Examples of GOP Leadership

This has been on the Kochs wish list for many years, they are using tRUmp to get it.

Trump really screwed up bad and sped it all up. It is all now or never for them to have any chance at all to keep their con going.
Trump really screwed up bad and sped it all up. It is all now or never for them to have any chance at all to keep their con going.
Yep, they will have to destroy democracy from the front with a knife and not slowly strangle it from behind as was their original plan. Donald stole to whole show from right under them and fucked up a plan that was decades in the making. It's now a do or die fight out in the open and they are lead by a fucking idiot who is doing everything he can to wiggle out of the legal trap he put himself into. Wait until he gets into a NY courtroom and is staring down life in a state prison, then you will see truly spectacular examples of desperation and extreme stupidity.

I'm serious about him trying to get most of the republican US congress, house and senate to storm the courthouse steps in NY. It's stupid and irrational, but Donald will make it happen or pull the pin on the republican party and take revenge from his cell on those who don't go to NY. He will really want out of his prison cell by 2024 and if his brain still works, he will run for the party nomination from his cell and probably get it, or he will be king maker for whoever does get it. 2022 and probably 2024 will only have one issue for the republican party, spring Donald (somehow) from his NY state prison cell.

Bleating about these Nancy Drew Mysteries Grade "Audits" as he used to bleat about his taxes being "audited," and buying in - or at least pretending to - the My Crackhead Pillow Guy's hallucinations about being "restored" to the presidency, Trump has resumed his Scampaign in North Carolina.

In a video released in advance of his self-pity speech to the GOP of North Carolina, Trump says "we're gonna take back the White House sooner than you think." There are no legal means to do this; it's a threat of ANOTHER coup. We must overcome queasiness at indicting an ex-president: he is a Terrorist.

It would be wonderful if he'd just go away, or if he'd dry up because he didn't get the necessary oxygen. But that's not the way monsters work. They only need a pretext, a scam, a pitch to keep the marks and cultists excited and donating.

And while Trump tries to start all this all over again, there is hesitation in a Department of Justice under a Democratic administration to indict and prosecute Republicans because of the limited precedent and the terrible fear that if Republicans ever again gained power they might seek revenge and start arresting Democrats - as if THAT WOULDN'T BE THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE NEXT REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION.

It is always like juggling dynamite to invoke Hitler or compare anybody - even Trump - to him. But even in context one of the most startling truths is that the German government arrested Hitler, convicted him of Treason, sentenced him to five years in prison, and THEN LET HIM GO AFTER NINE MONTHS.

Trump won't go away unless we make him go away. Indict, arrest, convict, him and all the others. Be legal, be non-violent, be brutal. Stop the Scampaign in its tracks.

Yet there's still hesitation to have a DOJ under a Democrat indict and arrest Republican traitors. As if the Trump plan isn't to regain office, stage phony crises, arrest Democrats. Act NOW.
Here's a question, if Donald fearing an indictment, panics, shits his depends and makes a desperate run for Russia, via Europe?

Should Joe just let him go to Moscow?

Maybe he could be a new Lord Haw Haw, American style, with his own RT show on YouTube. His followers would then become an enemy 5th column then, at least some of them, I wonder what would happen if Donald up and ran to Vlad! Besides the republicans having shit on their faces a foot deep and his base going mad and milling around in dazed confusion and anger.

Maybe the CIA should dangle the options in front of him clandestinely and leak an indictment to him and have someone whisper the notion to desperate Donald. What would Vlad do if Donald showed up on his doorstep?

It might be his only way out and I wonder if a trip, to say Scotland and then off to Moscow in the middle of the night leaving his secret service agents behind could be pulled off. If he has no indictments he should be able to up and leave, off to Europe on short notice of course!
He would absolutely love that if he were indicted, to be able to troll and run his mouth from a no-extradition nation.
DOJ Holds Press Conference on Colonial Pipeline Case - Remains Silent on Insurrection Investigation

Today we learned that the Department of Justice is still capable of holding a press conference to update the American people on the status of a pending investigation. Specifically, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monoco briefed the American people about an update in the ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline.

The problem is, We The People have had complete radio silence on the status of the criminal investigation into those who funded, organized and incited the insurrectionist attack on the US Capitol on January 6. While DOJ remains silent, the inciter-in-chief, Donald Trump, continues his dangerous, reckless rhetoric.

It is often said that the Department of Justice is the people's law firm. However, the American people seem to have been left out of the equation. The lack of information from the DOJ leads to frustration. Frustration leads to distrust. This must change. DOJ MUST begin to communicate with the hundreds of millions of Americans, reassuring us that those responsible for funding, organizing, leading and inciting the insurrection will be held accountable.

