Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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The fact that musicians are underpaid somehow makes me a super capitalist? Um ok.
You offered me a dj service, I said I would hire real musicians, at which point you bragged that DJ's make more money. Please point me to the post where you were advocating for under paid artists, PJ stupid spreader
You offered me a dj service, I said I would hire real musicians, at which point you bragged that DJ's make more money. Please point me to the post where you were advocating for under paid artists, PJ stupid spreader
I didn't offer you a service, because I'm not a DJ, that was a sarcastic joke. Sorry you didn't pick up on that. The fact that musicians generally make less than DJ's is not a joke, and not something I'm bragging about, it's just a sad reality.

Yeah, the reason that I've paid for years of piano lessons for my kids, and my profession is in live music is because I don't value musicians. Sure buddy, that makes a lot of sense..
I was at a Dick Dale concert in Eugene after Pulp Fiction re-energized his career, and at one point he started talking about how the last time he surfed, he had to surf *really fast* because the next wave was toxic- a voice from the crowd said
"Okay.. Thank You..."

it was my drummer
How do you know when the stage is level?

When the drummer is drooling out of both sides of his mouth.
Anti-vaxxers are a danger to other anti-vaxxers

I can live with that
I mean, that is the theoretical reality of it, right? Of course also by that logic, at the same time vaxxers would also be a danger to anti-vaxxers, since vaxxers are more likely to be asymptomatic, but it's anti-vaxxers' own choice to not be "protected" by the jab, so fuck em right?

I can live with that too.