first hydro, gonna need a walkthrough


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:Excellent looking set-up you've got going there, sb!! And that's cool that the roots are keeping to the rw for the most part---was curious how that was going to go. Those are looking very good though and I think you'll be more than happy with the outcome!

And you got lucky and NewGrowth subscribed to your grow:hump:---he's been a big help to many and I 've learned a lot of what I know from reading his posts/threads.

And yes, the dwc's are so simple to make----if you haven't already found the diy's let me know and I 'll get ya some links. I am in the middle of building a custom aero set-up StinkBud style(actually getting the rest of the parts tonight for the areo cloner diy he uses and a couple more pvc fence posts for the channels in his aero flo......, pvc parts, etc).

Well, I didn't get my two SS girls into the 12/12 until last night----and I really didn't have the room for them as there are 24+ SS and a couple of MoonFlower that are due to chop the 20th(maybe a few more days on the MF). But that will give me room to get my AF20 in there and going; the clones are rooted and vegging now in 3" net pots w/hydroton in a dwc and the roots are already pouring out everywhere.......

Have you been able to test your water's pH, PPM?, and what's the temp?

Have a great weekend!!! (Get your homework done!:roll:)



Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: glad to have you. Plants are lookin mighty fine if i do say so myself, only been in flower about a week. even though i'm doing everything totally amateur style it seems to be working! as long as i check on em everyday i'm feelin pretty good! hmm first big test comes thanksgiving time ... i've got to fly out for 4 days and let my roommate check on em every day or two...until then here are a few pics,

skinnier branchier ladies are the choc.thai. they turned hermie 6 weeks into flower about in my last grow, but i think that may be due to light leaks, so i'm keeping a close eye on them. the two shorter stouter ladies are on the right directly under the MH, better genetics very hardy and some good buds! flowering for them in soil was like 9 weeks though.

learnin a lot along the way, i'm definitely going to build my own hydro after this! this premade shit sucks hard :cuss: but i'm gettin it done!bongsmilie
Its funny how you buy pre-made stuff an then you grow with it and realize how much better and cheaper you can build it yourself. Plants look good so far I have not read through the whole thread but I'm watching now. :peace:


Well-Known Member
went away for ONE day, asked my roommate who is supposed to be helping anyways *shrug* cause it's his friend's hydro kit/light to water the ladies aaaaand. of course, one doesn't get watered. my nicest looking og diesel was drooping bad when i got home, watered it right away and looked much better, but now two days later still sagging a bit, some permanent damage to the leaves. RAH. anyways putting the water on a time today the thing is it only goes in increments of like 20 minutes? maybe 30 so i don't want to over water! arg. i'll get some pics up later other than that they're all looking good and i'm hoping my baby can recover


Well-Known Member
fuck, well here it is. and we're down to...3? maybe.

it's quite sad. i realize i wasn't prepared for them sucking more water during flower and once they started and i was gone for one day...oh, dARN! i must learn to be more careful.



Well-Known Member
went away for ONE day, asked my roommate who is supposed to be helping anyways *shrug* cause it's his friend's hydro kit/light to water the ladies aaaaand. of course, one doesn't get watered. my nicest looking og diesel was drooping bad when i got home, watered it right away and looked much better, but now two days later still sagging a bit, some permanent damage to the leaves. RAH. anyways putting the water on a time today the thing is it only goes in increments of like 20 minutes? maybe 30 so i don't want to over water! arg. i'll get some pics up later other than that they're all looking good and i'm hoping my baby can recover
Yeah that sucks dude always leave detailed instructions for the person watching you grow, I learned that one the hard way and lost a two pound harvest to powdery mildew. I left him general instructions and forgot to tell him about the sulfur burner:wall:

How often are you watering now? Flooding every 30 min is kind of excessive . . .


Well-Known Member
so just setup a little hydro experimebnt. i just read a nice old hydroponics book, i'll find it and get the title later, but now i'm doing a one-time hydro cause i got a setup from a friend for the next 3 months. it's gonna be pretty ghetto like all i'll have are papers for pH and a cheapo PPM meter but this is really just to see if i want to transition, then i'll get more serious about it if i like it enough.

first question. this is a continuous flow hydro setup, correct?
Ive been searching foe this hydro system but couldnt find it in U.K. what is the name of it & what was the cost? Also can you perhaps tell me where you purchased it from? Thanks so much.


Well-Known Member
naw exactly new growth. i flood for 10 minutes a day. the past few days tho since a week into flower they take too much water i have to do it 2x a day. i left instructions to do it once the day i was gone but i don't know if the water didn't touch or what...anyways i had one lady that was dry as fuck when i got back i don't think she'll recover...sad. she was the nicest, taking the most water now i have to figure out how to get 2 timers watering twice a day while i'm gone over turkey day so they're ok when i'm home after 5 days out of state...hope it works...


Well-Known Member
naw exactly new growth. i flood for 10 minutes a day. the past few days tho since a week into flower they take too much water i have to do it 2x a day. i left instructions to do it once the day i was gone but i don't know if the water didn't touch or what...anyways i had one lady that was dry as fuck when i got back i don't think she'll recover...sad. she was the nicest, taking the most water now i have to figure out how to get 2 timers watering twice a day while i'm gone over turkey day so they're ok when i'm home after 5 days out of state...hope it works...
Good luck bro I'm rooting for ya. :peace:


Well-Known Member
it's a bust! alright so the chocolate thai are def hermie. i'm so pissed at wasting so much time and energy on 2/3 strains that were genetically hermie, fuck that dispensary.

the one og diesel is doing well, the other one was unsalvagable. my roommate picked up two kush? plants that are in flower, brought em in but they're fucking covered in bugs. little flies look kinda like fungus gnats but maybe a little bigger? been spraying them every other day w/neem oil but it doesn't seem to be doing much. oh well, it was an experiment i get that...

still got my soil babies! and i'm debating trying to keep the hermies just picking off male flowers as well as the 2 kush and 1 diesel seeing if i can make it to harvest but then again i'm not sure i want to waste the electricity, ya kno? alright finals and shit comin up i gotta study my ass off! been smokin too much!


