PGR Weed

Calmag is the most overused and unnecessary additive there is. People growing in soil limed with gypsum, oyster shell, and more than enough calcium to begin with are using that from day one with each watering. Crazy.

I don't see any reason why you would even want to add the full tilt since both the V and B have all the P/K needed. And like you said, it burns your shit. Which is why I always immediately assume new growers overfed their plants with some bloom booster/MKP when they post pictures of crispy fried leaves.
Calcium/boron is hella needed expecially b4 flower and about up to 4th week of flower. Boron the trucker, calcium the highway
They gotts

you uneducated twat

Stop trying to tell people how to spend their money, my results vs your results are night and day. I’ll stick with mine, thanks.
I use the exact same nutrients i just buy from the source. You can pay the markup for a fancy label thats how i tell your a noob
Just sprayed all the outdoor with natural pgrs.
Atomized Kelp
Fulvic acid
Dawn blue dish soap.... used to break the water tension.

So....... is using natural pgrs ok?
Should be pg stimulators not regulators.
Humic acid is not mellucullarily small enough for folliar spray.
Give up chemicals and go naturals.
Guarenteed growth stimulant for cannabis.
You want to grow monsters, no guarentee if you over do it.
But from a few decades of trying new things, and buying too many products.
I got tired of being ripped off with false claims.
So lm putting it out to ROI ppl only.
This folliar works like no other, up to 5x growth in 20 days.
Not even sunny days.

With a few kelp feeds.
And a folliar spray
Your yeilds and bug defenses can increase expodentially!
And it only cost a few dollars to spray over 10 plants.
Wow my thread dissapears, probably this shit tablet.

Now you know the ingrediants, its up to you to find the amounts that work.
Its not a big chore, you could ask. But not all ingrediants are made equally.
Find your happy spot and impress yourself.
You can do if you want.
No pressure!
My moustache tastes of kelp.
And l wouldnt wish this upon my worst enemy!
The true reason behind tthe thread.
Be careful while folliar spraying.
The wind is unpredictable.
Try to keep the wind to your back.
Happy growng all!
Not supposed to be pgr thread but is something that turns everyone up a notch.
Ive smoked it too!
Grow own and know what your smoking!
Only way!
I sang this post in my head because of the format.
cool story, bro.
Was just that a story, but does grow weed, chems not as needed as we think. Natural is better, saw 3x to 4x growth in first 2 weeks non foliar, then with foliar within 2 sprays same day. Unobliged party said they saw growth by 2x. So do l call out? Nope trust my ppl! Even the not so happy ones!, try them call out or keep secret? What to do? Works! I just want all 2 have! I grow trees in small pots! If 50gal is small! But way more fruit than root. Lostsa root! More fruit! Want to share, but a timeline lll entail? A month then done but watch end of run!
I see BK is here to ruin another thread bro.

He can be a dick but it seems nobody read the thread? He was called into this thread an honestly , i have never seen him so nice as he has been... You guys must be talkin the begining of the thread ?

Somebody asked him to post his pgr weed and he did....that simple...

EDIT: i just double checked and yall got him all wrong in this thread. Im NOT trying to say he has never been a dick.... Im just sayin the dude is actually cool as shit if you look past the boredness.. Hes also very wise an helpful also.
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Ewww th
He can be a dick but it seems nobody read the thread? He was called into this thread an honestly , i have never seen him so nice as he has been... You guys must be talkin the begining of the thread ?

Somebody asked him to post his pgr weed and he did....that simple...

EDIT: i just double checked and yall got him all wrong in this thread. Im NOT trying to say he has never been a dick.... Im just sayin the dude is actually cool as shit if you look past the boredness.. Hes also very wise an helpful also.

I’m like a duck when it comes to these petty trolls. They just roll off my back like water drops.