One correction: when relating the title of Steven Beschloss's piece I inadvertently said "insurrection" rather than "investigation." Apologies to Steven Beschloss for what likely was my Freudian slip.
Why Has No Trump Ally Faced Consequences For Trying To Overturn An Election?

“What penalty have they faced?" says Chris Hayes of the people who helped Trump attempt to overturn the election. “The answer is essentially zero, which is why they will not stop until someone goes to jail. Or, they find the weak point in the fence, and they get through, and they succeed.”
pants backwards? … still tho … he looks like a slob.

A heavily edited video that nobody with a brain would take seriously. I hate to see democrats going the same way of the republican idiots that altered videos and passed them off as real.

He would absolutely love that if he were indicted, to be able to troll and run his mouth from a no-extradition nation.
I've told everybody already that it's never going to happen. Biden has the coverup on. Right now Merrick Garland is following his marching orders and defending Trump and Barr relentlessly. They (the DOJ) are defending Trump against the rape lawsuit, Trump and Barr on the Mueller report paper, Barr and Trump on January 6th and more.

Biden wants it all to go away. He wants people's attention on him and his "legacy", not Trump & Co. and their crimes.

If anything happens at all to Trump, it'll be over income taxes and fraud and it will be a civil case only with no jail time.
A heavily edited video that nobody with a brain would take seriously. I hate to see democrats going the same way of the republican idiots that altered videos and passed them off as real.

I've told everybody already that it's never going to happen. Biden has the coverup on. Right now Merrick Garland is following his marching orders and defending Trump and Barr relentlessly. They (the DOJ) are defending Trump against the rape lawsuit, Trump and Barr on the Mueller report paper, Barr and Trump on January 6th and more.

Biden wants it all to go away. He wants people's attention on him and his "legacy", not Trump & Co. and their crimes.

If anything happens at all to Trump, it'll be over income taxes and fraud and it will be a civil case only with no jail time.
You're so full of shit with your pushing of Trump/Republican's obvious troll about this.

Screen Shot 2021-06-08 at 7.01.36 AM.png
NEW YORK — The Justice Department's Civil Division under President Biden is continuing the Trump-era push to represent the former president in a defamation lawsuit brought by author E. Jean Carroll, according to a Monday night appellate court filing.

The lawsuit brought by Carroll — who accused Donald Trump two years ago of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s — has been stalled in litigation over whether the Justice Department had standing to represent him on the grounds that his denials in response to her claim were made while performing his presidential duties.
The legal maneuver would have required a judge to find that a federal tort law that protects government employees from civil liability applies to a sitting president.

Last year, a federal judge in Manhattan rejected the Justice Department’s effort to enter the case on the grounds that both elements were missing from the equation.

Civil Division attorneys began the appeals process while the question lingered as to whether the Biden administration would continue to advance the legal cause, an issue that has the potential to set a precedent for the current or future sitting presidents and, according to the filing’s authors, could leave vulnerable other Executive Office of the President officers and employees.

Lawyers for E. Jean Carroll fight Justice Dept. intervention in Trump defamation case

“Speaking to the public and the press on matters of public concern is undoubtedly part of an elected official’s job,” a 24-page reply brief filed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit on Monday evening read, confirming that the new administration did not intend to withdraw from a position first taken under Attorney General William P. Barr.

“Courts have thus consistently and repeatedly held that allegedly defamatory statements made in that context are within the scope of elected officials’ employment — including when the statements were prompted by press inquiries about the official’s private life,” the Civil Division lawyers argued, later noting that when White House reporters requested comment on Carroll’s allegations, “their questions were posed to him in his capacity as President.”

The legal issue at hand is not relevant to the substance of Trump’s remarks or to the validity of Carroll’s claims, the brief notes, saying the “case does not concern whether Mr. Trump’s response was appropriate. Nor does it turn on the truthfulness of Ms. Carroll’s allegations.”

Marc Kasowitz, a personal lawyer for Trump, submitted his own appeals brief Monday night in support of the Justice Department’s bid to reenter the case because it was questions to an official about private matters while still in their job.

I really hope that the judge once again tosses it out, and the DOJ can split the baby (able to say that they will still defend their people while doing their duty, but not having to defend Trump's rapist rants.

Roberta Kaplan, Carroll’s attorney, said in a statement that it was “truly shocking that the current Department of Justice would allow Donald Trump to get away with lying” about raping Carroll, “thereby depriving our client of her day in court.”

“The DOJ’s position is not only legally wrong, it is morally wrong since it would give federal officials free license to cover up private sexual misconduct by publicly brutalizing any woman who has the courage to come forward,” the statement continued.

“As women across the country are standing up and holding men accountable for assault — the DOJ is trying to stop me from having that same right,” Carroll said in a separate statement. “I am angry! I am offended!”

