Well-Known Member
Love some Clinton Fearon! Mi and Mi Guitar is a great record!
He ( and boogie brown band/ gladiators ) is a living legend, seen him live 10 or so times .. mostly at nectar in Seattle And wild Buffalo in Bellingham plus a few festivals. Every single show was a sweat soaked dance party with the whole crowd loving on him and keeping him coming back for multiple encores .
he ALWAYS brings such a positive vibe exemplifies higher consciousness.
His dub album ( think it’s called dub factory?) is so good ..
anyway big ups Clinton Fearon! See him live any chance you get .
And to the grower who posted the pics of the blue sunshine above ^^ spectacular color and looks very well grown. Here’s a hugelkuktur hybrid bed I prepped.
Oak rounds on the bottom , then amended soil and homemade biochar with a topping of compost filled with life . About 500 gallons of soil. A 1000 (5 yards of soil) gallon is in the background. Pic was taken 3 + weeks ago so the plants are pretty small in this picture and have grown a lot since.
Currently wild turkeys are messing with my alfalfa mulch and ripping it up to eat bugs and dirt bathe .. they have a bunch of newly hatched chicks so I’m being nice to them but if they keep messing with my mulch I’ll have to shoo them away. In between turkeys, quails hares, deer, and occasional bear it’s always a pain keeping them out of the gardens..
I like to spray ammonia around rhe plants and pots as it stinks and deters pests from investigating .to be clear no ammonia touches the pants . Just proximal .
Next project is laying 1/2 inch irrigation coils , and starting to trellis .
Plants In these spaces

are semi bodhi (
Ancient og x black lime reserve ) the black lime reserve is from freeborn selections.
Good luck with your garden endeavors all!