Worst Whitey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`


Well-Known Member
Well everyone has had one so whats your worst ever whitey, were u seriously cant get up, lol
:spew: :spew: :spew: :spew:


Well-Known Member
i got in a fight with a fat white guy when i was younger.. he got on top of me. i srsly couldnt get up.


Well-Known Member
UUUMMMMMMM> I don't know what a whitey is, unless your talking about stupid cracker honkeys trying to keep the brother down. DAMN WHITEYS.....LOL J/K I'm a whitey


Well-Known Member
Urban Dictionary: whitey

Others terms for it are bombing, buttoming out, etc.

Taking a huge hit that has you coughing uncontrollably and makes you sweat, and feel light headed.. Most commonly for me they come in knife hit form. I've puked too many times to remember from bombing.

When I was like 15 I started smoking cannabis with my stepsister and her boyfriend, that was the worst whitey ever. After you've been smoking for a little while your lungs get used to it, so it makes it easy to bomb out. I took a FAT rip and couldn't stop coughing for 2 minutes atleast.. I thought I was gonna die or something.

Friday night my buddy had some hash, that shit is so potent and strong that a normal sized hit will cough you out for a grip. But you gotta cough to get off.
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Master of Mayhem
OK now that you have defined it, I can play along. The worst one I EVER HAD WAS ACTUALLY SELF INDUCED, KINDA. YOU REMEMBER THAT SHIT WHERE YOU AND YOUR BUDDY'S WOULD MAKE EACH OTHER PASS OUT BY TAKING ALOT OF DEEP BREATHES AND THEN PUSHING ON your chest? Well do that , but on the last deep breathe take a shotgun, and then proceed. You wake up on the floor like WTF. Also I accidentally hit the caps lock button, and I don't feel like retyping that.


Active Member
i have been smoking fairly strong strains (dont know what they are) for about 15 years am 30 y.o. now. I smoke from the time i get up till i go to bed every day, but every couple of months usually at night after a hit i feel sick to my stomach, sweat bad and skin goes pale and vomit ,only lasts an hour or so. But i think the same could be said for alcohol or any other drug, i guess my body is saying enough


Well-Known Member
when i stop for awhile 2-3 months, then get that dank out, i could take the smallest hit, but everytime it lays my ass out, feel sick to my stomach, start to sweat, but then im hoppin from cloud to cloud


Well-Known Member
that shit has never happened to me. I've only heard of it happening to other people. I'm a daily smoker though so that might be why. probably depends on the person and weed most likely . .


Well-Known Member
OK now that you have defined it, I can play along. The worst one I EVER HAD WAS ACTUALLY SELF INDUCED, KINDA. YOU REMEMBER THAT SHIT WHERE YOU AND YOUR BUDDY'S WOULD MAKE EACH OTHER PASS OUT BY TAKING ALOT OF DEEP BREATHES AND THEN PUSHING ON your chest? Well do that , but on the last deep breathe take a shotgun, and then proceed. You wake up on the floor like WTF. Also I accidentally hit the caps lock button, and I don't feel like retyping that.
you've done that before? that's really dangerous man. it can stop your heart and all this other jazz.

I've only whitied twice, but the first time was the absolute worst. it was the third time I ever got high too. I was home alone and I started freaking out really bad, probably because I couldn't find anyone to hang out with. I couldn't breathe for a bit, and then I got this weird sensationg coming from my stomach to my mouth. it kind felt like my own saliva or something was coming up from my stomach and then to my mouth, but dissolving when it got to my mouth. I ate yogurt and that didn't make anything better, and then it felt like there was a slushie in my stomach and I could feel it moving around in there whenever I moved. I slept it off though.

the second time was on Christmas and I took 6 realy nice gravs, as well as my friend, of some really dank-ass bud. he was fine and playing guitar while I was laying on his floor feeling like I was melting. we then had to go to my house for whatever reason and I somehow got up and carried a tray of lasagna safely to my house and fell asleep and slept that off.

I think it's gravs that really get me bad. they're efficient to smoke from, but something about them takes all the niceness and peace out of smoking. I prefer some sort of glass or a joint. those are the best....I'm so glad I actually have a bowl of my own now :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:shock:never got sick from weed i've heard of people getting a little panicky or anxious but damn throwing up from weed?


Well-Known Member
Urban Dictionary: whitey

Others terms for it are bombing, buttoming out, etc.

Taking a huge hit that has you coughing uncontrollably and makes you sweat, and feel light headed.. Most commonly for me they come in knife hit form. I've puked too many times to remember from bombing.

When I was like 15
I started smoking cannabis with my stepsister and her boyfriend, that was the worst whitey ever. After you've been smoking for a little while your lungs get used to it, so it makes it easy to bomb out. I took a FAT rip and couldn't stop coughing for 2 minutes atleast.. I thought I was gonna die or something.

Friday night my buddy had some hash, that shit is so potent and strong that a normal sized hit will cough you out for a grip. But you gotta cough to get off.

sounds like a kids game. :roll:


:joint:the worst whitey of my life was last night, its possibly the worst whitey anyones ever pulled
was at a parrty and after about 15 shots thought it would be a gud idea to roll a few joints, smoked about 2 grams of cheese to find myself throwing up 6 times not bien able to move on the stairs of the party.
this lasted 2 hours and the journey home was just the sme after bien carried to a taxi.
i slept like a baby that night.


Well-Known Member
I thought whitey is when you smoke too much and get sick?

That happened to me once when I smoked 3 joints, all about 2 grams, and a couple bong loads to the face. Vomited all over my kitchen floor, and went to bed. That shit sucked in the morning cleaning it up.