My stems are flimsy


Active Member
I'm a first time grower, my plants are at day 79 from a seed, they are at day 21 of flowering. I had a fan on them for most of the first 2 months, then my fan cut out and I never bothered replacing it. The plants are flowering nicely, but 2 of the 3 are now really flimsy and bend almost 45 degrees under the weight of the bud (which is not a lot), unless tied or stakes. Is it okay to continue to tie/stake or should I be getting a fan back on them or both ?


Well-Known Member
you really should have got another fan because they serve for more then one purpose. its kewl thought. got pics?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, fans help the leaves breathe through their stomata(under the leaf). After I added a fan in my grow I was able to notice an immediate change in increased growth within 24hrs.


Active Member
tie/stake all you want.. Having a fan on them is preferred, oscillating fans are the best because you don't have constant airflow on the plants but the air is constantly being replaced under the leaves which is the point of having a fan. -MK:joint::joint:


Active Member
I was home on break from work and went to rearrange the pots.

I guess the 2 that are flimsy had been leaning on eachother for support because as soon as a seperated them, they fell over 45 degrees. I tied them so they're sticking straight up to the light and put my roommates fan on them (oscilating) i hope it helps.

I'm a first timer, under a strict budget, so all I have are desk lamps with CFL bulbs, and 1 lamp with two 48" Plant/Aquarium bulbs.

I'm not expecting much, the plants are pretty thin, but the tops are really starting to fill out.

I dont use any fertilizer (just egg shells). I dont really want to fork over much money because I'm a broke student, any ideas?


Active Member
Hmm oddly here I would recommend you go buy a bottle of Unsulphured Molasses from your grocery store because its cheap and Potassium can really improve stalks/stems and Molasses is loaded with K (Potassium).


Well-Known Member
What are your temps like, if it is getting too hot it can weakin the stems, the fan you had probably kept things a little cooler, I would get another one asap.


Active Member
I've got a fan on them now, the pots could use more soil, and as far as molasses go ... how? Ive never used molasses, how do I mix it ?

My temps are 68-73F


Active Member
thanks guys i appreciate it. new question ... havent used fertilizers yet, but I found a 500g container of plant-prod Flowering Plant Fertilizer (15-30-15). Good idea or no? And would it be okay to used in collaboration with the mollases?