Well-Known Member
Wow........sorry to hear about your experience in the hydro so far, sb!:sad:
I really hope you dont give up on it yet---you just need a good pheno to clone from. I just guess I've been lucky; I've never had a hermie, just one SS that had 4 seeds..........
Well my computer is down for a bit- it totally crashed and wont even power up..........all my pics and everything is on there and I sure hope to be able to save them. I guess this will be a lesson! Had to practically beg my woman to use this......she's like,"........your going to go to those pot sites, aren't you?" She has nothing to do with my 'pot' shit..........but the beni's always make her smile:-P and keeps her quiet.........she doesn't even smoke.....

Well, sb, I hope to see you up and running strong very soon.........and what do you have left in soil??----I 'll have to go check out that thread and check on you, man.........:weed:

And what's up with that pic at the bottom of NG's sig?:shock::ohaha

Have great week you guys!



Well-Known Member
alright what's up! i'm crazy busy, done with finals in 2 days, you'll get your update then. keeping the chocolate thai in there picked off all the male preflowers that i saw, also the 2 kush plants my roommate picked up are looking beautiful, but they are quite small, i think i might get total 1/2 oz off of them. my one remaining og diesel is looking nice and christmas tree like in shape to a certain extent.

oh yea, i don't know why what i'm doing wrong but the choc.thai have some massive single blade leaves comin out they look crazy! i did hack quite a bit off when i was getting rid of male partsbut i don't think that is why...anyways i'll update soon. i'm actually gone for 2 weeks, but i've got my roommate into it and he's gettin the hang of it, i think they'll be fine. soil is what i'm worried about but i'll think of something.

how's the experimenting going growinman you find out what works best?


Well-Known Member
Good to see you around, sb!!:hump: Just got a new computer the other day--they are sure making these sweet anymore!

I 'll tell you something......hydro is kicking ass! I am really liking the AF I got a lot more than I thought! The only thing I am not liking is how the roots all entertwine together in the channel(cant move the plants around like in my e/f tables). The growth is amazing!:mrgreen: The SS I have in the AF now(only 11) is growing twice as fast as I 've ever gotten it to do in soil along with much fatter stems and leafs...... The other thing that I dont like is the res is too small(7gal?) and I am already adding about 3/4gal a day and the thing is only half full(and they're only12-14" at that).... I need to do some research into expanding the res somehow......I am about ready to put 4-5 THC Bomb and the rest Mazar x Afghan in the other channel to see how they will produce.....

So Your going to be gone for awhile, eh? I hope your kids do good while your away, and it must be nice to have someone to watch them for you. I am so tied down here right now, especially after this switching to hydro.... I am getting it dialed in though, no major screw ups yet(knock on wood). I did take one of the huge mothers and built a 5 gal dwc for her and put her 12/12 and she's looking very droopy and I am having doubts she'll pull through----cant seem to get the roots to come down out of the clay rocks I set her pot on.....and I 've been hand watering......stress or shock, I guess.....

Get a pic of those funky leafs if you get a chance!

Talk to you soon! Have a good trip!



Well-Known Member
just got back! gone for 2 weeks and now i've got a lot of catchup! post in detail a little later today! you have a good xmas? in the process of getting a new laptop should be here within the week i'm cray excited, replacing my 4 1/2 year old imac


Well-Known Member
SB! There you is, mang! Yes, good Christmas.....and you?? ........a 4 1/2 yr old imac-----wow........I bet you are stoked! I just got a new comp too.....they're so nice now........
gotta crash.......... Looking forward to hearing what's up:hump:
Glad to see you back!


Well-Known Member
thanks man, me too! htis is the longest i've been away since i started on this forum! feels like forever!

currently harvesting my soil, 2/4 looks like i'll get about an oz per plant, maybe a little more but since i had some pH problems/nutrient deficiencies early on i didn't get see that big bud growth really near the end. Im picking up different soil today and gonna watch the pH like a hawk this next time i'm sure i'll get a better yield next time, this one looks to be about .25g/watt again, about what i got last time.

enough with the soil: hydro is looking decent enough i'm going to change the water today to just pure no nutrients, flush i guess. they still look like they have at least a week left though..,.the diesel is looking really good even though it has a deficiency of some sort, i really wish i hadn't killed the larger one over a month or so back. the two chocolate thais are lookin ok but hermied again like i knew they would. i got most of the male preflowers though so they have barely any seeds. overall i might get 2-3 oz of them i think. so ok,, but not much more than enough to cover the power bill. How long do you flush for in hydro ??

happy new year!


Well-Known Member
.......... How long do you flush for in hydro ?? .........
Remember, I am pretty new to this too......but I have read some posts where people do from 1-2 weeks. The guy at my hydro shop told me not to flush at all with Canna Aqua........which is what I am using in my AF20 and flood table. I am using the GH Flora Series in two dwc's that I think I need to flush for a week.
You got any new pics yet?
Check out my grow if you get the chance( ). I will be putting some new pics in tonight if I get the chance---I took them earlier today and just haven't shrunk them and uploaded yet......:weed:


Well-Known Member
roommate is in Costa Rica with the camera, i'll post pics in a day or two, definitely before i harvest.