Examples of GOP Leadership

They're doing that to distract you from the fact that they're defending Barr and Trump.
They're doing that to distract you from the fact that they're defending Barr and Trump.

Chuck Hagel: The Real Threat To U.S. Democracy Is Internal

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn spoke over the weekend at a QAnon conference in Dallas and said the type of military coup that happened in Myanmar should happen in the U.S. Fmr. Sen. Chuck Hagel and fmr. Rep. Barbara Comstock discuss Flynn's remarks and the need for a Jan. 6 commission.
Yesterday, several prominent Republicans posted photos of Lee Harvey Oswald on their social media feeds includ I n Matt Gaetz and Dinesh D'Souza. A trickster sent them photos of Oswald and claimed it was their grandfather many years ago, that their grandfather was a big fan and it would mean a lot if they posted it.

The Kochs have been using Stinky to accomplish their goal of rewriting the constitution and take control of this country permanently. If they can get control of enough state governments they will call for a constitutional convention to kill democracy in this country, if they succeed America will die.
The Kochs have been using Stinky to accomplish their goal of rewriting the constitution and take control of this country permanently. If they can get control of enough state governments they will call for a constitutional convention to kill democracy in this country, if they succeed America will die.
Good god man, that is bleak.

So at what point do we have to say that luckily the Russians hacked the Koch/Republican's scam and gave us Trump's incompetent ass, exposing the entire scam so we at least now have a good shot at stopping it?

I was thinking 'How close are they' led me to this:
I think they only need 6 more states.
Crazy times.

I really hope that whatever Koch's are left end up on the court dockets along with all the other treasonous dicks that are trying to unravel our democracy so they can live like actual kings.

Kochs plan has been a open secret for many years.
Fair enough. But their online evangelical/racist scam still got hijacked out from under them since 2014. If they are not working directly with the foreign dictators too. But they are rich enough I wouldn't think they need to. At least Pre-Trump. But maybe that is naive.
The Kochs have been using Stinky to accomplish their goal of rewriting the constitution and take control of this country permanently. If they can get control of enough state governments they will call for a constitutional convention to kill democracy in this country, if they succeed America will die.
I think Trump highjacked the base and the scam, they almost had it made, until Trump came along and fucked everything up. All that money and all that effort were stolen from out under them as the base fell in love with Cheeto Jesus. They would have slowly strangled democracy from behind, now they have to attack from the front with a knife and it's become an all or nothing fight. I agree with the article's premise, to protect the rich from paying their fair share, they would have to destroy democracy and would have. Their problem now is Donald stumbled onto the stage and fucked everything up, they needed lipstick on the pig, not orange paint.

Joe or his people aren't saying shit about Trump and aren't too eager to indict him either, Joe wants all of Trump's focus to be on the republicans. When NY state indicts, tries and imprisons him, he will blame the republicans for not being loyal enough to storm the courthouse. Donald will lash out at the republicans and hopefully walk his base out of the party while he walks into a NY state prison. I believe that's why the feds are leaving the dirty work up to NY state and are taking their time with charging Trump. Donald can only see what's in front of him, or who threatens his ego and not too fucking far into the future at all and Biden or his people haven't uttered his name once.
The Kochs have been using Stinky to accomplish their goal of rewriting the constitution and take control of this country permanently. If they can get control of enough state governments they will call for a constitutional convention to kill democracy in this country, if they succeed America will die.
I'll never understand what drives these people to accumulate wealth and power as they do. I must be healthy.
Fear, insecurity, etc. Many people that are highly successful refer to it as a curse, because the same thing that drove them to high levels of success is the same thing that leaves them never truly feeling satisfied.
I'll never understand what drives these people to accumulate wealth and power as they do. I must be healthy.
They are greed driven libertarians, for many, the richer you become, the greedier you get. Logic would tell you the opposite should be true, as their needs are met, their appetites should diminish, but data says otherwise for most people. Fortunately for them, their libertarian ideology fits in quite well with racists who would rather fuck themselves and their families than form a sharing community with black and brown folks. To them they are the "other", the enemy and they are at war, in war sacrifices have to be made and hardships endured. Everything is ok as long as it "somehow" gets the black and brown folks and triggers the libs, who they perceive are allied with their enemies.

The simplest explanation that fits the facts is probably the correct one, as Occam's Razor states. This phenomena of America being the richest country on earth and still has no universal healthcare, no coherent social safety net and world's highest incarceration rate, are all explained by racism and bigotry. It explains the extreme political polarization and even the huge number of guns, it's not really the 2nd amendment, it's racism and the fact that guns are a hallmark and symbol of white tribalism. It also explains the huge military expenditures, better to waste the money than the black and brown folks get some.

People like the Koch's and other super rich rightwing nuts use this social division and any other thing they can manufacture to keep the country divided and thereby avoid paying taxes on their wealth. They are always looking for new culture war issues to exploit and have grown desperate recently, but racism and bigotry is the glue that holds them together and the only common element.