Don't Bogart
Well-Known Member
Pulled my post. Then thought again.Nah we let the ignorant right complain regularly till they went full Putin lovers
Now Americans have had enough
Pulled my post. Then thought again.Nah we let the ignorant right complain regularly till they went full Putin lovers
Now Americans have had enough
Thank you for ringing in comrade
But we got this
I'm guessing just like youThe guy can barely answer a question without scripted answers and he can barely answer those in a capable manner. I didn't like Trump much either, but this guy has serious cognation issues if not early onset of dementia. To say the current president is low energy is an understatement, he can hardly make it through a news conference without be asked by very specific people on a cue card.
I doubt his mental health will allow for him to finish this term.
Like I said previously, this guy has been a career politician for 40 years prior to being vice back to the 1970's and see what his stance was for segregated busing for public schools. The guy is a flip flop joke, he's the poster boy for a scumbag politician that will say anything to get re-elected.
He's he was a vice president for 2 terms. What has he been waiting this whole time to "turn it all around?".
Why does everyone keep voting the same idiots over and over again? At the end of the day both sides play golf together, they use the same lawyers, they only hang/marry with other people on the hill. They play adversaries in public and fist bump each behind the scenes....most of these people are what I like to call "closet aristocrats", their motivations when they wake up in the morning are how can I get re-elected, not how can I best represent the people that put me in power.
...but go ahead, keep cheerleading this lemon if you want. You clearly haven't followed his past remarks...or even followed current decisions of his. He backed the Nord Pipeline deal, decided to not support Ukraine resistance to Russia tell me again who is the pro Russia stooge? Please, I would really like to hear the mental gymnastics on this one.....
I'm guessing just like you
Your opinion is based on politics and totally sympathetic to a man who stuttered his entire life![]()
Carry on but patriots see thru you
EFF Trump till he dies
Now back to the victim card you sacrificed on January 6th 2020?
You got skid marks in your shorts?Biden is a skid mark in my shorts.
Thats all the left does is resort to Trump this Trump that when they have been intellectually defeated. I find it funny that all these anti Trump Biden lovers just disregard Bidens bogus past with him supporting the very same things they call Trump racist for. Biden is a puppet. He's about as sharp as a water balloon. His interviews are scripted and hes verbally attacked media whos called him out on policies. Its OK for him to do but when Trump has acted in a similar manner he was chastised. And whats the deal with biden being so "handsy" with little kids? Theres so many vids of him getting way to close for comfort. Sadly most of the major media outlets in the U.S. is owned by democrats..... so they spoon feed all these sheep micro doses of leftist garbage daily. The media is supposed to be non biased but thats a giant crock of shit. The direction is which this country is currently heading is a joke. The left seem to forget that there is half the country that don't share the same views as themselves. For being so accepting of everyone they sure as hell spend alot of time and energy fighting their own countrymen on everything....What part about me saying I didn't care for Trump did you not understand?
Just as predicted, that's right were you went back to. Trump, Trump, know he's not the president anymore right? What do the retards on Jan 6th have to do with JOE BIDEN, the person being discussed?
If you think his stutter has always been an issue and I am picking on him for just that, then why did he destroy the Paul Ryan in 2010 for the vp debates? Why does he now need to have have cue cards for certain people he can and can't talk to in the press? A list he said "they gave him", who is they? He didn't need them as vice president.
These aren't my opinions, certainly not his past history of being a racist and certainly not about the nord pipeline that he is ok with Russia building and making millions of off. If he is such a patriot why is he not backing the Ukraine (you know, a NATO member?) despite Russia clearly being in the wrong. You called me out as a Russian heckler...yet you can't defend your boy? Why is that?
Face it your brain has been hijacked. I know it takes a while for subliminal programming to be turned off...and I have seen the propaganda machine turned up to an 11 for the past 6 years.
...but go ahead, I knew you would either bring trump up, or the retards on the 6th...or call me a racist or some other bizarre hater as a deflection. If you can't open your eyes to the stupidity of your own arguments then I know my words are falling on deaf ears just out of pure spite and some strange thinking that if I don't like Joe Biden and think he is completely mentality unfit to his position...that I'm just a butt hurt Trump lover. You really need to get help...there are other positions out their then backing either of these two individuals.
