Examples of GOP Leadership

Ex-Colorado GOP chair accused of stealing more than $250K from pro-Trump PAC
The former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party is being accused of stealing more than $250,000 from a political action committee that supported former President Trump.

A disciplinary complaint says Ryan Call stole almost $280,000 while he was the PAC’s treasurer for three years, Colorado Newsline reported.

The complaint, filed June 2, alleges that Call "knowingly misappropriated" funds for the PAC.

“Respondent knowingly misappropriated $278,169.45 from (Rebuilding America Now),” the complaint says. “Specifically, he transferred $278,169.45 of RAN funds to himself, knowing that the funds belonged to RAN, and knowing that he was not entitled to the funds and that RAN had not authorized him to take the funds for his own purposes.

Call allegedly transferred the money to himself in 37 different transactions between September 2016 and January 2019.
i bet trump is so proud...at last, someone is following in his footsteps.
i am deeply ashamed that the educational system in this country has failed so miserably that these people exist....we should have overhauled it generations ago...
why do people with no fucking idea whats going on get involved in anything? not one of the people he asked questions of had a clear answer to anything....i realize i'm fucking weird, but before i throw my support behind anything, even things that seem tailored to make me like them (ESPECIALLY things that seem tailored to make me like them), i try to find out at least the basic details, what the problem is, what can be done to fix it, who can fix it, and whether or not they want to fix it...these all seem like things you ought to know before you throw your whole hearted support behind a cause...
Sounds racists to me, why use the color "black", why not "orange". When will people stop using the word "black" as being bad?
it can sound any way you want it to sound, if you can't be bothered to hear the meaning behind it....
i do not use the word black as meaning bad in a general sense, only in specific cases....if you cannot separate that in your mind, it sounds like a personal issue to me, that you need to deal with on your own...
i don't like it when people use the word "cocksucker" in a derisive or insulting manner....a good cocksucker is a rare thing, and should be valued....but i understand that they aren't using the word in a literal sense...
Sounds racists to me, why use the color "black", why not "orange". When will people stop using the word "black" as being bad?
Because, dumbass, a black heart for the last thousand years or so has stood for emotionless or empty, like the great void. A black heart is soulless and empty; like your head.
i am deeply ashamed that the educational system in this country has failed so miserably that these people exist....we should have overhauled it generations ago...
why do people with no fucking idea whats going on get involved in anything? not one of the people he asked questions of had a clear answer to anything....i realize i'm fucking weird, but before i throw my support behind anything, even things that seem tailored to make me like them (ESPECIALLY things that seem tailored to make me like them), i try to find out at least the basic details, what the problem is, what can be done to fix it, who can fix it, and whether or not they want to fix it...these all seem like things you ought to know before you throw your whole hearted support behind a cause...

judas goat must lead the pack to something..the pack must follow judas goat.
Sounds racists to me, why use the color "black", why not "orange". When will people stop using the word "black" as being bad?

black is negative connotation and has been since Neanderthals- is that what you wanted people to say? or something else? which?

Ex-Colorado GOP chair accused of stealing more than $250K from pro-Trump PAC
The former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party is being accused of stealing more than $250,000 from a political action committee that supported former President Trump.

A disciplinary complaint says Ryan Call stole almost $280,000 while he was the PAC’s treasurer for three years, Colorado Newsline reported.

The complaint, filed June 2, alleges that Call "knowingly misappropriated" funds for the PAC.

“Respondent knowingly misappropriated $278,169.45 from (Rebuilding America Now),” the complaint says. “Specifically, he transferred $278,169.45 of RAN funds to himself, knowing that the funds belonged to RAN, and knowing that he was not entitled to the funds and that RAN had not authorized him to take the funds for his own purposes.

Call allegedly transferred the money to himself in 37 different transactions between September 2016 and January 2019.

but where was he on 1/6?
ahhh, trump has stolen so much, it must do his black little heart good to see other GOP members following his example
He'll be in court this summer or fall and sweating before that! The GOP platform will be, poor Donald and free Donald, but NY state will have Donald's ass in a maximum security prison. Trump has a large terrorist following and just imagine the number of death threats the judge and jury will be getting during the trial! Donald will have every republican member of congress dancing and howling on the courthouse steps in NY. :lol:

PS. His EVIL little heart for the sensitive! :lol:
If Donald is convicted federally, he can be pardoned by the next republican president, it would give them a cause. It's better that he ends up in a NY state maximum security prison for the rest of his miserable existence, a future federal pardon would mean little there. The feds might indict him in the future as part of conspiracies to convict others who were part of them, they will also most likely indict him for conspiracy to commit insurrection. If Garland didn't do at least that, it would make a mockery out of justice and he'd almost be obstructing justice himself. These are matters of law, not political judgement, Trump broke the law many times and it can be proven in a court of law. Doing Donald federally can wait a spell until NY state sends him away first though.
i am deeply ashamed that the educational system in this country has failed so miserably that these people exist....we should have overhauled it generations ago...
why do people with no fucking idea whats going on get involved in anything? not one of the people he asked questions of had a clear answer to anything....i realize i'm fucking weird, but before i throw my support behind anything, even things that seem tailored to make me like them (ESPECIALLY things that seem tailored to make me like them), i try to find out at least the basic details, what the problem is, what can be done to fix it, who can fix it, and whether or not they want to fix it...these all seem like things you ought to know before you throw your whole hearted support behind a cause...

don't be ashamed friend, these people have always existed..always..if all you had to do was cover your face..easy, right?


i feel like pinning my vaccine card over my heart.
If Donald is convicted federally, he can be pardoned by the next republican president, it would give them a cause. It's better that he ends up in a NY state maximum security prison for the rest of his miserable existence, a future federal pardon would mean little there. The feds might indict him in the future as part of conspiracies to convict others who were part of them, they will also most likely indict him for conspiracy to commit insurrection. If Garland didn't do at least that, it would make a mockery out of justice and he'd almost be obstructing justice himself. These are matters of law, not political judgement, Trump broke the law many times and it can be proven in a court of law. Doing Donald federally can wait a spell until NY state sends him away first though.

he refused any accountability and never showed to his own COUNTRY when being subpoenaed and now we have to go back to the same bullshit of DOJ that's working for him because it's the right thing to do regardless of how he tried to get the same DOJ to call the election for Trump.

i'm not saying i don't want the right thing to not be done, but if Trump had his way we wouldn't even be talking about this now..and that's a very scary thought.