Carroll sued Trump in 2019, months after she published an account that described the former president sexually assaulting her inside a dressing room at the Bergdorf Goodman department store in Manhattan in the 1990s. The lawsuit was filed in response to denials made by Trump in which he accused the longtime journalist and advice columnist of lying, denied knowing Carroll and suggested that he couldn’t have had any kind of sexual encounter with her because she wasn’t his “type.”

Justice Department attorneys who penned the new brief noted that Trump’s statements that “attacked” Carroll’s appearance, “impugned her motives, and implied that she had made false accusations against others . . . were without question unnecessary and inappropriate,” but said the crude remarks amounted to a denial of her claims and were still made in the context of Trump’s presidency.

The former Elle columnist’s accusation of rape was in an excerpt from her book “What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal,” which was published in New York Magazine.

The Justice Department’s attempted intervention on Trump’s behalf was controversial and seen by critics as an inappropriate bid by Barr to insulate the president from personal liability in what Carroll’s lawyers said was a purely personal matter — the alleged conduct having occurred decades before Trump took office.

Justice Dept. intervenes on behalf of Trump in defamation case brought by woman who accused him of rape

In October, U.S. District Court Judge Lewis A. Kaplan ruled that Trump did not qualify as an “employee” of the government as defined by federal law and that he was not acting “within the scope of his employment” when he publicly responded to Carroll’s allegations. Kaplan ruled that Trump’s personal lawyers would have to resume their defense of him in the ongoing lawsuit.

The department’s filing Monday indicates that the Biden administration has decided to keep pushing to be allowed to treat a sitting president’s comments — albeit in response to a personal issue — as an official function of the office for the purposes of litigation that may arise from those comments.

Since leaving office, Trump remains burdened with investigations and lawsuits. In New York alone, the Manhattan district attorney and the New York attorney general have pending criminal and civil investigations into his company, the Trump Organization. Also in New York, former “Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos, who accused him of sexual misconduct, has a defamation case against the ex-president.

I really hope that she wins her case and Trump can then be called a proven rapist. But for someone to continually troll Biden for Trump's misdeeds because the DOJ (who Biden said he would stay out of unlike Trump)
Busted: GOP Officials Confronted With Evidence Of MAGA Riot Lies

A growing number of Republican members of Congress are minimizing, dissembling, and lying about the January 6th insurrection. This fact-check by MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber confronts recent statements by those officials with the factual record, documenting 10 key examples of the Orwellian effort to deny the reality of the insurrection, and debunking each one with documentary footage, evidence from legal cases, and independent reporting.
A heavily edited video that nobody with a brain would take seriously. I hate to see democrats going the same way of the republican idiots that altered videos and passed them off as real.

I've told everybody already that it's never going to happen. Biden has the coverup on. Right now Merrick Garland is following his marching orders and defending Trump and Barr relentlessly. They (the DOJ) are defending Trump against the rape lawsuit, Trump and Barr on the Mueller report paper, Barr and Trump on January 6th and more.

Biden wants it all to go away. He wants people's attention on him and his "legacy", not Trump & Co. and their crimes.

If anything happens at all to Trump, it'll be over income taxes and fraud and it will be a civil case only with no jail time.
I’m no constitutional lawyer like the great Taco but isn’t the Justice department supposed to run independently from the executive?

I don’t believe Biden has anything to do with these decisions. As it should be.
I’m no constitutional lawyer like the great Taco but isn’t the Justice department supposed to run independently from the executive?

I don’t believe Biden has anything to do with these decisions. As it should be.
I think Garland needs to get used to the fact he's no longer a federal judge and remember he's AG now and charged with protecting and defending the constitution. Restoring the dignity and credibility of the DOJ is important, but the country is under serious threat and he needs to take action against those who made it that way. His primary duty is to defend and protect the constitution of the USA and in this case it means prosecuting the law breaking under the Trump administration and the attempted election cheating and insurrection.

There is no big rush to do much of this and letting NY state deal with Donald and put him in state prison first is a wise move. However, once he's there, they need to go after the, election cheating, mail delivery, obstruction of justice, corruption and insurrection conspiracies. Trump was at the center of many conspiracies that involved perhaps hundreds of other people. Trump only has so much time to serve before they drag him out of a NY prison in a body bag, but there are others involved with these crimes that need to face justice. I can't see them giving him a pass on the conspiracy to commit insurrection, but that case would be much harder for him to fight from a NY maximum security prison cell.
it looks like pants he already wore hence the seat marks. there is no zipper. they are on backwards. ii don't care that Snopes said they saw a zipper.

guy in the crowd says 'someone normal'.

i can't believe Trump still stood there..he sure as hell doesn't know when to leave.

can’t tell if comin or goin …. Betting that suit was in a heap on floor from last November.