No one has ever been intellectually defeated by a Trump cult memberThats all the left does is resort to Trump this Trump that when they have been intellectually defeated. I find it funny that all these anti Trump Biden lovers just disregard Bidens bogus past with him supporting the very same things they call Trump racist for. Biden is a puppet. He's about as sharp as a water balloon. His interviews are scripted and hes verbally attacked media whos called him out on policies. Its OK for him to do but when Trump has acted in a similar manner he was chastised. And whats the deal with biden being so "handsy" with little kids? Theres so many vids of him getting way to close for comfort. Sadly most of the major media outlets in the U.S. is owned by democrats..... so they spoon feed all these sheep micro doses of leftist garbage daily. The media is supposed to be non biased but thats a giant crock of shit. The direction is which this country is currently heading is a joke. The left seem to forget that there is half the country that don't share the same views as themselves. For being so accepting of everyone they sure as hell spend alot of time and energy fighting their own countrymen on everything....
I really wish the U.S. was not so "hegemon" rather just setting an example of a saner life.left does this, right does that, blah blah, no wonder your country is no longer hegemon, you guys better get together if you want a country left at all.
His racist background was no secret, didn't hurt him at the poles plus I believe he's reformed. When you have a change of heart do you hope those around you believe you. But then it's your actions which prove it. I like his actions. His cabinet for ex. What are we going to do with Nord, bomb it? This project has a long history starting during the Bush II era. There is a weapons package waiting for delivery to Ukraine. It's on hold because of promise from Putin to withdraw from the Ukraine border. Will wait....will see.These aren't my opinions, certainly not his past history of being a racist and certainly not about the nord pipeline that he is ok with Russia building and making millions of off. If he is such a patriot why is he not backing the Ukraine (you know, a NATO member?) despite Russia clearly being in the wrong. You called me out as a Russian heckler...yet you can't defend your boy? Why is that?
There you go with the Trump this Trump that again. Damn man seems like thats all you got? Every single reply you have made. Cult member? You've been strait up brainwashed lol. You dont even have the ability to hold a conversation without mentioning Trump.No one has ever been intellectually defeated by a Trump cult member
well, if you address valid concerns in an ignorant style like this, you are not reall helpful, rather the opposite. these concerns are legit, as is, for example, the call of neurologists science etc which state that the human brain works best if not intoxicated at all.No we don't. It's just the research shows cannabis to be positive and they just can't stand it. The other is that BS "what about the children?".
ahahaha if u US guys coulf just try to not fuck around in other countries to destabilize whole regions, creating wars for profit to keep your capitalistic war machine running, we humans on earth would really fare better. It's not like Maydan was "We shall never surrender" or Putin is Hitler... how about you first solve your own problems at home, like an abyssmal crime/murder rate, etc pp?decided to not support Ukraine resistance to Russia tel
ahahaha if u US guys coulf just try to not fuck around in other countries to destabilize whole regions, creating wars for profit to keep your capitalistic war machine running, we humans on earth would really fare better. It's not like Maydan was "We shall never surrender" or Putin is Hitler... how about you first solve your own problems at home, like an abyssmal crime/murder rate, etc pp?
Pssst" President Turd"is residing at some random golf course charging American taxpayers for itSorry, I couldn't help it I wont go off topic again. This is about me being able to smoke some kick ass ganja legally during president turds year or two of power.
If its taken off schedule, which is what is needed for the deep red states to grow a pair and just let counties decide for themselves, it will happen under president Kamala. I actually really hope if any good comes of this administration, weed being taken of the schedule will be one of them.
And to answers someone else post, no I wont move. You move. There are certain areas that are not sustainable for my line of work, and the legalized states that have are either hellholes, low population area's, tax happy, or tourist havens with no work outside of...well the tourist industry. So no, some of us can't really just "move".
There you go again....lmfao....Pssst" President Turd"is residing at some random golf course charging American taxpayers for it
Seems like the Mango Menace would have fixed this but once again leave it to Democrats to clean up the rights mess...
Thank you Joe for at least trying![]()