bemoaned what he characterized as the Republican party neglecting local offices in favor of federal positions.

"Take back our school boards, our county boards, our city councils. We will take back our culture. We don't have to fear this anymore," Johnson said according to the Times. He advocated for so-called "trickle-up elections."

The Time reports Johnson, who has not announced whether he will run for reelection in 2022, also used his address to take aim at Democratic politicians, criticizing them for their repeated calls for social change, while also acknowledging the U.S. is "not perfect."

"The leaders of the left talk about fundamentally transforming this nation. Do you even like, much less love, something you want to fundamentally transform?" Johnson asked the crowd. "America’s not perfect; we had that original sin from slavery, but we’ve made progress. We’ve continuously improved. That’s not good enough for the left."

"Our little democracy here, this marvel we call America, is but a blip in time. It’s kind of tiny, it’s kind of insignificant on that scale. But man, is it rare and is it ever precious," Johnson added. The Times notes that he appeared to be alluding to the 1997 film "Contact," in which a group of scientists make first contact with extraterrestrials.

"So it’s just my belief that it is our solemn duty, having been given this gift, something this rare, something this precious, it’s our duty to make sure that it not only survives for our kids and grandkids and great-grandkids — that it thrives."
sure, Klanman. this fvcker just got booed out of Juneteenth Festivities for Federal Holiday status..and he says 'take back our culture'..do the pillbillies not have memory or do they need an upgrade?


Well-Known Member
Dum jr. failing at twitter again. Misspelled her name to boot.

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He will be with his dad in the big house, do they have family plans? Since dad has a large terrorist following and all the death threats that will be made against the judge and jury during the trial, Donald will be doing maximum security time in a NY state prison. Hell for anybody, but for Donald... :lol:

Donald will be running around lose for awhile and going nuts over his legal prospects, Mitch will be thrilled to have Donald's trial in the middle of the 2022 election and primary season. Donald will make them all dance and howl on the courthouse steps in NY before he goes to prison. He might even be so pissed that he fucks the republicans or tells his base to stay home. He will want to run for the 2024 republican nomination from his cell in Sing sing, provided he's still sane enough and will probably get it.