heat issues!!! please drop in and help


Well-Known Member
hey folks,

so im currently germinating 5 barney's farm blue cheese beans. i have my grow cab up and running and set it up for a test run to check temps. room temp is generally 70-75ish here in socal- i dont use AC-costs too much. grow cab temps after 20 mins were 96!!!! obviously this wont cut it. humidity is in the 35-55% range.

i have:
98 cfm comp fan for exhaust and passive intake
150 watt ecolight cfl with reflector
cab- 23"wide x 17"deep x 48" tall

check the pics (the little guys in there were from a failed bagseed test run- they are now dead RIP...)

i have exhausted my monetary resources so an exspensive inline or blower is not possible right now



Well-Known Member
I know how using as little money as possible for a grow can make things difficult, but it just requires some research to find solution. If you cant find a cheap fan to exhaust adequately, buy yourself one of these


It is rated for 265 cfm, and is about the cheapest fan you will find to pull or push that much air. Many people are using them, I read up on it over at icmag.com , which is another great site for growing information.

Damn I need some bud!


Active Member
get a pc fan for the bottom and have it as the intake get one what is AC so you dont need a diy converter. with the exhust out you should be ok hopefully


Well-Known Member
what is AC
just talking about the southern california electric bill i get punished with monthly when i run the air conditioning.

thanks guys if anyone has any suggestions of specific inline fans under $100 that would be dope

thanks again


New Member
lift the light up a foot and open up the top or make a square when u have money install an exhaust fan up there.


Active Member
ive heard that frozen bottles of water (a.ka. ICE) placed outside the box right near the fan intake can reduece tempuratures. it wouldnt be a permanent solution but it could definatly help.

im trying to build a grow box myself and its about half the size of yours.
i image that my light(150 watt HPS) is going to generate a large amount of heat in the space. The box is only about two feet tall and 1.5 ft width and depth.

I ve got a question as well,
would it be practical to attatch a heat sink to a light to cool it down?