Fish Tank/Aquariums

I have two saltwater tanks and a freshwater. I don’t sell drugs
Lol, its just something odd I have noticed over the years...many years ago. Aquariums were over represented in those homes where you would have to hang out a bit before buying. Lots of time on their hands for the hobby I guess, I would always hear all about it.
Funny bits.

Breeder apologized profusely for UPS's screw up & promptly sent the 4 replacement fish @ no charge, they arrived and as you can see look Fab!
I called him as he wanted an update & I told him "I got the box but I have an issue". ~ long pause ~ "Ok, what seems to be the issue?" and I tell him "It looks like I'm gonna need another tank cause these things are UNREAL".

Shaky laughter followed on his part. :D
I saw this diskus fish farm once, with an amazing system.
As most people are not aware, discus needs unbelievably clean water, and the only way to keep them is to drain and replace most of the water on a regular basis...

This fish farm can flip a valve and almost all the water falls out the bottom of the giant tank to the floor where there are drains, in like 30 seconds.
It then refills in probably 3 minutes to the top again
Up potted the Amazon swords & another I can't remember the name of into small pots w/ sea glass to anchor the roots.
Found a beautiful young Male Half moon King male Beta.
Lil dude has attitude - flares his gills & spreads trying to intimidate fish 10X his size. Lol. But he could be a show fish depending on how the fins develop.


Here's what he has to potential to look like.

Half Moon King Beta.jpg
Up potted the Amazon swords & another I can't remember the name of into small pots w/ sea glass to anchor the roots.
Found a beautiful young Male Half moon King male Beta.
Lil dude has attitude - flares his gills & spreads trying to intimidate fish 10X his size. Lol. But he could be a show fish depending on how the fins develop.

View attachment 4918552

Here's what he has to potential to look like.

View attachment 4918559
I'm just happy I didn't loose any of the new fish I bought. I guess restarting the tank was a good idea. I need to get some more color in it though.
I'm just happy I didn't loose any of the new fish I bought. I guess restarting the tank was a good idea. I need to get some more color in it though.

Stay away from the discus unless you need a serious commitment to weekly maintenance (at the least).
Low maintenance would be some African Chichlids but if you mix the wrong ones (or even the right ones some times) the battle will ensue.
Lemme know specifics & I'd be glad to chime in.
Stay away from the discus unless you need a serious commitment to weekly maintenance (at the least).
Low maintenance would be some African Chichlids but if you mix the wrong ones (or even the right ones some times) the battle will ensue.
Lemme know specifics & I'd be glad to chime in.
I'm pretty lazy when it comes to the tank, so I just get tetras and danios and the like. I need to get a herd of Neon's I always enjoy them, I have black ones but not the same impact.
Up potted the Amazon swords & another I can't remember the name of into small pots w/ sea glass to anchor the roots.
Found a beautiful young Male Half moon King male Beta.
Lil dude has attitude - flares his gills & spreads trying to intimidate fish 10X his size. Lol. But he could be a show fish depending on how the fins develop.

View attachment 4918552

Here's what he has to potential to look like.

View attachment 4918559

Will he try to get their fins?