Fair for all black people in the USA to be held responsible / pay reparations for violent acts of some black people?ople against Asians ?

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Come back and talk to me when you actually spent a few years living in the ghetto. Bunch of dumb ass avocado toast eating white kids spouting racist this racist that like some brain damaged parrot.
no we all said it beause youre racist
Come back and talk to me when you actually spent a few years living in the ghetto. Bunch of dumb ass avocado toast eating white kids spouting racist this racist that like some brain damaged parrot.
So you don't think that the generalization you made, based simply on the color of people's skin, is racist? Interesting, because I'm fairly certain that this is a classic definition.
So you don't think that the generalization you made, based simply on the color of people's skin, is racist? Interesting, because I'm fairly certain that this is a classic definition.

More fact then generalization. The people stopped by cops are stopped because of how they look relative to the rest of the community. If you look like a criminal, you have your pants hanging down below your ass and tattoos on your face you are more likely to get stopped by the police. Doesn't make much sense for the cops to target fat white 60 year old tourists in Chicago with drug and weapon checks if the majority of people committing shootings are black and under 30.

When I looked like a criminal I got stopped by the cops. When I cut my hair and bought shirts with collars from Goodwill to wear while delivering drugs they left me alone. If you're stupid enough to tattoo your face and wear your pants well below your waist you're stupid enough to be carrying crack and a gun at the same time.

Black people get stopped five times as much because they are five times as likely to be living in a shit neighborhood with high crime and the ones that are getting checked are five times as likely to be wearing their pants below their ass. Act like a thug, dress like a thug, fuck things up for everyone else and I have little sympathy. It is this culture of counterproductive idiocy which is the source of the oppression. Reject education, reject hard work, reject self improvement, embrace destructive behavior and try to drag down everyone else with you. This is what I saw over many years of living in some of the worst shitholes in the country. It is a small percentage which in the end drag everyone else down with them in their self destructive spiral and I have no sympathy for them. The sooner they are removed from society the sooner those who are actually trying can make some progress and live without fear.
Come back and talk to me when you actually spent a few years living in the ghetto. Bunch of dumb ass avocado toast eating white kids spouting racist this racist that like some brain damaged parrot.

You're conflating different issues. Living in poor black areas and witnessing a shit ton of black crime isn't a validation of racism, it's just witnessing the result of it. If you want to talk shit about idiots like white kids eating avocado toast, maybe add, white people contributing to a problem and then complaining because they're too stupid to make the connection.
More fact then generalization. The people stopped by cops are stopped because of how they look relative to the rest of the community. If you look like a criminal, you have your pants hanging down below your ass and tattoos on your face you are more likely to get stopped by the police. Doesn't make much sense for the cops to target fat white 60 year old tourists in Chicago with drug and weapon checks if the majority of people committing shootings are black and under 30.

When I looked like a criminal I got stopped by the cops. When I cut my hair and bought shirts with collars from Goodwill to wear while delivering drugs they left me alone. If you're stupid enough to tattoo your face and wear your pants well below your waist you're stupid enough to be carrying crack and a gun at the same time.

Black people get stopped five times as much because they are five times as likely to be living in a shit neighborhood with high crime and the ones that are getting checked are five times as likely to be wearing their pants below their ass. Act like a thug, dress like a thug, fuck things up for everyone else and I have little sympathy. It is this culture of counterproductive idiocy which is the source of the oppression. Reject education, reject hard work, reject self improvement, embrace destructive behavior and try to drag down everyone else with you. This is what I saw over many years of living in some of the worst shitholes in the country. It is a small percentage which in the end drag everyone else down with them in their self destructive spiral and I have no sympathy for them. The sooner they are removed from society the sooner those who are actually trying can make some progress and live without fear.
Wow a fat old white racist doesn't think she's racist, amazing stuff
I guess she might just be lowly white trash rather than a dumb old fat white, hard to tell the difference between dumb whites sometimes
So you are able to draw conclusions which aren't there? Interesting.

Anything that is not impossible is possible, but that doesn't mean all things that are possible are equally likely.

So what's your take on reparations based on skin color or race ?
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