

Well-Known Member
Anyone suffer with psoriasis ?
just wondering if anyone has any wonder cream or anything they can suggest for this horrid skin condition have been doing some research on making some cream using mj in some way shape or form

I have suffered my entire life (46yrs)
It affects metal health confidence some times it’s so bad I can’t leave my house
Have tried every single cream available with poor to zero results - in bad years I have to have light treatment 2-3times which works on a short term basis
Be good to here from folks on this subject
Thanks for reading …☮
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I've had psoriasis for about 35 years. The only thing that has ever worked for me was Elocon. I would rub some on, it would burn like hell, but within a day the flaky stuff would come off and new skin was growing. My only issue was if you use it regularly, you will absorb the steroid through osmosis I guess, and it would affect my mood. My temper would flare over the simplest thing. But I used it off and on for years to control the psoriasis and it worked great. But then I moved to another town and had to get a new doctor, and the new doctor would prescribe everything BUT Elocon. I suffered for several years without it. Finally changed doctors and the new one prescribed it. But right away I noticed it didn't work the same. There was no burning when I put it on, and it had no affect on the psoriasis at all. So I checked it out and it was being made in China. It hasn't worked since.
I've had psoriasis for about 35 years. The only thing that has ever worked for me was Elocon. I would rub some on, it would burn like hell, but within a day the flaky stuff would come off and new skin was growing. My only issue was if you use it regularly, you will absorb the steroid through osmosis I guess, and it would affect my mood. My temper would flare over the simplest thing. But I used it off and on for years to control the psoriasis and it worked great. But then I moved to another town and had to get a new doctor, and the new doctor would prescribe everything BUT Elocon. I suffered for several years without it. Finally changed doctors and the new one prescribed it. But right away I noticed it didn't work the same. There was no burning when I put it on, and it had no affect on the psoriasis at all. So I checked it out and it was being made in China. It hasn't worked since.
Hi thank you for your input yes elocon use to work for me also but my doctor begged me to stop using it he said it was making my skin paper thin don’t really trust doctors tbh was strange I read a while later that it was an expensive cream for them to buy whether or not that influenced he’s decision I will never know kinda coming to the conclusion that it’s going to be more of a controlling it situation than a full cure but I will keep searching cheers again ☮️
Screw the pills. Start eliminating one thing at a time from your diet for a week or two to see if it helps. Something you eat almost every day.
I've suffered for years until i gave up ice cream and chocolate for Lent about 20 years ago (I'm 68 now). I noticed the psoriasis eased up considerably. After Lent I started them both again and it was back. Eliminated both again and more improvement. If i eat either one on occasion it will come back mildly so I know to limit or stay away from both. Dark chocolate doesn't have any affect, mmmmm. I've learned to limit cheese and milk also and rarely have any serious patches. This is mostly on scalp, neck and around my nose and in my beard.
Red meat will also affect me but mostly on my knuckles and forearms. It also affects my psoriatic arthritis.

My father suffered way worse than me. He was a meat and potato guy and had a big bowl of ice cream every night with his dog.
Sadly he was gone before I realized what it was doing to me and probably him too.

My daughter is similar to me and is now taking pills instead of my advice and she said the pills are giving her very very loose stool.

Try it guys and you may figure out what is causing yours.
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Earlier I had a similar diagnosis. I also had irritation on my skin, sometimes it even cracked and was very painful where it cracked. I tried different creams and ointments and only one cbd cream canada helped me. I used it on a part of my skin at first but I did not see the result right away. The skin that was cracked started to heal.
Earlier I had a similar diagnosis. I also had irritation on my skin, sometimes it even cracked and was very painful where it cracked. I tried different creams and ointments and only one cbd cream canada helped me. I used it on a part of my skin at first but I did not see the result right away. The skin that was cracked started to heal.
CBD creams combined with essential oils are also really efficient against pityriasis versicolor
I've had it off and on for years. Seems like tomatoes and white flour exacerbates it. When I was in Hawaii I started getting my vitamin d levels checked. When it was low I had way more problems with it. I started eating salmon 2-3 times a week, taking 5k iu of vitamin d every day, and I'd get 20 to 40 minutes of sun every evening on my lanai. It takes a while to get vitamin d levels up even taking supplements. The sun is what really helps. I pretty much didn't have any problems with it for about 18 months.
A lot of people have use ozonated water to treat psoriasis with great results. You can get an ozone generator from Amazon for under 100 bucks. Before doing so, be sure to read up on how to safely operate an ozone generator. The gas can be pretty harmful if not used in a very well ventilated area. Good luck!
A lot of people have use ozonated water to treat psoriasis with great results. You can get an ozone generator from Amazon for under 100 bucks. Before doing so, be sure to read up on how to safely operate an ozone generator. The gas can be pretty harmful if not used in a very well ventilated area. Good luck!
I'm curious how they used it. Maybe soaked a rag and apply it to the areas? I have one of those ozone generators and will give this a try.

My mother has had psoriasis her whole life, as a child I remember rubbing "3 in 1" oil into the patches to soften them up. Horrible coverage.

Now she's on a pill called Tofacitinib Citrate and the patches are completely gone. I highly recommend this medication.

I'm curious how they used it. Maybe soaked a rag and apply it to the areas? I have one of those ozone generators and will give this a try.
Drinking ozonated water could certainly help as would the method that you suggested but your best bet would be to make a batch of ozonated olive oil and then apply it to the effected area(s). There's a lot of info out there on how to make the ozonated olive oil but it requires a certain amount of output (mg./hr) from your generator and a certain amount of time to make it. Fortunately, once a batch is made it can be stored in the refrigerator for years and the ozone level in the oil won't dissipate whereas with ozonated water the third oxygen molecule has a half life and will be gone in less than an hour. I've actually treated injured feet and hands by wrapping the hand or foot in a plastic bag and then feeding in the silicone tubing from the generator. Of course, I made sure to do this in a very well ventilated area with a fan blowing directly at me.