
Good looking plant. It’s very close to ready. Glad to see it because I decided to try a granddaddy purple outside this year (actually two. Buddy had one he almost killed, so he gave it to me. I brought it back to life). Got her in a 15 gallon root pouch. It’s looking great already, and the season has a long way to go.
Damn how’d he almost kill it? And if your growing outside you should get at least 12oz if done right
Yah man forsure as long as nothing was molded I wouldn't worry, but every strain is different. Its been raining here and my tent stays in garage. So I run my lights at night and off during thr day and the rain had my tents humidity 60 percent for like 7 hours out of 12. Which it normally stay 40-50percebt.
I would put them in my garage but I live in a rented house so I also pay my landlord to rent the garage so he pays for the electric. Not trying to spike his bill and him come looking to find out why it’s spiked. Lol. In the house I have the AC on to control humidity along with a mini dehumidifier in the tent itself.
Damn how’d he almost kill it? And if your growing outside you should get at least 12oz if done right
He neglected it while in the solo cup. It had fell over, and laying against the side of the cup about 6”. I repotted it up to its neck, and eventually it snapped out of it, but as you can see, it’s way behind, but healthy. 12 oz. would be nice. The weather here is sucking in the Midwest not helping out much.